These letters, my countrymen, just read in your hearing,
furnish evidence of the love felt in many hearts for this
dear old county. In the library of the eloquent Holt; in
the office where Green conducts with consummate skill the
affairs of the great company, whose chief capital is the har-
nessed lightning of the clouds; in the Executive Mansion of
the lusty giant of the West the powerful young Missouri,
where Crittenden adds d gr.i.,y Wc. id 1oonored Kentucky
name; in the more remote Salt Lake Citay where MaIrtay,
whose spurs were won in boyhood, strides with gallant zeal
to perform troublesome duties; in offire andl shop, in field
and highway, by the side of glcwing hearthstories and in
every clime, these exquisite scenes on which our eyes feast
are rising before the loving eyes of the scattered children
of Breckinridge county; sweet memories of childhood are
surging through their hearts. The precious graves of the
unforgotten dead, covered in the beautiful brown of a lovely
autumn, rise unbidden between their work and them, and
prayers for you and yours ascend this November day to
Him from whom all mercies flow.
  And we respond with proud and loving hearts and eyes
bedimmed with tears, whose mingled sources are our pride
for all they have accomplished, and grief at the absence of
their beloved faces; " God this day bless every son and
daughter of this common mother; in the home of every
such child may peace and happiness abide; may the day of
honest toil be followed by the night of sweet repose until
night is swallowed up in eternal day."
 Immediately before the Address letters from absent sons of Breckin-
ridge county were read.