Formerly THE IDEA

State University of Kentucky








No. 13





A remarkable

Cincy Contest "May Be Cancelled Because of Lack
of Practice


series of letters ap
in The Lexington

peared recently
Herald, written toy Frank Coffee, a
former State University student, a
short time before he was killed in
action 'while serving in the English
army in the Dardanelles campaign, on
November 18, 1915.
Mr. Coffee was born in Australia.
His father is an American, born in
Warsaw, N. Y. His grandmother,
Mrs. Charles Coffee, died in this city
and is buried in the Lexington Ceme
At the age of 15 he entered the Uni
versity of Kentucky in the College of
Mechanical and Electrical Engineer
,ing, in 1902. After leaving the Uni- , versity he saw newspaper service in
Canada and finally Australia, where
he was given a lieutenant's commission in the Australian contingent of
the British army.
The letters published below were
written from the front and received
by Coffee's aunt, Mrs. Sarah Clark,
117 Woodland Avenue, and other relatives. They are remarkable for their
clear and vivid descriptions and por
trayal of conditions on the fighting
line. They touch especially the humorous and pathetic phases of the life
and death of "Tommy Atkins."
Space is available for only a small
number of the most interesting letters. Selections follow:
Allan Line, R. M. S. Ionian,
Off Cyprus, Sept. 11, 1915.
(Received Nov. 1, 1915.)
Sept. 1011:30 a. m. Good sleep
last night. At 9 a. m. had parade of
Very few of them
men with
although badly crowded. Half
an hour ago we pased over the spot
where the Royal Edward was submarined. One officer aboard a S. Wales
Borderer was saved from the Royal
Edward. He was five hours in the
water, being picked up by a French
The French officers did
everything for him brandy, rubbing
Ho was just beginand everything.
ning to feel O. K. again when a British cruiser sent an officer to see him.
The Naval Johnny wore a monocle,
and this was his greeting to a man
just rescued: "Haw! Havo you a roll
of thoso who wero saved? Bah Jove!
You haven't?
How extraordinary! Good-dasir!" Not a word
of sympathy, but tho pationt nearly
laughed 'himself sick. Picture a man
calling the roll
clothed in a
of those afloat!



Allan Lino, R. M. S "Ionian,"
Lemnos Island, Sept. 13, 1915.

Dear Mill and Dan:
This belated letter is written twelve
hours after arrival in Mudros Bay,
Island of Lemnos, 40 miles (about)
from the peninsula. The campaign
here, by the way, has developed into
the largest in history, of such- a nature; and until this war of Armageddon the empire never in history has
iad such a large overseas force enApproximately
how many
British and French troops are fighting
I can not divulge, owing to the censorship; but when we finally get through
to the sea of Marmora I suppose the
world will be allowed to learn a little
of the magnitude of our operations.
And it is great to think that the
Australians and one English division
composed of the flower of the Brit
ish army, men who fought from Mons
to Marne and back to Ypres will be
entitled to the lion's share of. the
credit at the end. The New Zealanders
have fought steadily and bravely; but
the dash, snap and tenacity of our
boys has placed them in a class by
(Continued on Page 3)


Snap-Sho- ts


Will Be a Fea-

ture of the



There will be a meeting of the An-- j
nual staff Monday afternoon, January 10 at 3:30 o'clock in the Kentuck-iaoffice. Work will be pushed rapidly on getting out the 1916 book. All
Seniors are urged to visit the photographer, Spengler, within the next
three weeks. In order that the special rate will be effective all individual pictures must be in before Februn



section will bo a feaThe snap-sho- t
ture of tho 1916 Kontuckian, and all
amateur photographers are urged to
see Lawrence Heyman, who will have
inrge of this Bection.
Seniors, prominent students and faculty, and views genorally of student
life and activity will bo accepted.
Further details for tho photographers will bo announced lator by Mr.
Hoynian. Artists and cartoonists are
urged to submit drawings and cartoons, sketched, but the art staff requests that no completed drawings
be sent in until after tho original
sketches have been approved.


Horticultural, Dairy and Poultry Exhibits Excel All
Former Displays and Are Indicative of
Widened Interest.


Former State Student Gives Vivid Portrayal of
tions on. Fighting Line in Letters To
His Aunt.



With only eight days remaining before State is scheduled to open her
1916 basketball season with the University of Cincinnati at Cincinnati,
and the basketeers undergoing an enforced idleness due to a poultry show
in the armory and a fruit show in the
gym, which are the only available
floors for practice, local chances for
a win in the opener are not bright.
Those who were delegated to have
a floor put down in the auditorium
during the Holidays neglected to do
so, but now the work is being rushed
and Dr. Tigert expects to have his
squad there this afternoon. The auditorium will be the scene of all the
home games as in the past several
years, and it is well that the squad
get as much practice as possible on



