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\€   I , A Jg‘_,   ;;;     `   ie,    
(_     V   . A _’V-‘1=Qfj,-iv Highlighting 1984 activities by alumni     jr, \ if  i` 
      .'       .   clubs were derby parties held in 21 cities e   1   ‘ i ‘ / I} .
‘     _ ._ .._»   '°"“"’{  ii throughout the United States, Northern i   *‘ —l>_ .'   ` .
``ZV i` i. `i:`     ’‘-—` _   Kentucky and Jefferson County club _·,. _   '   i`?·¢_/.’. ll
V     , i_t_» V   _, . __   golf outings, a number of summer pic- _     A   =l` P I", g
I   -—~i   ‘Vi»   nics, and UK game bus trips and listen- A ? ’ Q X i A  ’ J ’  1 _  ·
  ing parties. Jefferson County also   L       ’  ‘ 
  initiated an all-American award to in   . vt V   r» ' ,
‘ ‘ honor an outstanding alumnus born, C;    Q ` 3;,;;*1,  
living or working there. The first award       i`
was presented to Ralph Beard.     l   f
Club speakers included President Otis ’i`i   °·   · I
Alumni Plesldenl Bill F'¤“€l$ ,68 $P€¤l<$ ¤l Singletary, other academic and athletics iii     V-
Commencemem administrators, UK’s various football, l//    
basketball and baseball coaches and i ’ ill
’63 of Walton; District 6’——Russell V. alumni jeff Van Note, Sam Ball, Frank '
Skinner ’48 of Mt. Sterling; District 9—— Ramsey, and Larry Conley. l
Ann Brand Haney ’71 of Nancy and Each club was asked to establish a ‘
Ralph McCracken jr. of Pineville (two membership committee to promote the Alumni enioyed The fun Gnd Sun in gechle GS
years); District ]O—William H. Evans renewal of memberships in the national part of the National Associations charter to the
,39 of Li1’1COln, N.H., DZi.S`ZfiL`£ ]]—·S2II`1'1· 355()Ci3_tion_ l\/[embers Of the cgmmittgg lilnol Four.
mic Guy ’61 of Falls Church, Va.; Dz`s— contact, personally or by telephone, area
lrict ]2—Roger Mick ’68 of Brentwood, alumni whose dues are about to expire. Selected for outstanding club awards
T€¤¤-Q Di5¢riv¢13—L1<>yd Caudill ,67 of Results of this procedure are being in 1984 were Ashland-Boyd County
NaP€l$, Fla.; Dlflflid ]4—L0¤l$ B· monitored. (large in·state), Christian County
Garrictt _l1"- ,60 of Painesville, Ohio; Alumni club-sponsored scholarships (small, in-state), Southern California-
District ]5—_]aquelyn Emrick Murphy continued to increase in number and Los Angeles (large, out—of-state), and
,76 of Sl- Louis, M0- and District ]6_ amount. This year 14 clubs raised over Birmingham, Ala. (small, out—of·state).
David B- Dick ,56 Of Dallas, T€X¤$· $10,000 locally to support scholarships An award of merit went to the Dallas,
lVl01”€ than 7,500 alumni Out of an €l‘ at the Lexington or a community college Texas, club and a most improved award
igible 20,155 returned a ballot in this campus to the Indianapolis, Ind., club. Criteria
election. Greatest in-state participation used to select the award recipients are
occurrtiedhin Eiitrict 2 where 42éjB   club arganizationkmembership percent-
cent o t e a ots were returne . e a e and variety o activities.
counties ofAdair, Allen, Barren, Breck— ( _ (_ gThree clubs were organized in 1984.
inridge, Bullitt, Butler, Clinton, Cum- 1 Y _ 2 _ ` The Cumberland Valley club divided it-
berland, Daviess, Edmundson, GYaY· - _ 2 _ ` i self into separate East and V\'est groups.
SOD, GF€€11, Hancock, l`l&F€ll¤, Hall, _,,.  .,:   . i g ___ Alumni in Boyle County and in South-
Larue, Logan, Meade, .Metcalfe, Mon-   . ..  i   p ,  west Florida also formed new clubs.
roe, Ohio, Russell, Simpson, Taylor .      · E  gggvit i
and Warren cOmpr1§?D1§tr1Ct 2' \  _ (xi i   t , iii .  Clili Hogon '54 ond Fronk Romsey '54 poke ton
Out`0f`Stat€ Partlclpauon was great`     , _ -"°°` at eoch other during Reunion weekend, Former
` est in District 11 with 41.5 percent re- g `  __  2 \      ~  all-American bosketbolh tezintnotes SIQ UKA
spending. States in District 11 are Q-  i   4   ·‘ ,1  _ **090*1 lé "OW di'€€l°' G Ol €'€$ O ¤“
mi-¤d» Nggl ¤;r;;¤a»,Yi¤gt¤-»     4*/ 7  $2:2:;.1t.t,r;$2;e;;.i.L.l2t.;;i,r:,22.;%
as in on, . .an est lr 11113.   .1* _     Y ~
gt g ;.   i? /2  
. \ . 4
 *-2 .   F  \’   .