Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Easement was ap-
proved and authorized executed.

       D. Disposal of Surplus PropertyX

       Mr. Petprsan requested permission to dispose of a Denver Equipment
Company roll crusher which is surplus to the needs of the Department of Min-
ing and Metallurgical Engineering. Upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the Vice President, Business Administration, was directed to dispose
of the surplus property at the most favorable price available.

       E. Repoort of  es.

       Mr. Peerson reported an injury to Robert Bryant, an employee of
the Division of Maintenance and Operations.  Mr. Bryant received an injury
to the first finger of his right hand, which was taken care of at the University
Health Service,

       Mr. Peterson also submitted report of an injury to Roy Turpin, a jan-
itor in the Woment s Residence Halls. About one-half inch of the ring finger
of the left hand was cut off by an elevator door. Mr. Turpin wa s taken care
of at the Good Samaritan Hospital.

       An injury to James E Hogue, an employee of the Division of Maintenance
and Operations was also reported.  Mr. Hogue pulled a muscle in his chest
while lifting a heavy object. The University Health Service took care of him.

       Invoices aggregating $12. 00 were submitted in connection with the
three cases reported. Mr. Peterson recommended that they be paid. Upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the invoices of $3. 00 and $4, 00 to
the University Health Service for x-ray treatments, and an invoice of $5. 00
for the use of the Emergency Room of the Good Samaritan Hospital were author-
ized paid, with the expressed understanding that the University does not admit
negligence or liability incident to any one of the accidents and that a precent
is not established by the paying of these claims.

       F. Cooperative Agreement for Investigation of Water Resources Approved.

       Mr. Pelerz~n submitted Cooperative Agreement for Investigation of
Water Resources between the Kentucky Geological Survey and the United States
Department of the Interior,  The Agreement involves the sum of $179, 000
to be provided from the following sources: Surface Water, $639700; Ground
Water, $63, 000; Quality of Water, $25, 300; Water Resources and Geologic
Investigations of Eastern Kentucky, $25, 000. All of this money, except
$700. 00 which is a gift, was appropriated from State sources,  Mr. Peterson
recommended that the contract be approved,

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Agreement was ap-
proved and authorized executed,