Brendon Coihill, with oi long, deep resume in ploistics moinufoicturing, is oi
coreful mon. So, when he decided it wous time to stort PTG Silicones, his
new business, he spent oi yeoir looleing over the ploiying field. With the globoil
competition in molding os tough os it is, whot would be the best niche?
't’ t b ' I
I S D0 EGSY BIDQ C BBD ....   g ,g /
His choice: silicone rubber products for the medicql industry- g if I ll
which meomt he needed the best technology there wqs qnd on _ I I _
contqminqtion-free "c|eqn room" to mold in. ,. ··
But setting up on cleom room from scrqtch com be triclrzy. For F
exqmple, qll the utilities qre outside the room so if omy chqnges l'
need to be monde-sony, turn the molding mqchine 90 degrees- 7
you hqve to breqh into the room omd rislrz contqminqtion, J
spoiling your competitive qdvqntqge. '
So, qs soon qs he hqd his building, the next step wqs to cqll l
U|·(’s Center for Mqnufqcturing. "|’d heqrd qbout them from yl
other industry follrzs I respect. Ul·( hqs on greqt word-of-mouth l H ‘ i FTW
reputqtion for experience qnd lrznow-how." g g gg g I g by ee e e   ~--e i"
At the Center, Bill Voung suggested wqys to mqximize floor I ° .
spqce qnd streqmline the worhflow, get equipment in qnd "
out of the cleom room omd leqve spqce l   `
to expound when the business grew.   J W; _
"Essentiq||y, we customized the Iqyout . " _] I `
for his business/’ Bill sqys. "|t’s not eqsy .... 5 -.·  
everything in the cleom room-the utility  ‘
drops, the robot qrm-hqd to be plqced ‘ _ I i s ‘
just right."
With his cqreful plqnning qnd U|·(’s expert _
help, there were no ugly surprises in I y
the instqllqtion. "| wqs jolrzing with my  
electriciom the other dqy," Brendqn sqys. wk gl;
"‘C·ee, it loohs lihe we hnew whqt we   Bay. cv
were doing when we lqid this qll out!’     /.-~·"`° lp
With on little help from our friends qt Ul·(." "   _ gggg I \ \_\ \§\\
Need help with your cleom room or " V   -- // `~\ \\/\ `\§>\ .
other mqnufqcturing issue? Here out the  _,   \ (AX xx.
center we com help with qutomqtion, ‘   \ \_    
process improvement, equipment _ H §§\ //\\`\\?.· \_\ W g
design/selection, ergonomics, quqlity .  V /`;`g<§\ `*§_`~\ jc    6%\§.\ 
improvement, leon trqining, you nqme it. ‘  _ — §\ ·©\#»\$§,>y i; \ /  %<»%;~§§
’  ··? . .\ A • . f <~’O\
9*l     gff g
• · \ xg ·v -·~: ` ’ \.°’~£i’  
specifncqlly for engineering design, i f9@mfg,uky.€ • U Or "   \
qnqlysis, & consultoition qssistoince % 4  $ \$§\
www.mfg.ul¤   \ \ (/  
...,................ I   . y   W “‘¢V¥W4 Q   O    
1-soo-227-6268, ext. 4o1 q ~     ’ · \ \
UKmwERs1w or KENTUCKY §x\   ‘ \
0 College of Engineering / N   6 .
I   K}
MN\IUFI\Cl'URlNG K "4’°¢’~%~¥>§
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UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY w§__% gag X ~.3% ,/_\\ A   / / Q$