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Thrills And Spills Of Notre Dame Game Hinkebein Receives
Rival Dime Detective Novel; Cats
Lose In Last Minutes


Tuesdav, January

Calling 'Em Wild



Center Makes College Humor
In a basketball game that provided as many thrills and
Second Team ; Most Out- spills as a dime detective magazine, Kentucky's Vildits
standing Since Davis
Notre Dame
bowed before a band of uncanny
ITI I and begorra, lads and lassies, Lady Luck must inA card of merit from the
Saturday night in the Jefferson County ArmRamblers
FA deed be an Irish colleen, for 'twas really Kentucky's
Board of Football for exory, Louisville.
play during
Unable to crack the Wildcat's defense with much success, cellent was received the past grid night.
yesterday by
in on 22 of 24 foul chances Sherman Hinkebein, Kentucky's reNotre Dame was forced to cash
Notre Dame won Saturday night,
but there wasn't
to pull their fourth win in as many years over Kentucky out tiring captain and center.
much crowing over the win for the simple reason tjiat pracCats held a 0 advantage but The cards are awarded each year tically every Irish fan among the 7500 customers who stuffed
of the fire. In field goals-thfound the range but 9 times in 14i
board, beaded the Jefferson County Armory in Louisville to see the game,
by the
foul attempts. The game was played
by Christy Walsh, to outstanding
realized that Notre Dame had won over a team just as good,
customers, the largest UK Fencers Drop
before 7500
performers of the year. Only 90
if not better, than their favorites. Throughout the game
players are considered for the
croud to ever attend a basketball
Northern Matches
game in this state.
The selection of Hinkebein, Fickle Fortune sat on the Irish bench and thumbed her nose
at Kentucky
To Illini, Air Corps a center choice on many
At times, the play became so
Conference honor teams,
rough that it bordered between a
The Notre Dame fans were rather hushed after the fracas
brawl and a football
In two meetings last Saturday, marks the second time a Wildcat because they realized that every break that the crazy game
been so








pame. The officials. . in an effort the Kentucky fencing team dropped
to keep the melee in check, called a
match to the University of
a total of 30 fouls during the game, Illinois at Urban a and a 10-- 7 deci17 against Kentucky
and 13 for sion to the Air Corps Technical
Irish violations. Before the echoes School fencers at Chanute Field.
of the opening whistle had died
The matches were the second and
officials opened third engagements of the year for
a whistle concert that lasted the
In their previous start
the Cat swordsmen dropped a close
tire game.
For Kentucky the loss marked the 8 decision to the powerful Ohio
second defeat in seven starts while State team three weeks ago in Colthe victory jacked the Ramblers' umbus. The Ohio State meet shoved
record for the year up to seven wins the Cats into their second year of
in ten games. Fred "Cab" Curtis, intercollegiate competition. The Cats
advantage over the
the team's leading point maker, led held a
the Kentucky scoring with five field Buckeyes in touches.
Riley, Kentucky
saber fighter,
goals and one foul shot, followed
by Layton Rouse with a total of scored two of the four wins against
9 points.
The floor work of Lee the potent Illinois team, while
Huber, who held Eddie Riska, No- Breckinridge and Jones scored the
tre Dame's leading scorer, to one remaining Kentucky points in the
field goal, was a feature of the foils competition. Against the Chagame. Riska added six of eight nute Field team Breckinridge and
foul chances to his two pointer to Jones scored three wins each in the
share the Irish high point honors foils fighting with Clark adding the
other Wildcat point in the saber
with Sadowski and Ziegenhorn.
K( i tui kv Starts Slow
Kentucky started the game in reverse and before the timers' clock
had shed four minutes, the Irish
The scoring
held a 0 advantage.
(Continued from Page One)
was opened by Riska as he slapped and there's more truth to the
of Ertol's long shot shrieking than poetry.
in a follow-u- p
The dire
and added a foul when shoved by need is for the elevator doors loadded a field goal cated in McVcy basement.
Hubcr. Sadowski
and two fouls and Captain Earl groan when we try to move them
game of and verily it takes a good deal of
Brown, who played a fine
football, connected from far out be- sweat to accomplish this. Almost
fore the Cats roused themselves.
as much as it takes to maneuver
Then Kentucky suddenly became the serpentine stairway beside the
fire, and shaft. Especially for one of my
hotter than a
with Curtis leading the rebellion, portly, though becoming, figure,
So dear editor, rush to my rescue
pulled into a 10-- 9 lead after eight
minutes of play. Curtis hit the by having an oil can well squeezed
first Blue points when he tipped in by whoever takes care of these
Huber's long shot. Curtis then things on the correct bearings."
slipped under the basket for a crip R. R.
and added a foul shot when he was
Dear RJl.:The
Again Curtis
held by Sadowski.
tippod in a shot by Huber. and the elevator is for freight only. We
After don't know whether you consider
Irish lead was shaved to
Hubcr sank your "portly, though becoming, figa Notre Dame t,
a foul shot and Rouse shoved the ure" as freight or not. But if you
Cats into a 9 lead when he ripped press the issue, maybe something
the net from far out. Riska pushed "could be done." Editor.
the Ramblers into the lead once
more with two foul shots but Rouse i "Dear Sir: Two Female Critics'
men. if you must
hit from center for a 1 Kentuc- list of
have such a list, was slightly cock
ky lead.
eyed with the exception of John
Irish At Half By 9
Breckinridge who looks well in anyBefore the half ended with Kenhe has. Here
tucky underneath
the lead thing outstanding in are some of the
my estimation:
had changed hands five more times. most
The second half started with Ris- Orville Patton (the face makes the
Karstrum im
ka counting on Hubtr's foul. Farns-le- y immaculate), Allen Sweeney (cloth
hit fcr Kentucky with a left counts with Bob
handed push shot but DuCharme (sports clotheshim). Feller Ramsey
are his meat), and
matched the effort and Brown
cashed in on Curtis' third foul for John
D. C.
lead. Farnsley hit on a makes the
foul try and Thompson, Curtis and
One of the most worthwhile of
FarnMry ran Kentucky into a 6
campus projects is the organization
lead with field goals.
drive for the community chest. All
With four minutes to play and the of
these people that have been
score tied at
Curtis commit- harping on the idea of helping
his fourth foul and was re- Americans first
certainly have their
placed by Elmo Head. Ziegenhorn
chance now.
true: Every
and Ellis hit field goals before Clug-gis- h little bit helpsTrite . but one more
follow-u- p
jammed a
down tho issue of
the Kernel before exams
net to slice the advantage to 5
. . and so to press at 9:30 o'clock.
Ziegenhorn found, the bottom of the
net with two fouls for a 5 lead.
A minute and a half was left to
play when Head, going in for a
crip, was blocked; into the goal supports by Brown and kayood. ThompJamie Thompson and his quintet
son rushed in to take his fouls and
counted on both to conclude the are playing nightly from 6 to 7 p. m.
in the Union cafeteria. A platform
Cat scoring in the game.
The Irish total was boosted to 42 has been placed at the north end
by Ziegenhorn and DuCharme as of the cafeteria for Jamie and his
the game ended.
The College Catering Company
said that they hope to have an
amateur hour on Sunday night
19 along with the orchestra if the
students showed a desire for such









