The UK HealthCare Linda and ]ack Gill Heart Institute has a i  
new 24-hour, seven-day-a-week, toll-free phone line dedicated to `  
answering questions about hearts — be it symptoms, medications  
or questions about a heart-healthy diet or the best heart exercise. =¤y  
The number is 877- 445-5478. fr. "_ ** 4   ”?’g \ \
While anyone who suspects they are having a heart attack or ‘»¢; __ ‘ ° E  -_  · \
stroke should call 91 1 or go to the nearest hospital, experienced / :  I/V  `*§;j-l` 1 x_l\\
registered nurses at the Gill Heart Institute Heart Line can answer i A • ( QI Q      • `—.
awide range of cardiac questions. 'Y  ` . *   ' ‘  _  ` , "~
While a diagnosis cannot be made over the phone, if callers wish l ’ rf-   I l T
to see a doctor to have their symptoms checked or to be screened f.   ’ , __ I
for heart disease, they can directly schedule an appointment with a Ji / E    E     
physician at UK or near their hometown in many cases. /1       j  
Mimetic Solutions LLC has chosen UK’s on-campus business Nearly a quarter of a million Americans each year may be hospi-
incubator, the Advanced Science and Technology Commercializa- talized with bleeding complications caused by needlessly taking a
tion Center (ASTeCC), as the location for its research and devel- daily dose of an adult-sized aspirin rather than a baby aspirin to
opment lab in smart-release drug-delivery technology. The Hrst prevent a heart attack or stroke.
application ofthe technology likely will be smart release of insulin A study by a group of UK HealthCare Linda and ]ack Gill
in response to blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Heart Institute cardiologists found that the commonly prescribed
The company’s R&D lab in ASTeCC is headed by UK chemical 325 mg adult tablet may be more than many people need each day.
engineering assistant professor Zach Hilt and University of Texas The study, which is published in the jourmzl qftheAmeric4m Med-
at Austin chemical engineering professor Nicholas Peppas. They ic4zZAss0ci4zti0z1, found that doses higher than a baby aspirin, 75 to
also are co-editors of one ofthe Hrst nanotechnology books in the 81 mg, are no better at preventing cardiovascular events long-term
Held of therapeutic drug delivery. and are associated with increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
Gill Heart Institute cardiologists and UK College of Medicine
faculty Dr. Charles Campbell, Dr. Steven R. Steinhubl and Dr.
Susan Smyth, along with Dr. Gilles Montalescot ofthe Instjtut de
V . , Compj|ed from news reports Cardiologie-Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pitié-Salpetriere in
` a bo ut resea rch at U K. Paris, France, systematically reviewed published data regarding
_ clinical studies involving aspirin dosing. Even in patients with dia-
‘ FOV TTIOYG lI'1fOYmaUOI'1 about betes, who may be more difficult to treat, they found no large-
research ta king place at UK, scale studies that support higher doses of aspirin.
www.uka| 11