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t, .American Legion, Joseph Vernon L10 d Post*¥2 Continued
I, Normal Civic Activities: Conducts annual Educational Week.
Defense Activities: Engaged in Child Caro. Interested in'Auxiliary lolice,
C" } Air 1aid`Wardcn Service, Civilian Aircraft`Uarning Service, Auxiliary Fire
Protection, Salvage Demolition Service, Entertainment, Recreation, Typing
and Other Clerical Assistance Interviewin» Consumer Protection Activities.
. ’ -’ .
P ‘-~ A . . · · - t
*i Local Publications: None. ° ‘
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A1E]lCAl LEGIOL, LACK H. L;JCh POST ;lOO ( hationa1.American Legion ), c/o
Lester Schwab, Dawson Springs, Founded lCl9.` Commander, Lester Schwab,
Telejhono 4521 and 5411. Adjutant Harry N. lbrck, New Century Hotel, Dawson
A Strirrs Torts entire Julv l°A5 '
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-0n la Ibm? rvhip: 50. Open to henerahly discharged veterans of World Tar I and
W1": l Jo? ?· ’7~T§"I"I ·
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# D V
k Committees: Civilian Defense Conmittco, Chairman, Jack Whitfcrd, Dawson
’ Springs. _ J 1
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F I- 5 ?urgrs;: To promote the welfare of ex—service men.
Q Hcrnrl Civic Activities: Cooporates with all civic organizations.
ton,   '“"’ ‘“*“*"""“"""‘ - »
i Dcforse Activitiesr Interested in Auxiliary Lolice, Air Raid Warden Service, A
i Civilian Warninr Service Auxiliarv Fire Protection Ambulance·Service]
t .> I B .1 3 ` . .
R - - . ·
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l Local Publications: Jone. 4 " · ·—
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i; t Auxiliary, Dopartnentfof hentucxy; Haticnsl AmJrio“n Legion Auxiliary ),
¤ - -. ., -n . . A A .
· l c/e hrs. E, J. Dozier, Broadway, imdiscnvilic. iowtded .e·i lCl9. President,
E Iks, A, FQ Galleway,`East Broadway, Ihdisenville, Telephone 355-J, A
  l Cecvvtary, lis, F, U, Dozier, Telephone D5?. lerms cxpirc· July, 1945.
i V ` · “ ' ' . A
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i T ». . . _ . , o _ ~_ », ~
i lhmharship: 65. Open to wife, widow, dau;ntcr or sister of Jorld Jar
J of   veteran. ` _ l
*nue,* ’ ` . ‘
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seec,; Committees: Child Welfare, lws.Cerecz narris; Legislature, hrs. Claueo
l 1"T""" ‘·"·".`- ‘ *,‘ NA V A- , . , ·:-r ¤ _· ‘ _ _· T \ " f_ _
  Aahan; Hational_Deiense, irs, Brent neil; An rieaiism, qrs. E. G. Lrewn—
  field; Fan#Amorican Relations, Hrs. J. T. G ,eh; Rehabilitation, lis.
-   Frank Hake, all if Qhdisonville. '
  Furpesei To give aid to disabled war veterans and their families. Child
E A Welfare. i U
normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Red Cross, American Logirn,
‘ ;