Saturday, June 16th

       has been set aside as " Greater Kentucky
       Day," with barbecues, camp fires, and the
       like, a day when we can tell how Kentuckians
       have assisted in making the fields of other
       States more prolific, the bench and bar of
       other States more learned, their press more
       profound; how Kentuckians have helped dis-
       close the hidden mineral treasures of other
       States; how they have contributed to advance-
       ment under all conditions.
                 Sunday, June 17th
       we will sing "Until We Meet Again,"' and
       listen to good sermons from the pulpits 0f
       Louisville's churches, preached by Kentuck-
       ians who are ministers of the Gospel in other
       4JThe committee expects to arrange with the
       railroads to grant 30 and 60 day extensions
       on all tickets, which will enable visitors to
       leave Sunday night for any point in the State,

       Honor to their Native State
 Kentucky genius, grace, and g.ntleness, Ken-
tucky initiative. push and pluck, have to every
State imparted a wealth of valued achievements
and inestimable refinement. Everywhere popular,
brave, truthful, the Kentuckian has left the im-
press of his forceful yet lovable manhood in
all States and all lands to which he has wandered.