best-dress- ed



22-1- 9,



33-3- 3.




Thompson To Play
In Union Cafeteria

Davis, high scoring halfback,
awarded a card last season.

offers went against
waa of basketball
n.cmucity aim
it now uee.i lor
Hinkebein was also named to a cashing in on foul
shots (22 out of
second team berth on the College 24)
the game would ruve been
team selected passed into history with an entirely
for the magazine by Joe Williams,
different ending.
famed sports writer.
The game was terrific in the
truest Hollywood sense and contained as many thrills as a chapter
from the "Perils of Pauline." The
21 lead changed hands 10 times during
the brawl and five times the score
Contest Open To AH Students; was deadlocked. Kentucky still appeared a bit jittery and wild as the
Trophies To Be Awarded
game opened and showed a tendTo Winners
ency to allow Notre Dame players
Entries will close Saturday, Jan to slip down the floor behind their
minuary 21, for the
pocket defense and in the first 3
billiard tournament, to be held from utes of the game the Ramblers had
January 30 through February 11, built a 0 lead before the Cats
it was announced Thursday by of- began to roll. After 8 minutes of
ficials of the athletic department. play the gold Jersied lead had been
The tourney is open to all stu sliced to 2 and for the remainddents, men and women alike. No er of the game neither team was
points toward intramural awards ever' more than 5 points in the lead.
The Irish Football Offense
will be given in this first tourna
There was nothing concealed or
ment; and all entries are individual.
The tourney will be conducted un- intricate in the Notre Dame offense,
system by which in contrast it was the height of
der a
First they would pull
players of average skill will have simplicity.
equal opportunity with skilled play- three men out and start their fast
ers. Trophies will be awarded to passing, feinting figure eight attack,
then, with
football end
the winner and runner up.
Earl Brown opening gaping holes in
the Blue defense, the Irish would
storm the Kentucky basket. So far
as basketball was concerned. Brown
played a remarkable game of football. His final tally sheet showed
Dean Of Agriculture College one field goal, three foul shots, two
Will Speak Over WLW
personal fouls and one case of as
8 To 8:30 P.M. Sat.
sault and battery on Elmo Head.
During the first half Kentucky
Dean Thomas P. Cooper of the made eight field goals, Notre Dame
College of Agriculture, will be the five. Kentucky had eight personal
principal speaker on a special pro- fouls called against them with the
gram, originating in Studio A of Irish taking advantage of all
the University extension over stafor 12 points. Notre Dame
tion WLW. from 8 to 8:30 a. m., fouled five times, the Cats adding
Saturday. January 21, it was an- three points from the foul circle.
nounced yesterday. The program is For the entire game, the Cats led
being given in connection with the in field goals
but the Irish
National Farm and Home Week to made 22 of 24 foul shots to Kentucbe held on the campus January 24 ky's 9 of 14 trys. Two Kentucky
to 27.
starters. Captain Opper and Curtis,
A round table discussion on the fouled out of the game while but
features of the convention will be one Notre Dame player, Sadowski,
held by Thompson Bryant, Prof. had three fouls ruled against him.
H. B. Price, and Prof. A. J. Olney of
the College of Agriculture.
Studio players will also present
a dramatization of the founding and
accomplishments of the Farm and
Home Week.
Three Stephen Collins Foster
songs, arranged in a medley by
Chester Gerlock of the radio studios, will complete the program.


