ten rooms, where twenty two students were placed. This
     is a most unsatisfactory arrangement; the thin walls prevent
     the necessary quiet for study and for rest, the rooms are
     inadequately ventilated and are therefore unsanitary, and
     the students are denrived of a place for those social
     meetings which are so important a cart of College life.
     In addition to those objections, the fire risk of the resia
     dents of the a11 is increased. In order to get expert ad-
     vice on this question, your Board asked the Department of
     Public Works of Lexington to send out its Building Inspector
     to go over Patterson Hall, and render a renort to them.
     Mr. T. J. McKenna made this inspection on December 5, and.
     submitted the following recommendations on Friday, December--8

          "On account of increased attendance, one large room wai
     partitioned off into several rooms with a hall-way between-n.-
     We recommend that these rooms be fitted with transoms above
     the doors, thereby giving better ventilation for the rooms;;
     and light for the hall. Also, a fire escape should be in-
     stalled at the end of the hall, to accommodate the occucants
     of these rooms.

          We wo-uld also recommend that the outside doors to halls
     be changed to swing outward, and a red light indicating:
     H"Exit" be placed above each of these doors. One or two
     chemical fire extinguishers placed in the halls would add
     to t heir safety. Two roof ventilators, placed in each wing
     of the building would be a great help towards having fresh
     air in the summer months. An item of safety would be a
     fire drill and signal inaugurated amorg the young ladies."

                              Signed, T. J. McKenna.

          The Board of Control regrets that its brief time. of
     service prevents it from making a more complete and sa-tis-
     factory report, and assures the Trustees of its purpose to
     do all in itts power for the safety and welfare of the
     Women's Dormitory of State University.

                            Respectfully submitted,

                            Mrs. A. MA. Harrison, Chairman
                            Mrs. Chas. J. Smith, Secretary
                            Mrs. Shelby T. Harbison

     In connection with this report, Mrs. Harrison submitted,
the following report made by T. J. McKenna, City Building
Inspector on general sanitary condition in Patterson Hall.

                              Lexington, Kentucky Dec. 7, 1916

Mrs. A. 1. Harrison,
Chatrm'an of the Board
of Control for Patterson Hall,
Lexington, Kentucky.

DleaTr Madam:
                Thefolowig i anInspection 'Report of Patterson