l _
tion. He is first vice president pany in 1970 after eaming his Systems, Inc. in Indianapolis, of 14 members, playing the K i
and chief financial officer of the bachelor’s degree in chemical Ind. He is a member of the In- Motown sound on weekends in i
First Security National Bank engineering from UK. He is a stitute of Electronic and Electri- Lexington. { S
and Trust Co., in Lexington. life member of the UK Nation- cal Engineers, the International ——- V r
KCEE operates a center for alAlumni Association. Society of Professional Engi- · {
economic education at UK and —-— neers, and the National Society Eng`]- Diigoto ,73 lg/is bgcn in  r
seeks to increase the economic Johnnie An Ra] h ,70 · of Professional Engineers. name pmsl cm O . .1-rc Ors .  <
nnrsninnin nf chnnnin in in   is Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of '~
un g head of maICrl3.l SCFVICCS at tl'1C   Orrefors Glagbruk of Sweden, .
the elementary and secondary Cal Statc U¤iVci'SitY San Ronald Dean I-lei-rington amanufacturer offine crystal. T
“’h°°ls °'i ‘h° mm Btimardind ;ili>)i5=¤ry· SEC isi dc- ’71, *78 nee been appointed tii- T t
Vc 0Pmg a I 10gmP Y 0 Vc' rector of traffic en ineerin for · ~ ,
john A. Blakeney ’68 has sources about the Inland Em- li L · _F g Ugb   Vance Smith ,72’ Of V t
. . . . . . t C cxlngwn aY°“° r an Paintsville has been honored S
been promoted to senior brand pire which will be available in (jounty Gevernmene He has b in K’ { ii Ph . i r
manager for Canadian Mist the Huntington Libra in Pas- b ‘ ‘ Y F . cn ui: Y arniaqsts
FY een sewing as transportation Association as its 1984 I, t v
and vice president of B—F Spir- adena, for those interested in engineer for the Bluegrass Area r ih A H R b. rrgclpicni. i il
its Ltd. of Louisville. He was studying San Bemardino histo- Devl Di ri A ‘ O S ,,` ` O ms OW O
. . . copmcnt st °t· nanvc Hygeia Award for outstand-
most recently the national ry. A librarian at Cal State for of Bgurbgn County, Herring- in Cnmninnit scwi E b h _
brand manager for Old Forest- 14 years, she has written sever- ‘ el lr b h l ’ g . . Y . C Y P ar ‘
- i . . . . ton rcccwc is ac cor S and mac1sts Smith 1S the owner of b
er Bourbon and Usher s al blbllOgI`3PhlCS on local histo- rnasrer*s degrees in Civil engi- the Pnintsvinn Ciin. Ph _
Scotch. ry for distribution to other li- neering {rein UK_ Before iOin_ mac IC at A P
. . . . . _ y. . C
  braries. This b1bl1ography will ing the Bluegrass Area Devel- .
Fred Ei ;4B0n Fuguazzi 769 be pUbllSl'1€Cl il'] Il'1C   Cdi- Opment District in   he . if
has become a member of the tion ofiHeritage Tales, the anno- worked as ri project engineer james S. Callender ’72 is n
L C X   ri g t O n I ai W H rm 0 f al pllbilCa.[lOI`l ofthe City of San for the Kentucky Department the manager cf SnPPOYt Opera'- . l
. Mcnnn/nn McGinnis, Lnsiin & Bernardino Historical and pie- 0fTi.iinSpnrtannn in Frankfern tionsifor the Reliance Electric *2
Kirkland neet Society, for which she has Cd- ¤¤ Pamdsvdld. Ohio- Hc
served on the board of directors ddmdd his b¤¢hd<>r’S ddsrdc in
for several years. She received .     mechanical c¤Si¤cc¥`i¤§· Ci
C. Ronald Lovan ’69 ’71 her masieris de · ·  
_ _ _ . ’ gree m hbrary   =~·    m (I
E a prgclnal cl-igmf{crLf0r science from UK.  J ''V`‘_ i   `'”»i   Jerry A_ Fnrrew 772 is a ol
ennoy ngmeers nc. in ex- A ‘ c ‘ _ _ _ hi
i in inn. HC named both his   contractispecialist with the A
beineiere end master’s degrees R°b°°°¤ L- B“*h°¤S ’7°   ._..   i U‘S‘ Mm? D°Pa"m"'.‘ of ii]
