The Sounds of Summer i _ Vietnom Experience i
  Summer Sounds 85 will feature sev-   —
en free concerts and recitals as well:
Classical music will be in the spotlight June 8LMiCha€l Fogler and facuityI The eacperiences of Kentucky soldiers in · C4
in june when the University of Ken- Cbanibcr Music with guitar, at 8 b_rri_ the Vietnam War will be recounted in a te
iucky presents Summer Sounds 785, a in the Recital Han; June 9_SChuYi€r television oral history program being i FY
series of ten concerts and recitals in the Robinson, Organ, at 3 n_na_ in thc Con- p1'0Cll1C€Cl at the University of Ken- lol
i. UK Cerller fer the Arts- Speueered by cert Hall and Guitar Workshop Stu- toekY· _ all
the UK Cellege nf Flrle Arts, School nf dents Recital at 8 p.m. in the Recital A $1946 gram awarded by the Kell`
Music, and University Extension, Sum- Ha11;Junc 117Thc Concord Trio at 8 tueky Oral History Commission will Q in
mer Sounds ’85 will feature perform- n_in_ in thc Recital Hai]; fund the project in part—a joint effort 5 in
i ances by guest artists and School of Junc 16_.patricia MontgomcryI pia- of UK’s Office Ole lnSt1”uCti0n&l Re-  ` lrr
Music faculty members. The following noI at 3 n_rn_ in thc Rccitai Ha1l;Junc $o¤r`€€$ and the UK Library Oral His- R‘
sueat artists will appear in Summer 21—juh1or String Orchestra Concert, {OW Pmgram- _ e‘
` Sounds *35; Judy Vascki Conductor, at 7 pImI in I About 15 Kentucky veterans will be M
, Juno 6—Rebert Guthrie, Classical the Recital Hall; and june 23—Lucien lotervlewed e¤·eamera» represerlrlrlg a m°
i guitarist, at 8 p.m. in the Recital Hall. Star-kI nianoI at 3 n_ni_ in thc Rccitaj dlYol”$€ F&¤§€ ef S0€1&l backgrounds and h
I-le was recently named one of today’s Hair mllllorY experieneee, Sold preieet €llr€€· t '
g leading gUl[3.I`lSIS   the Gllildf P[l1_}l€?' Summer Sounds ,85 is   in Con- tor Pool Leveque of   Excerpts Of br"
i Magazling readera’ pell· The New l/Wk junction with a series of workshops pre- those interviews will be used in a one' pe
Times called him "a guitarist of intelli- sented by thc UK School of MuSic_ hou? Program to be aired on cable and he
` Soooo and $oo$lllVltY·ii Music students from 'unior h` h h ol eoueeoooel televlslorr
June 13-the Fine Ans Quarter, nne through cout-ge will eeceive iiitriiitiim Terry Birrlwhiarelli eeerdiaarer ef the %*
of worldls great chamber €1'1S€Il'1bl€S, HI on guitar, chamber music, strings, key- oral History Program? will eorlduet the UO
3 n_rn_ in inc Rccira] Hair This is thc board, and band interviews and determine the themes to mi
quartct’s second appearance at the UK be eevered.
Center for the Arts; their first was dur- iiwo would like to give Vietnam vet- Cal
ing [hc 1933-34 University Artist Sc-   erans the chance to present their own be
ries. According to the New York Times, .   i   nag, €P1S€," Birdwhistell said. "Whi1t=; there we
"the players still live up to their t \ ` i t   has been a lot written about the veter- » `
U narnc_·iincr bcing tbc bcrfcct atiicc- —.` _   _ . .i;g _     ans, certain viewpoints have been given I mt
_ tivcjr ,V     »  it     , i   more exposure than others." {01
Juno 20_Armc_Maric McDcrmottI {      _ ¤     t\‘  Birdwhistell pointed out that the pro- Ol
pianist, at 8 p.m. in the Recital Hall. ¥         _`  gram Will Hot bf? 21 l11Sf0FY ofthe Con- err
i The winner ofthe 1983 Young Concert [re nr   ,—.» ·   it   fliet, but Y&tii€1` will examine how it lat
i Artists International Auditions, she was    Q   ifi   affected the lives of thgsg who partici- tre
deemed "a keyboard virtuoso" by the C   .. i t   fi pated.
War/zingtmz Post. 1 i er A i" · The program, being produced by :··»
Tickets lor guest artist performances Britt Déwls ef OIR, Should be F€3dY for Q
are $5 regular, 153 for students and sen- Round the Clock broadcast by November 1985. l E
ior citizens; series tickets for all three   UK history Professor George C, Het-- » §
pcrlormanccs are $10. Tickets may be _ _ _ _ _ ring, author of two books on the Viet- é
purchased at the UK Center for the Umllgersliy gid:) Steumgi WBfKYl;S {gow nam war, is serving as historical , E
Arts ticket ofhce, at the Rose Street en- on { ,€ ele Ours, e ey’ Or t c rst Consultant. i E
trance, l`rom noon to 4 p.m., Monday time m re 44-year hlsiorlo i 2
I ·_ I I i _ Don Wheeler, station manager, said =
through Saturday. Tickets may be re- 1984 { 1 f h UK E
served by calling the ticket office at was a Success U Veer Or t c _ E
(606) 257_Iio2o V owned and operated station. One pro- E
` ` i gram, he said, One Nzght Stand, featured E
on Saturday night, is now syndicated to
24 other public radio stations nation-
wide. For WBKY, he added, “the pro-
gram is a source of prestige in the pub-
lic radio business, not to mention an ex-
tra source of income."