xt7bzk55f924 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bzk55f924/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19730818 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1973-08-sep18. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1973-08-sep18. 1973 2011 true xt7bzk55f924 section xt7bzk55f924 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, September 18, 1973

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in statutory
session at 2:00 o'clock (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, September 18,
1973 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the
University campus. The following members were present: Mr. Jesse M.
Alverson, Jr., Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S.
Blazer, Mr. Stanley Burlew, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr.
Eugene Goss, Mr. John R. Crockett, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Garvice D.
Kincaid, Professor Paul Oberst, Mr. Zirl A. Palmer, Professor Paul G. Sears,
Mr. William B. Sturgill, Judge James A. Sutherland, Mr. James Flegle, and
Dr. John R. Woodyard. Mr. Richard E. Cooper was absent from the meeting.
The administrative staff of the University was represented by President Otis A.
Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W. Cochran, Robert
Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosomworth, Larry E. Forgy, and Raymond
R. Hornback; Dr. Donald Clapp, Executive Assistant to the President and Budget
Director; and Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel. The various news media also
had representatives present.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Mr. Clay called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m. Mr. William R. Black
pronounced the invocation.

      B. Oath of Office Administered

      The Chairman introduced Mr. John R. Crockett and Mr. James Flegle,
new members of the Board, and requested Mr. John Darsie to administer the
oath of office. Mr. Crockett was appointed by Governor Ford to a four-year
term, ending June 30, 1977, to replace Mr. Jacob H. Graves whose term
expired on June 30, 1973. As President of Student Government, Mr. Flegle
succeeds Mr. Scott Wendelsdorf as student member of the Board. His ternm is
for one year only, ending in May 1974.

      C. Roll Call

      Mrs. Blazer, Secretary of the Board, reported a quorum present, noting
that only one member was absent. Mr. Clay then declared the meeting officially
open for the conduct of bu sine s s at 2:1 5 p. m.

      Mr. Clay appointed Mr. Bell and Mr. Burlew to draft a resolution of ap-
preciation for Mr. Graves' service on the Board for presentation at the October


D. Minutes Approved

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the reading of the Minutes of
the August 7, 1973 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       E. Officers Elected

       Mr. Clay called for the report of the Nominating Committee. Mr. Sturgill,
as Chairman of the Committee, said that it was the consensus of the Committee
that the chairmanship of the Board should be rotated. In keeping with this recom-
mendation the Committee wished to place the name of Mr. Albert Clay in
nomination as Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the academic year 1973-74,
and Mr. Sturgill moved that the nomination be accepted. Mr. Clay then asked
Mr. William R. Black to assume the Chair. Mr. Black called for a second to
Mr. Sturgill's motion which was made by Judge Sutherland. He then called for
nominations from the floor and, there being none, Mr. Clay was elected
Chairman of the Board for the academic year 1973-74 with all present voting

       Mr. Clay resumed the Chair and requested Mr. Sturgill to continue with
the Committee recommendations. Mr. Sturgill then said that the Nominating
Committee recommended and he so moved, Mr. Thomas P. Bell as Vice
Chairman of the Board for the academic year 1973-74 or until his successor is
appointed and qualifies. Mr. Black seconded the motion and moved that the
nominations be closed. His motion was seconded and all present voted "Aye".

       Mr. Sturgill then placed Mrs. Blazer's name in nomination as Secretary
of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Clay called for nominations from the floor and,
there being none, it was moved that the nominations cease and that Mrs. Blazer
be elected by acclamation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kincaid and passed.

       Mr. Sturgill next moved the nomination of Professor Paul Sears as
Assistant Secretary of the Board. His motion was seconded by Mr. Crockett and

       F. Governing Regulations Amended

       Mr. Clay explained that the Governing Regulations require that the
Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees be elected at the meeting pre-
ceding commencement. The election was not held in May 1973 because it was
deemed advisable to have the Executive Committee elected at the same tim-e as
the officers of the Board. An amendment to the Governing Regulations will be
necessary, however, to make this change in election date. Mr. Sturgill then



moved that the first paragraph of Part II, Section A, 5 of the Governing Regu-
lations be amended by deleting the words "annual meeting prior to commencementt"
and substituting the words "September meeting of the Board" therefor. He
further moved that the Board suspend, for purposes of consideration of this motion
only, its rule requiring that at least one month elapse between presentation of an
amendment to the Governing Regulations and final passage thereof. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Crockett and passed without dissent. The affected paragraph of
the Governing Regulations now reads:

       The Board of Trustees annually elects an Executive Committee
       of five members, which has the powers that the Board delegates
       to it. (KRS 164. 190) This election shall be held at the September
       meeting of the Board. Vacancies may be filled at any meeting of
       the Board. The Board designates one member of the committee
       to serve as its chairman. In general, the committee exercises
       oversight of the financial and business interests of the University
       and possesses the same powers as the Board during the periods
       between meetings of the latter.

