Vicki Kemper ’79 has would guarantee her a certain for private homes. A Lexington Doyle Freano jr. ’82 has i ]
joined The Baltimore Sun as sales number of shows each week native, she recently completed moved his family dental prac- (
manager in the classified adver— and a comfortable salary. She her reign as Miss Kentucky. ticc to the Lansdowne Shoppes l
tising department, She former- has occasionally been hired for in Lexington, s
ly served live years with King "The Guiding Light,” “The · r
Features Syndicate, selling fea- Edge of Night," "One Life to t
tures and services to newspa- Live" and "All My Children." Carey Ellis ’81 has taken , r
pers in the northeast. She also —  the stage name of Catherine Tnresii Ann isaac 83, ii a
worked for the New York Syn- Andrew R_ Beto 780 is a n_ Carey (her grandmotheris L¢><·¤s*¤¤ iawycn hai been 2
dicate and Qziest magazine. A nancial planning analyst in the name) and portray-5 the maid elecltlcdéo the board of directors I
Louisville native, she holds a l- on the popular daytime drama, 0 r C cnlrnl K€rltu€kY Ch3P‘
_ _ natural resources group o the H _ _ _ H { h A . C. .1 . e
bachelor’s degree in English W·R· Grace & C0_ in New TheGu1d1ngL1ght. She has r€r_0 *6 l m€rl€¤¤ Wl Llb‘ tp
from UK, and is a resident of York N·Y· HC earned his been studying drama in New Crrlcs Union; She will 3150 tl
B6l€lm0T€ City, Md· baelielorts degree in Civil cngi_ York since majoring in theater ;;?é‘fU&i Chlalfworllagi oligglge _ [I
· · has la ed bit cga Pane Or · ‘
neermg from UK and his mas- arts at UK» and _ P Y . . . . c
, . ._ parts in sorne movies and ap- lsaac 1S the ass1stant d1rector of , A
;;rOs—{i]egg·§;lei;rom the UHIVCTSI pcarpd in Ogtnroadway pi.O_ paralegal programs at Eastern   Q
  _ duotions_ Kentucky UDIVCTSIKY.
i Dari R. Tritt ’81, a first . , . i
tt.............. in the Us At. —— [}‘rl}r·=**D¤v*·* W=2*ijM3*S
jenny K. Miller ’80 has Force, has eornplered the U_S_ Charles E. Acree ’81, a first iij gilding cnlggnccibwii xXI(;n’ .
been named manager for the Air Force rnili in ri - lieutenant in the U.S. Air ‘ ‘ ‘ in pw icanst a"
d- · · l- U · d mw doot mi d He earned his bachelor’s de
cnstcrn ·v·S¤¤n ¤ nitc tatm rtirmedattti service enters Fnrcc. hnsbccn ccnrnrcd with . . . . . ‘
Leaseshares, the Louisville- at Sheppard Air Force Base in the U.S. Air Force Commen- gmc in civil engineering from
based company leasing equip- Texas She is now stationed at dation Medal at Reese Air the Umvcrsiiih
ment and vehicles. The seven- the Wilford Hall Air Force Force Base in Texas. He is a
year-old company currently Medical Center in San Anro- student pilot with 64th Student ———-;
leases more than $13 million nio’TeXas_ Squadron. Mitchell A_ Stone 783, a
wnnh ni ¢q¤ii>m<=n¢ ¤n