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Assets 1983 1984
Cash and cash equivalents $ 241,928 $ 386,130
Cash on deposit with University of Kentucky 14,771 15,482
Accounts receivable 3,963 $ 3 ,091
Investments, at cost 946,543 659,994
Inventories 16,144 13,219
Total Assets $1,223,349 $1,077,916 —-
Accounts payable $ 15 ,666 $ 11,594
i Other liabilities 13,035
Deposits held in custody for others 12,285
Deferred membership dues 40,682 39,205
Total Liabilities $ 81,668 $ 50,799
" Fund Balances
House fund 13,732 15,314
Awards and scholarships fund 40,888 45,234
Life membership fund 1,037,811 896,994
Student activities fund 48,450 46,368
Future operations (9,880) 12,527
Special project 10,680 10,680
Total Undesignated 800 23,207
Total fund balances 1,141,681 1,027,117
Total liabilities and fund balances $1,223,349 $1,077,916 (
~ Accompanying notes are an integral part ey' the eompletejinaneial statement which is available at the UK Alumni Association qfiee, 400 Rose {-·
Street, Lexington K Y 40506-0119. hz
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