6. U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: (t0 be assigned)
Filed: November 19, 2009
Title: "Diacylglycerol Acetyltransferase Sequences and Related Methods”
Inventors: Drs. David Hildebrand (Plant and Soil Sciences), Runzhi Li
(Biochemistry) and Tomoko Hatanaka (outside inventor)
Technical Description: This invention relates to diacylglycerol acetyltransferase
(DGAT) sequences and methods of using them. In particular, the invention
relates to novel nucleic acid and amino acid sequences for DGAT and methods of
using those sequences to increase production of epoxy fatty acids.
Su1nmary: Plant seed oils may one day replace petroleum as the source of many
industrial compounds. One interesting class of plant seed oils is the epoxy fatty
acids, which are useful in the production of dyes, paints, adhesives, and plastics.
Unfortunately, plant species which are amenable to agriculture do not contain
high concentrations of epoxy fatty acids in their seeds. The inventors have
discovered the genetic sequence of DGAT, which is responsible for the
production of epoxy fatty acids in seeds. This enables DGAT genetic material to
be introduced into agricultural crops, increasing the concentration of epoxy fatty
acids in their seeds.
7. U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: (to be assigned)
Filed: November 19, 2009
Title: "Compounds and Methods for Reducing the Occurrence of Post-Surgical
Inventors: Drs. Thomas D Dziubla, Eugene Kaplan and John Mark Medley
(Chemical and Materials Engineering)
Teclmical Description: This invention relates to compounds and methods for
reducing the occurrence of post-surgical adhesions. In particular, this invention
relates to reducing adhesions using polymeric compounds comprised of acrylic
acid groups and ethylene glycol.
Su1nmary: Post-surgical adhesions occur when surgically damaged human tissue
becomes attached to adjacent tissue. These adhesions frequently cause new
problems, leading to more than $1 billion spent each year for corrective surgery.
The inventors have developed a class of compounds which, when applied to
surgically injured tissue, reduce the forrnation of post-surgical adhesions.
8. U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: (to be assigned)
Filed: December 3, 2009
Title: "Method for Supplementing the Diet and Ameliorating Oxidative Stress”
Inventor: Dr. Boyd E. Haley (Chemistry)
Teclmical Description: This invention relates to the field of dietary supplements
for mammals and, more particularly, to methods reducing oxidative stress through
dietary supplementation.
Su1nmary: Oxidation is a naturally occurring chemical reaction that has the
capacity to injure or kill the cells of living tissues. Exposure to heavy metals such
as mercury and lead can drastically increase the amount of harrnful oxidation in
the tissues of animals. The inventor has developed a class of compounds which,