       G. Election of Executive Committee

       Mr. Clay called on Mr. William R. Black, Chairman of the Nominating
Committee named to recommend persons for membership on the Executive Con.-
mittee. Mr. Black presented the following slate:

      Mr. Albert Clay, Chairman
      Mr. Thomas P. Bell
      Mr. Richard E. Cooper
      Mr. George W. Griffin
      Mr. William B. Sturgill
      Mrs. Lucile Blazer, Ex Officio Secretary, without vote

and moved its adoption. His motion was seconded and passed with all present
voting "Aye".

      H. Committee Appointments Announced

      Mr. Clay announced the committee appointments for the 1973-74 academic
year and requested the secretary to prepare for distribution to members a
complete listing of these assignments for 1973-74. A copy of the list is appended
to the Minutes.

      I. President's Report to the Trustees

President Singletary, after briefly reviewing some of the items in the



President's Report to the Trustees, recommended its acceptance. Mr. Clay
received the report and ordered it filed.

       J. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Singletary noted that the members of the Board had received
copies of PR 2, Recommendations of the President, in advance of the meeting
and, thus, were familiar with its contents. He added that the recommendations
for appointments and/or other staff changes were more or less routine with the
exception of the recommendation of Dr. J. T. Bryans as Chairman of the
Department of Veterinary Science in the College of Agriculture. Adding that he
did not ordinarily comment on individual appointments, Dr. Singletary said that
because of the amount of public discussion surrounding the appointment of the
chairman of the Department of Veterinary Science, he felt that he should do so in
this particular instance.

       After explaining in some detail the search procedures employed by the
University in screening candidates for a chairmanship he enumerated the following
factors which influenced the recommendation of Dr. Bryans for the position:

          1. The decision was made to remain inside of the department in the
            selection of a new chairman because the former chairman was
            remaining as an active member of the department and there was no
            new position or new money available to bring in someone from

          2. Dean Barnhart, although well aware of the differences of opinion
            about Dr. Bryans which centered primarily around the fact that
            he was not a veterinarian and that perhaps he weas too highly
            specialized, reached the decision to recommend Dr. Bryans
            because he felt he was an intelligent, highly motivated, and
            agressive individual who had a deep loyalty to the University
            of Kentucky, the College of Agriculture, and the Department of
            Veterinary Science. In addition, Dr. Bryans is recognized
            nationally and internationally as a distinguished virologist, he
            is widely published with over 50 publications to his credit, and
            has made significant contributions to the solution of several
            very serious animal diseases.

            In concluding his remarks, President Singletary mentioned a
            letter dated August 22 from an official of the Grayson Foundation
            to Dean Barnhart which strongly suggested that support funds
            might be reduced should Dr. Bryans not be named Chairmanr of
            the Department. He reported that this letter was not received
            by Dean Barnhart until after the decision had already been reached
            on August 6 to recommend the appointment of Dr. Bryans. Thus,
            the letter did not influence the University's decision in any way. It
            was unfortunate that such a letter wvas ever written because it
            helped to create a false issue but, inasmuch as it was written and


          was given considerable visibility through the news media,
          Dr. Singletary said he would like to restate the University's
          position which has been and will continue to be that no donor
          or supporter of the University purchases any appointive rights.
          All appointments will continue to be made as they have been
          made by the processes established by the Board of Trustees.
          The University of Kentucky is far too good and far too big for
          anybody to buy it. It has never been for sale, is not now for
          sale, and never will be for sale.

       Mr. Clay asked if there were any questions concerning Mr. Bryans' ap-
pointment or any other items in PR 2. There being none, on motion by Mr.
Kincaid, seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed unanimously, PR 2 was approved
as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See
PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       Dr. Singletary reminded the Board members that it is necessary to
obtain approval from the Council on Public Higher Education for construction
projects amounting to over $100, 000. In order that the facilities planned for
Fine Arts, Lexington Technical Institute, and the Center for Biology of Aging
may be included in the budget for the next biennium, the Board must give its
approval for the submission of these projects to the Council on Public Higher
Education. He recommended approval of Section I of PR 3 authorizing this, as
wvell as the personnel recommendations in Section II.

       There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mrs.
Blazer, and passed, with all present voting "Aye", PR 3 was approved as a
whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See
PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Dean  {aywood Appointed Secretary for Development in
Governor's Cabinet

       President Singletary said that before proceeding to the next item on the
agenda, he wvould like to mention the recent appointment of Dr. Charles Haywood,
Dean of the College of Business and Econornics at the University, as Secretary
for Development in the Governor's Cabinet. He continued that he had been ap-
proached sometime ago about the possibility of this appointment being made and
that he had discussed the matter with Dr. Cochran. They had agreed that it would
be an important service for the State and that it was good for the University to
provide requested assistance to State Government when possible.

