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Admmzstrrztzon 1  
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Board of Trustees FACULTY MEMBERS    
Robert \rV. Rudd, Department of Agricultural Eco- l `
Ex-orrmcro nomics, University of Kentucky, ]une SO, 1971 1 R
1·<>l11€ B- Nunn, C<>vcr¤<>r, 11Ti1¤1<10Y1, K€¤t¤C1¤¤g1<>¤» Ksmckyy Im 30: 1972 1=
tion, Frankfort, Kentucky rv
_ _ _ _ NON·VO'1`ING S'I`UDEN'I` 1\r[El\IBER
]. Robert Miller, Commissioner of Agriculture, Frank- ]>
tort, Kentucky Tim Futrell, President, Student Government, May 1970
MEMBERS orrrcms or rm; noun
Mrs. Rexford   Blazer, Ashland, Kentucky, December COM Louie B' Nunn, Chuifmfm H
31, 1970 Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman
B. lludsgn Milner, Glenview, Kentucky, December 31, MrS_ Rcxtord Blazer, Secretary A
A. B. Chandler, Versailles, Kentucky, December 31, 1(
1 1 . . . . .
97 Admmzstratwe Orgamzatrzon
George \V. Griffin, ]r., London, Kentucky, December _
gr, roy} Otis A. Singletary, President
Dr. Nr Nr Nrcnnlns Owcnsbnrn Kentucky December Alvin L. Morris, Vice President for Administration
31, 1971 Lewis \V. Cochran, Vice President for Academic Affairs
[.·r(,rtr [L yvrrgrrty Lcxrrrgtorry Kcrrttrckyy Dcccmbcr grr A. D. Albright, Vice President for Institutional Planning
1972 Glenwood L. Creech, Vice President for University
Albert G. Clay, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, December Sl, RCMMIOMS
1972 Robert G. Zumyvinkle, Vice President for Student
lesse M. Alyerson, ]r., Paris, Kentucky, December 31, Affairs
roy; \Villiam Robert \Villard, Vice President for the Albert
A _ _ _ B. Chandler Medical Center
Richard l•.. Cooper, Somerset, Kentucky, December ul, _ _ _
WT; lloyyard L. Bost, Assistant Vice President for the Albert
B. Chandler Medical Center
Ariuryrur MEMBERS George ]. Ruschell, Acting Vice President for Business
Robert ll. Ilillenmeyer, Ilillenmeyer Nurseries, George- Agnus and Tmmlmr at thc Ulmicmty
town Road, Lexington, Kentucky, December 31, lillis liord llartford, Vice President for Community
1970 College System
rrrrrrcs [[_ r>t.rrt»C_ L(,rrr,\»rr]t._ Kt.rrtrrt.kr_ pt.CCrrr],Cr gr, Maurice Stanley \\iall, Associate Dean, Community
roy] I College System
·t·hnrn_n ts BCH I Cnnnrnn Kr_ntnr_k\. Dnccrnbcr gt lilbcrt \\’. Ockerman, Dean of i\dmission and Registrar
1971 Keller   Dunn, Associate Dean of Admissions