programme are former U. S. Senators Wm.
   Lindsay and John G. Carlisle, of New York
   City, Associate Justice John M. Harlan, of
   the U. S. Supreme Court, former Governor
   Thomas T. Crittenden, of Missouri, and
   former Vice-President Adlai E. Stevenson, of
   Illinois. This list will be enlarged with the
   names of other Kentuckians who, in adopted
   homes, have marked their names high on the
   roll of fame in the law, the ministry, and
   commercial pursuits.
            Thursday, June 14th
   is to be "Foster Day " in honor of Stephen
   Collins Foster, the author of the immortal
   song, "My Old Kentucky Home." The
   events of this day will include brass band and
   vocal concerts, it being planned to mass several
   bands to render ""My Old Kentucky Home,"
   and have a chorus of several thousand children
   honor Foster's memory. The committee hopes
   to have a statue of Foster made by a noted
   Kentucky sculptor, to be unveiled and later
   placed in the New Capitol at Frankfort.

No fairer women in the world.
Nor braver men are living,
To bles the places whence they go
Than those that you are giving.
And for your strong and loving ways,
Your happy homes and graces,
Your sons are zealous that your name
Shall hold the highest places,
   And love you, dear Kentucky.
         - William lishoot Visscher.