Doctor Tigert said yesterday that
in view of the lack of practice that
he was making an effort to have the
opening game with Cincinnati postponed until a later date. It is hoped
that the Cincy' officials will agree. to
from the Blue and White. Vandy has
thrice met the Wildcats, losing one
and breaking even in the two other
series. This year, however, they expect to bring the strongest team that
has yet . represented them, and one
which will make the home boys outdo themselves to ward off a double
defeat. Tom Zerfoss,
star, will be seen opposed to his
brother, Captain Karl, and possibly
another brother, George, who showed
up excellently during
the basket sport this season than in
the past, because of the fact that a
rating of all the Kentucky college
teams will be possible due to the fact
that State will meet two of the K. I.
A. A. teams besides Louisville.
Aside from these contests with Kentucky teams, the greatest interest will
doubtless center in the renewal of the
animal contests with Tennessee and
Neither of these teams
has ever been able to top a series
Ms as the Ohio quintet has already
played several games and are in
More interest should be attached to
Last year's big contor, Jim Server,
probably will bo kept out of the game
because of other tasks.
Captain Zerfoss is a man who can
locate tho baskot from almost any
position on tho iloor. Gumbert played
in several of tho big games last season and is known us a valuable man.
Derrel Hart, varsity forward several
seasons ago, is a fast man, and a sure
goal thrower.
Schrader, Schwart,

(Continued oil Pago 2)

Farmers' Week opened at the Uni - In the same hall are the dairy and
versity of Kentucky Tuesday with a horticultural exhibits. Dairy products
attendance at sessions are listed from all over the State and
of the State organizations assembled the display of models for barns, silos
Considerable interest was manifested and equipment is especially Interestin the poultry, corn, fruit and dairy ing.
Heads of the horticultural show deThe Kentucky Beef Cattle Associa- clare that the fruit exhibit, with aption opened the week with a session ples the main feature, excels all forIn the chapel at 10 o'clock. President mer shows in numbers and beauty.
Barker delivered the address of welThe drill hall is crowded with what
come, congratulating the agricultur- experts pronounce an unexcelled disists on the interest showed In State- play of poultry, graduating from the
wide progress and predicting wonder- giant Light Brahma to the tiny Partful improvement and advancement of ridge Wyandotte.
The pigeon section
Kentucky as a result of their interest is remarkable for its beauty and the
and enthusiasm.
fullness of classes. In open races
The chapel was crowded to doors, there are entries from Ohio, Indiana,
while many more visitors who follow Virginia and Tennessee.
special lines in agriculture were inSeveral coups of pheasants add a
specting the displays in the corn, gorgeous touch to the exhibit. There
poultry, dairy, horticultural arid do- are numerous pens of stately turkeys
mestic science shows.
and' an extraordinarily large number
The widening of interest manifest of smiling ducks. The prizes, inin the attendance is further evidenced cluding numerous handsomv cups, will
in an enlarged participation in the be awarded this afternoon.
several competitive exhibits.
All of the shows save the domestic
The number of entries In the corn science exhibit are in the Armory
show reaches far in excess of last building. The dazzling array of work
year's list. In the gymnasium there of women and children is displayed in
is a splendid array in wliite, red, yel - 'the Educational Building.
low and speckled rows.
In compliment to the work done by
the Kentucky Experiment Station for
the. benefit of Kentucky farmers and
agricultural interests throughout the
State the following resolutions was
KEHTUCKY WESLEYAH passed Tuesday by the Beef Cattle
Association of Kentucky:
"Whereas, The Blue Grass counties
Co-eBy of Kentucky afford exceptional grazHandicapped
Lack of Practice During and pasturing facilities, and,
ing Last Days
"Whereas, We are convinced that it
is only by a system of live stock farmgirl gasket-bailer- s
are handiing that the permanent fertility of our
capped in the same way that the boys
soils can be maintained properly and
are, due to the exhibits in the gym,
the worn and exhausted soils of the
and will suffer from the lack of pracState restored to a profitable conditice, at a valuable time, too, as the
tion of agricultural productiveness,
opening of the season is near at hand.
Only two of last year's varsity,
"Whereas, The most valuable exCaptain Elsie Heller and Manager
periments are being carried on now at
Nancy Innis, are in the University,
tho Experiment Station farm in the
though Misses Frances Geisel and
fattening and proper maintenance of
Pearl Bastin, both of whom played in
animals; thereenough games to bo called veterans,
are working for positions. Miss
"Bo It Resolved by tho Beef Cattlo
Natalie Woodruff, another of last seaAssociation of Kentucky, in conven-Mo- n
son's squad, is out. Misses Mary Hamassembled, that wo do hereby
ilton, Dawn Flannory, Helen
endorse tho said Experiment Station
Cella Cregor, Lillian Haydon,
in its careful and painstaking efforts
and Sarah Harbison are among others
looking to tho development and betterup best in tho practlco
who showed
ment of the live stock interests of tho
before tho holidays.
Stato and to tho gradual improvement
Tho girls will practico at tho audiof our agriculturo in all its phases;
torium as soon as it is in readiness,
and that wo do hereby heartily and ununtil "Farmers' Week" is ovor, when
equivocally endorse tho energetic and
tlioy can get back into tho gym again.
persistent efforts on behalf of tho livo
Thero will bo a lively scramble for
stock interests of the State, of tho diposition among tho last year subs and
rector of said Experiment Station and
(Continued on Page 2)
(Continued on Page 5)





Burk-holde- r,