Billiard Tournament

Entries Due Jan.




Cooper To Appear
Over UK Extension

then-chance- s

The English department has an,"
nounced that a new course.
will be offered to students
at the s'.art of the second semester.
Prerequisite for the course will be
English la. lb. 34a and 34b.
Frank Fowler, director of the
Guignol will instruct the group. Emphasis will be placed upon the principles of dramatic composition with
creative work. The
class will have one hour a week of
lecture and two of laboratory work.




Virginia Hyd n will comment on
campus individuals and personal affairs, and Richards Swopc will
Professor Fowler.
Two numbers, "I Won't Tell A
Soul." and "So Help Me," will be
sung by Carl Conner. The orchestra will also play "Quaker City
Jazz ' and "I Go For That."
Members ol the orchestra are:
Herbert Couf, Bob Reusch, Oscar
Winner. Howard Trent, Bill Fuchs.
Jack Herrard. Milton Goldinher.



Jersey College of Agriculture, Rutgers University, has resigned to accept a professorship in rural sociology at the University.
Doctor Beers, who came 10 Rutgers from the University of Wisconsin, will report sometime next
month to institute and supervise
a course of advanced and graduate
study in rural sociology, leading to
a Ph.D. degree.



The totals:

Thompson ...




Opper .




Coed Wins Contest

For Attractive Ad

Susan Jackson, Arts and Sciences
junior, is the winner in the annual

Graves Cox advertising contest conducted in the psychology of advertising and selling class. Dr. J. B.
Miner, head of the psychology department, announced yesterday.
Joe Creason and Stanley Hand
were winners of the second and
third prizes respectively. The first
prize ad will appear in today's
paper, with the others printed in
succeeding issues of the Kernel.

Netherland, Woods
Scheduled To Talk
William Earl Netherland.
president of the Kentucky association of Future Farmers
cf America, and Dr. R. H. Woods,
director of the bureau of vocational
education, will attend the banquet
for the directors of the Farm Bu- Camp-bellsvill-




In preparation for the "Religion
In Life" conference to be held here
the Worship groups
of the YM and YW will hold a


19-2- 4,

series of worship services which began Sunday, January IS, at 3 p. m.
Made A N ice Block
in the Y rooms. Miss Elizabeth
At the time Notre Dame was
Cowan, YW director, and Susan
by 5 with one minute and Price were in charge of the program.
40 seconds to play. With the RambThe subject was "Religion in the
lers pulled far out in the floor at- Modern World."
tempting to freeze the ball, the
midget of the Wildcat squad, Elmo
Head, S feet and 9 inches of fight,
was inserted into the lineup to re


Manaire- -




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Athletic Department
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Teams of Its Cordial
cooperation toward
making your




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Zinida, Virginia Beeler; Angelica,
Genevieve Howard: Estelle, Jean Collars Turnrd
Megerle; Thomas, Kibby Vogt; He,
L. C. Robinson; Jackson, Roy
Consuela, Catherine Taylor;
( leaning tt
Alfred Bezano, Dameron
Baron Regnard, Blaine W. Schick:
Gentleman, Thomas Downing; and
& Carry
Strong Woman, Deedo Forrest.



millions of men and women
more smoking pleasure . . ,


the cast
Gav February 13.
Students may hear the broadcast
The cast is: Tilly, John Lynn;
in the ground studios of WLAP at Polly, H. B. Ford: Briquet, Robert
Short and Walnut streets, it was Hobgood; Mancini, Carl Conner;


the auditorium at times over displeasure at the decisions.
A lot
might be said concernng the officiating, but from my purely biased
point of view, it appeared that both
the referee and umpire were effected with severe cases of lnfantil-ismthe- y
were all wet. The Armory was practically steam heated
by the air they blew into their
whistles. I am not at all qualified
to say what sort of rule infraction
is necessary to cause a player to
be put out of a game, but unless
participants are allowed brass
knuckles and black jacks, the foul
Brown made on Elmo Head in the
last quarter seemed grounds enough
to thumb any man off the floor.

