2; -44- F
-l Rod Cross Assistance ( Continued ) ;
u _ Dawson Springs`Wonan’s`Club, C—lO; Fcrtnightly Club of lhdisen-
- 4 ville, C-ll; F. &°A. HQ, Madisonville Lodge yl45, C—l2;'Girl `
‘ ~ 'Sc uts ef lbdis;nvillo,_C-I4; Guild of Christian Church, C-I4; —
‘s¤ii·ssyO¤t School P. T. A., CFI5; Hopkins‘C;unty semsesr¢ys‘*
h Club, A~l7; Hopkins County Ibdical Society, A-17; I. O. O. F.,
`Vu‘ = Oriental Lod;e'f@9; A-18; Intermediate Girls Class #4, East'View
V " Baptist Church,'Cclored, C-IB; Kiwanis Club if Madisonville, A-19; 4
I ` A lhnightt Tonplar,_lhdisenville Cen;nndery=#27, C-20; Lions Club ' Q
· ' -‘C = lef lhditenvillu, Cp2l;`Ijssi;nary S;ciety, Zion A.'lL B. Church, " Q
‘ `Y · Color:oQ CJQQ; C. B, SL, Hadisonville Chapter f%90, A—25; P. T, A., »
·- - Seminary Street Schuol,'C~2B; P. T. A., Uaddill Avenue School, ;
'C·24; Bast'Hatrens Club, O. E. S., A—25; Progressive Mine W7rkors
tf America, Madisonville District, C-25; Queen Esther Class, lhin s
Street Prcsbytorian'Church, A—26; Rizpah Temple Shrine, C-26; ¥
Saturday study Club, B~27; Silverdale Rebekah Lodge #115, C-27j S
- Stady Club of Earlingten, A—2S; Wesley Brctherheed'Bible Class, '
Hethcdist Church, C·29;'Wewan’s Lissi;nary Society, Baptist Church, j
A~50; Uen;n's Hissitnary'Secioty, First Christian Church, C-52; S
Wcnen’¤ lissienary Union, First Baptist Church, C-52. y
‘.American Legion, Joseph Vernon Lloyd fest-#2; Civic Club of f
Barlingten, C~9; Future Farmers of America, Hopkins County F
Schools, A-Q5; Hopkins Ceunty·Farn Bureau, A»l6. {
Altar S.ciety if Barlingtcn,`C—l; American Legion, J;hn'Lowis y
Earl ?.st #lCl, Colored, A-2; Amnrican Logion'Auxiliary, Joseph Q
Vcrnen Lloyd Unit #2, A-4;.Ameriean Rod Cross, Hopkins Ciunty ' I
_ Chapter, A-4; Baptist Iissienary Society, Baptist Church, Colored, ;
C-5; Baptist Training Union, Ce5; Civic Club of Earlingten, C~9; .
- Daughtrxs of hobekah, Olive Leaf Lodge {65, C—9; Fertnightly }
_ Club of Lgdisenvillo, C—ll, Guild of Christian Church, C-14; W j
` ' Honenakers Club of Darlington, Ael5; Hopkins County Homemakers
Club, B—l7;·Intormediate Girls Class-#4, East View Baptist V °
· Church, Colored, C—l8; Junior'Chanber ff Camierco, C-18; Ladies
Aid S:cioty,'Christian Church, A~20; O. E. S., Ihdisonville S
Chapter #590, C—25; P, T. AQ, Seminary Street School, C—2B; 3
- Past‘katrons Club, O. E. S., A—25;,Presudy 20th Century Book
Club, A-25; Saturday Study Club, A—27; Silverdale Rebekah Lodge
¤yll5,'C»27; Study Club of Barlington, A-28; Wesleyan Service l
Guild, I5 B. Church, C-29; Westminster Guild, Ibin Street, Bros- Y
I byterian_Church, C-29;‘Wonen*s Kissi~nary ,·,, Sooiety,'Christian L
· Church, C—50;·Wonan*s,Society,of_Christian Service, Methodist A
Church, C-5l; Ditto,·C¥52; °
"\,n   __, ____ V