Christian County has an Up-to-Date Creamery

     Her metropolis-Hopkinsville--is the second largest tobacco
 market in the world.
     She has the most commodious and best equipped High School in
 the State. This building was erected in 1913, and is the pride of
 both county and city.
     She has the best wheat market in the South.
     Her milling industry is the largest in the State outside of Louis-
 ville. Her three flouring mill plants have a capacity of 2,500 bax-
 rels of flour per day.
    She is the home of the famous Mogul Wagon, which is doing
service throughout the United States and is fast gaining favor in the
Old World. This wagon plant covers 15 acres of ground, and has a
capacity of 12,000 per year.
    There are six live, progressive, thrifty towns within the borders
of Christian county, in the order of size and importance as follows:
Hopkinsville, population 13,000; Pembroke, Crofton, Lafayette, Fair-
view, Gra cey.
    Christian county has five ra'lroads passing into or through its
borders. There is no section of the county but what is convenient to
a railroad station: L.  N. R. R., main line from St. Louis to Pensa-
cola; L  N. R. R., Princeton  ClaXksville Division; I. C. R. R.,
Evansville Division; T C. R. R., from Hopkinsville to Nashville and
other Southern points, Cadiz R. R., from Gracey to Cadiz, Ky. These
railroads are busy lines. are well equipped and bear a. large share
of our tax burdens.
    Christian count, is the home of the Western State Hospital,
which is one of th" handsomest and most substantial of our State
institutions. The buildings have cost approximately 400,000.  A
model dairy barn and hog house has just been completed.
    More King Drags are in use on Christian county's public roads
than any other county in the State. She has more miles of maca-
damized 'roads than any other county West of Louisville. She ha.s
approximately 350 miles of macadamized roads. All the main roads
leading into Hopkinsville are now macadamized, a number of them
to the adjoin'ng county or State line.
    Christian county was the first county in the State to employ an
Agricultural Agent or Adviser. This employment was made before
State aid was available. Her first venture was to employ a young,
obscure Englishman named Geoffrey Morgan, who has in more recent
years acquired some reputation and fame. It is with some 'degree
of modesty we claim him as one of Christian county's products.
    Christian county was the birth-place of Jefferson Davis.  He
was born at Fairview on June 3, 1808. The Russellville Pike leads
from Hopkinsville to Fairview. just 9 miles. The Jefferson Davis
Memorial Park has been formally ded'cated and Is now open to the
public. This park is located on the Davis farm. When finally com-
pleted it will be in every way an appropriate and fitting memorial
to the distinguished leader of "The Lost Cause."
    Cbrist an county was the home of Adelbert, the King of the
American Stud. This noble horse was owned by Williams  Radford.
He produced more winners than any other stud in  America.   His
fame was on two continents. His colts sold at Sara.toga Park, N. Y.,

        Christian Countv has Sixteen Active Farmers Clubs