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becoming a fairly widespread practice in Colleges of Dentistry throughout the
nation as one means of reducing the number of applications received from indi-
viduals who make application indiscriminately. The University of Kentucky
College of Dentistry last year processed over 1, 000 such applications and for this
reason have requested authorization to establish a $10 fee.

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by M~r. Griffin, and passed, the
 recommendation in PR 7 authorizing the College of Dentistry to establish a $10
 application fee for all non-resident applicants was approved. (See PR 7 at the end
 of the Minutes. )

       J. Revision of the Bylaws of the Medical Staff of the University
Hospital (PR 8)

       In order to conformn with the Guidelines of the Joint Comnmission on the
Accreditation of Hospitals for Formation of Mledical Staff Bylaws, Rules and
Regulations, the Bylaws of the Medical Staff of the University Hospital need
certain revisions. Copies of the proposed revisions having been made available
to the members of the Executive Committee and there being no questions, on
mnotion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed without dissent, the
recommendation in PR 8 was approved. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.

       K. Public Safety Division Established (PR 9)

       In order to conform with the provisions of KRS 164. 950-164. 990, the
University of Kentucky must establish a Public Safety Division and appoint safety
and security officers to be known as University Police Officers in accordance with
the provisions of the statutes. The recommendation in PR 9 would bring the Uni-
versity into conformance with the statutes and without dissent, on motion duly made,
seconded, and carried, PR 9 was approved as presented. (See PR 9 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       L. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Cooper,
and passed, the interim financial report covering the period ending May 31, 1972
was accepted and ordered made a matter of record. (See FCR I at the end of the
Minutes. )

       M. Agreement With the Retail Credit Company Withdrawn From Agenda

       The Finance Committee withdrew FCR 2, a recommendation relative to
an agreement with the Retail Credit Company, which had been circulated to the
members of the Executive Committee prior to the meeting, stating that they wished
to review this agreement in greater detail before making a recommendation to the