Area III. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES A. ECO 260 Principles of Economics (3)
_ _ _ _ t _ ECO 261 Principles of Economics (3)
The general studies requirement in tlus area may be satis- B_ SOC 101 Introductory Sociology (3)
fied by choosing one of the following two sequences: plus one Of the following:
A_ BIQ loo Biology (3) SOC 152 Modern Social Problems (3)
Bl() l()l Biology (3) SOC 220 The Community (3)
B_ BlO goo goiioiol Biology l (3) C. ANT 120 Human Ancestry (3 )
BIO 20] Goiioiol Biology [ (Lab) (2) ANT 121 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
B10 202 Genera] BWIOEY H (3) D. Any two of the following:
B10 203 G¤¤¤r¤1 B¤<>1<>gy 11 (Lab) (2) Eco 260 Pririeipies of Economies (s)
GEO 152 Regional Geography of the \’Vorld (3)
Arco I\f' FOREIGN LANGUAGE PS 151 American Government (3)
A student may satisfy the general studies requirement in Amo \/lll_ BEHAVIQRAL SQIENCES
foreign language by passing the fourth semester course in one
loiigtmgo or by domottstmtittg oqtttyglont Conlpctcncc by A student may satisfy the general studies requirement in
examination the Behavioral Sciences by completing one of the following
Area V. HUA/IANITIES: LITERATURE, ART, A. PSY 104 Basic Psychologyl (3)
PSY 106 Basic Psychology ll (3)
B. PSY 210 General Psychology (3)
The general studies requirement in the humanities may be PS 201 Introduction to Political Behavior (3)
satisfied by choosing one of the following options:
A. ENG 261 Survey of Western \’Vorld Literature: A student who wishes to substitute an upper division
*0111 thc Gt¤¤11·g11 thc Rcumssancc (3) course in the same department for a course listed in
OR the General Studies Component program may do so
ENG 262 Suflcy ¤1“’¤S*¤¤1 Ivofld Litcmfum with the approval of the dean of the college in which
from 1660 to the Present (3) r rl ( t . _ r tr I . _ r tr I 4 t (
Plus (mc Or the rorrowiugc lie p ans o malor ant I ic tc iairman o ie c epar men
_ . _ . . ._ in wlnch the substitution is to be made.
A-ll 200 Art-History Survey: Primitive to . . . .
Mcdrcwrt Art ‘ (3) lsach entering student will be assigned a faculty
A-H 201 Art.}-listory Survey; Reimissonee to member as an adviser. The student's adviser will help
\IUS1\1l)oOd)erfi Arg to M (   him decide upon a program of study and will explore
1 .. ntro uc ion to usic .· · . ». _. . ‘ . - . H ‘ ·
MUS 201 Music in \VCS(Cm Civilization (3) with him an over all plan for his yy orlt at the Unix ersity,
_ the choice of a vocation, and graduation requirements.
B‘ OPC“BO;1y/G2;tildcnts who have Completed O1>¤¤¤S A Of The adviser will be able to provide the student with
PHI 200 hmodugtion (O Philosophy (3) ilC§lll';ltC information concerning the University.- After
PIYII 230 Ethics (3) iepmg thc student to decide his college work load.
he will approve the schedule. Students who are un-
Arca Vt. I_1IS'1'()RY decided on a field of study will be advised to con-
centrate on courses contained in the areas listed previ-
··’\ $t11dC11t 11191* $¤11$fY H10 8€t1€1i1l $1}1d1€$ 1'€<11111€111C11t 111 ously. Students will gain a background from this pro-
111S1<>¤’ bli mw (mc of thc f"ll°""“g °Pf‘°“Si gfillll that should help them to choose intelligently the
,(_ lcllg 104 A llistoty of Eutotio to 1713 (3) fields in which they will concentrate.
111S 105 A History of Europe, 1713 to Present (3) The University offers the entering student an environ-
B_ rllg 108 I—IiStOry of the U_g_ Tliiotigli 186; (3) ment wherein he may achieve a genuine understanding
HIS 109 llistory of the U.S. Since 1865 (3) of the world and find his place in it. In the University `
C_     Tho Allgigrlf Noor East gud Crcgqc tr) llC SIlOlll(l COl1lC to llIl(lCl`SI2lll(l better lllS role 2lS Ll
the(Death (of Alexantler the Great (3) citizen who participates in decisions on issues and
U15 230 11¤¤ Ilcllclllsfm lvofld fmd Romc to policies. Ile should develop a love for truth, an inde-
the Death of Constantine (3) - _ _· · _
_ W _ pendenee of ludgment, and a respect for the conxictrons
D-       to gas; gf? 1_S’{)S5O I;) of others. These are some of the characteristics of a
“ K ar as mm ( ( liberal education—the University`s goal for all of its
7 _ _ graduates. In addition, it offers many areas of specializa-
Afcu \ U' SOCIAL SCULNCPS tion leadin to a variety of career op >ortunities in the
Q l 1
A student may satisfy the general studies requirement by arts. HIC SCWUCUS and the l)Y0fU$$10“$· IIVJSC MC (mb
completing one option; lined elsewhere in this catalog.