Quintet In Scoring

When you try them you will
know why Chesterfields give


wlm 0,.js slHpp.d,..
dealing with European circus life
by Leonja Andrever. will be the
Guitmol theatre's third production
of tne currcnt season, opening

4-- H

reau Federation Wednesday evening
at Louisville.
Both are scheduled to speak at
the banquet. "Future Farmers and
By adding five field goals and one the Farm Bureau" will be the sub- Dr.
Ject of Netherlands speech.
foul shot to his total Saturday night. Woods will speak on "The State
lengthened his lead in Prcgress of Vocational Agriculture "
Cab Curtis
the race for individual scoring honors among the Wildcat basketball
squad members with a total of 82
Homer Thompson, with 6 points ROOM AND BOARD on .1 tiranus. i ud
week. Individual beds. Cail 70J4. 4
against the Irish, moved into second
place with a total of 41 points while LOST: Phi Delt pin. Initials D B. and
Kappa Phi. 318 on back. Return to KerMarion Cluggish remained in third
nel Business Office. REWARD.
position with a total of 40.

Cab Curtis Leads

turning to Chesterfield's happy
combination of mild ripe Amer
ican and aromatic Turkish
tobaccos the world's best cigarette tobaccos.






English Department
Adds New Course

During the hour that the orchestra plays, the cafeteria requests
that there be no dancing in the

Still Off Form

The Cats were still as far off form
as a four sided triangle, especially
at rebounding shots off their own
basket although Thompson and
Cluggish handled shots off the Irish
goal very well. Too frequently the
Blues tried to outrush Notre Dame
and lost the ball by double dribbling or wild passes. But their stout
defense, except for occasional lapses, caused most of the Ramblers'
shots to be rushed and go wild.
Time after time Kentucky would Dr.
Howard Beers
work one of their block plays and
then with a man loose under the
UK Position
basket lose the ball.
game conclusively proved that
Dr. Howard Beers, extension rural
Kentucky students are not the only sociologist and state leader of
fans who boo the officials as the agricultural club agents at the New


UK Air Program
Opens On Jan.

"11 ir Blue and White Review,"
directed by and compound of student t:ilent, will go on the air for
the first time from 7 to 7:30 p. m.,
Thursday, January 19, over station
WLAP. A special feature of the
broadcast will be an interview with
Frank FuX r. Guignol director.
Jamie Thompson and his orches- tr.-i-.
Carl Conner as vocalist, and
Richards Swope and Virginia Hay- den as masters cf ceremony, will


place Curtis after his fourth foul.
Sadowski tried a long bounce pass
to Brown but Head dived in. intercepted the leather and set sail toward the Kentucky goal. Just as he
jumped for an easy crip shot Brown,
who had been trailing him. made
flying block that
struck Head in the back and sent
him flying into the iron supports
that were used to hold the goal in
place. The supports were placed
at least five feet back from the
edge of the court and Head was
sent crashing up over the protective
After some deliberation, the officials ruled that a violation had been
made and awarded two foul shots;
all the while the crowd was handing Brown a Bronx salute. Thompson was sent into the game to take
the shots Head was lying on the
floor as cold as a dog's nose.
Not Criticism
This is In no manner meant to
be a ridicule of Notre Dame, no
one realizes better than myself that
they have a good team and are
capable of winning from most any
quintette. My only purpose has been
to in some way point out that although Kentucky did lose it took
a toothey grin from Dame Luck to
turn the trick.
Kentucky lost but in losing the
Cast bounced back into the basketball limelight.

17, 1335






Dr. Jesse E. Adams, head of the
philosophy of education department
and director of summer sessions, Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co.
will speak on Friday, Jan. 27, on the
IMionr 621 212 S. Lime
subject, "How to Chose and Lose
Phone 112S 4lh and Broadway
Tile piOKiam is sponsored by a Life Partner." before members of 201 Woodland
Kose and Lime
Baynham Shoe Company and will the Crescent Hill Woman's Club in
r'tn f' u VrlH f 13 VW,V':.




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