from the University in civil has Completed her intemship at A Vlvri       TF€·&SUFY, ID San Francisco, rf
engineering Yale University and has joined     .i k. Cznln After earning his b{’·chc' I;
tht! University of Cincinnati for       l0I` iS diegreei from UK with a ci-
a dermatology residency   in ri      I   ITi3_]O1' U1 SOC10l0gy, he attended
Robcft W- Young wig has ’     i    graduate school at the Univer- b‘
ii>¢¤¤ idariidd _¢h¤<=f <>i§¤§¤¤g if-   sity of Cincinnati. pl
cer or exmgton 1n1c’s n- H Dwi ii , tu
. g t Kroger 71 has ,
dependence Health Plan of been nrnmntcd in executive i C0zatta"C0zy ’Helm ’7i, Martin D S it ,73 _ bi
Kentucky, a new pre-paid vice president nr thc Winihin 73 has been promoted to di- · cc IS. ¤ or
hcalth plan. He formerly veterinary products division OI;. rector of food technology at the gntn tgnnhci at €n=¤tr¤1 Jgnior he
ei ei ‘ttt . . K`th fS L,hd- lg °°°m cme 1°—
?»`iL"`§ee?Et£5‘E`Z.°’ti§`i?Z.i’Z.et§’ *23,S**,;’;*·.g,,iga;5;;;;;*1¤;§ eéeitiifii in D:;ific1ci?I11.cShc He t attt d his   detect Zi
Cabinet for Human Resources is N};/V Ynik incininn in 112978 joined Sara Lee as a food teeh- m acmspacc cnglnccrlng Bc
dealing with health care cost ’ nologist in 1976 and was pro-  ` se;
. . as a product manager and was _
‘ containment issues. He re- . moted to group leader and to Stephen F. Bosley ’73 is the In
i . . . promoted to director of market . . . . .
ceived his medical degree from innnin in 1983 and in dii_cC_ manager IH 1982. A Danville executive vice pres1dentof_]ohn lOl
the UK College of Medicine. For ni- gains and marketing n native, she earned her bache- Galt, Inc. in Owensboro. He is Ch
m . . . . lor’s degree in home economics a member of the Kentuck S - sic
. P h Y 0
ZEZTPSE; nlgoing) L0l$:hgni;§ and a master’s degree in nutri- ciety of Professional Engineers, ha
inninsnnintivn with Pitman tion and food science from UK. the National Society of Profes- th<
Moore rnci He nnrncd his jfiinnig ?;§g;1inCng;i’1e Institute zional Enggneers, the Pnmegcan 19
b h i , d · i S. oncrete nstitute, t e on-
  frzinciflgé cgrcc m ZOO ogy   struction Specifications Insti· i
  __; Charlie snuck 971 is the tute and a life member of the dn
b Mark Lngi1l‘l1\ltt¢;70 h8S william R Hanan ,71 has lead singer with the Ti·endel]s_   liiitlonal   A;$?Cia' Opi
CCU ¤¤m€ 1F€€¢01” 0 manu- ' _ He has been singing with bands n°n· C came is ac c Uris '
teeming for Ashland Carbon i’;°°“ P'°ii"°‘°dk‘“fi_h° Us- for more than 20 years He degree in m·=¤h¤¤i<¤¤1 ·=¤gi-  
Fibers in Ashland. As. head of Cinrgiiinio tifnrzig d°c iiutcggln started singing at 14 in Louis- n°°nng· of i
ihls ncWlY fcrmcd d¤V¤$¤0¤» he . ' p Y ville, his hometown. After two mm fest
is res nnsibie for rnanni·aeinr_ judge advocate for the 24th In- . . *
_   i , , , . years with a neighborhood Leon Brangers ’73 a First nat
in this new rod tl _ fantry Division. He received . . . ’
S P uc mc, PTO . band, he _]0lnCd The Trendells Securit Bank em lo ee for th
d d i· I · h his law degree from UK. - . . ’ Y P Y c al I
ucc rom pctro cum puc m 1964. He has been with dif- last ll years, recently gradua- Mc
wnhninic ntrcngihn Ofnstccl fit i ferent forms of the band off and ted from the School for Bank eari
(Ten I ii Ewing in n mmvc _ St“nlcY Pcrcn BcntlcY_ 71 On Slncc [hcn· In 1978, he Administration. He was among met
0 usse , e iome t e com- is the president of Diversified formed the present-day group 500 bankers who completed the UK