|4) The large loving cup offered by the Hoard's
     Dairyman for the best judging of the four breeds of dairy
     cattle.  Fourteen universities were represented in this

     At the International Live Stock Exnosition in 1913,
the students from this institution won the contest for the
best judging of American Saddle hourses and was awarded the
large silver loving cup offered by the American Saddle Horse
Breeders Association. The contestants in this contest cpme
from the Universities of Missouri, Iowa, Texas and Kentuciy.

     In 1913, the team of students from this institution
won the large silver loving cup offered by the American
Ayrshire Breeders Association for the best judging of Ayr-
shire cattle dt the National Dairy Show in Chicago.

     That year the Dairy team from this institution won
second place with fourteen universities competing, Iowa
occupying first place.

     At the International Live Stock Exposition this month-
the team of students from the University ranked seventh iin
competition with fifteen Universities and in the judging
-of one type of animal, namely, sheep, our boys won third place.

     The milk and cream from this institution has been
exhibited at vario-.s dairy shows. At the National Dairy
Show in Chicago in 1912, we were awarded second premium in
open competition with some thiry dairies, on a samole of
milk, consisting of four quarts. At the International Dairy
Show in 1912, at Milwaukee, we were awarded second premiuum
in open competition with all dairies on the sample of c ream
that we sent.

      In -June 1915, an exhibit of four quarts of milk was
   snto the Panama Pacific Exposition and in' comp~etitinwh
sent to th  Paam  PcfcSpoinadncmetion'.ile
six state universities, was awarded second premium, a silver
medal and a diploma of excellence.

     At the National Egg Show held at Purdue University in
May 1916, this university was awarded first premium in com-
petition with ten state universities. We won on this
exhibit of eggs the first premium in the class for "White
Eggs" and also the premium offered for sweep-stakes, consist-
ing of a silver pitcher offered for the best exhibit of
"eggs of any ccol-r", including white and brown.

     Regarding the apple judging contests, in which our
horticultural students have participated, the first occurred
in Washington on December 19, 1913, under the auspices of
the American Pomological Society, The contestants for that
year were Arthur Bruckner, Paul D. Brown and Leon Leonian.
They took third or fourth position out of eight or ten con-
t estant s.

     In the contest at Morgantown, W. Va., held In January
1915, our bomb stood second in the contest.