Dean Haywood's appointment requires no change of status at this time



since he is already on special assignment to the State on a part-time, reim-
bursable basis. The new position is seen as a temporary one and a part-time
one and he can continue serving as Dean of the College, as he is presently doing.
The University is in the process of looking at the alternatives on how to handle
the internal administration of the College and will in all likelihood be back to the
Board of Trustees in the near future with a recommendation on this. In the
meantime, the University is delighted that it has people that will help in these
matters and glad that Dean Haywood can provide this service.

       M. Budget Revisions for 1973-74 (PR 4)

       President Singletary mentioned that Dr. Clapp was present and would be
happy to answer any questions relative to the recommended revisions in the
1973-74 budget.

       There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Sturgill, seconded by Mr.
Goss, with all present voting "Aye", the recommended budget revisions were
authorized and approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       N. Revision in Refund Policy Statement (PR 5)

       At President Singletary's request, Dr. Cochran explained that the pro-
posed revision in the policy statement on refunds to students withdrawing from
the University was for clarification purposes only. It represents no change in
policy but establishes more clearly the cut-off date for receiving refunds.

       There being no questions, on motion by Dr. Sears, seconded by Mr.
Palmer and passed without dissent, the proposed revision in the refund policy
as recommended in PR 5 was approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

      0. Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations Received
and Tabled (PR 6)

      The President explained that the proposed. amendment to the Governing
Regulations as set forth in PR 6 came to the Board from the University Senate
and had the approval of the University Administration. The proposed change
would not affect the total membership of the University Senate but would provide
a modified basis for apportioning the elected faculty members among the various
colleges and the University Libraries. Professor Sears and Professor Oberst
endorsed the proposed change and Professor Sears moved that the Amendmnent be
received and tabled for action at a later meeting. His motion was seconded by
Mrs. Blazer and passed. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )



      P. Amendment to the Retirement Resolution (PR 7)

      Mr. Larry Forgy was asked to explain the proposed amendment to the
Retirerment Resolution as proposed in PR 7. He said that when Group II employees
were taken into the funded retirement program which made retirement at age 65
mandatory, a group of approximately 56 employees were deprived of the opportunity
to acquire retirement benefits who, at the time of their employment, would have had
such an opportunity. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to permit an ex-
tension of service for these employees in order that they may qualify for retirement
benefits in accordance with the terms and conditions of employment that were in
effect at the time of employment.

      Mr. Clay called for questions and Mr. Palmer inquired as to how the
affected individuals would be notified of the change. Mr. Forgy replied that noti-
fication would be made through the Personnel Office. There being no further
questions, on motion by Mr. Burlew, seconded by Mr. Alverson and passed, the
Amendment to the Retirement Resolution as set forth in PR 7 was approved. (See
PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

      Q. Summary Audit Report for 1972-73 Accepted (FCR 1)

      Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Finance Committee, recommended that the
Board of Trustees accept the summary audit report of the financial records of the
University of Kentucky for the fiscal year 1972-73 as submitted from the firm of
Coopers and Lybrand, and so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Crockett
and passed without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

      R. Report on the Community College System

      Dr. Singletary introduced Dr. Stanley Wall, Vice President for the Com-
munity College System, who gave a report on the role of the Community College
System, the goals which it has already achieved and those which it hopes to
achieve, the problems which have been solved and those still remaining to be
solved. A film was shown which illustrated many of the points made in Dr. Wall1s

      Mr. Clay and other members of the Board expressed appreciation to
Dr. Wall for his informative and interesting presentation and commended
President Singletary on his plan to include other such reports as a part of each
meeting during the 1973-74 academic year.

      S. Meeting Adjourned

There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion



duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary

(The Committee Assignments for 1973-74, PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and FCR 1
which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting. )



                           Elected Committee

Executive Committee

Albert G. Clay, Chairman
Lucile Blazer, Secretary Ex Officio
Thomas P. Bell
Richard E. Cooper
Geroge Griffin
William B. Sturgill

                         Appointed Committees


William B. Sturgill, Chairman
Stanley Burlew
Albert Clay
Richard E. Cooper
George Griffin
Garvice Kincaid

Student Code

Inve stmnent

Garvice D. Kincaid, Chairman
Albert Clay
Lawrence E. Forgy
William B. Sturgill

Medical Center

George Griffin, Chairman
Thomas Bell
John Crockett
Jim Flegle
Eugene Goss
Paul Sears

Lucile Blazer, Chairman
Jesse M. Alverson
William R. Black
Zirl Palmer
James A. Sutherland
J. R. Woodyard


Thomas Bell, Chairman
Jesse M. Alverson
William R. Black
Lucile Blazer
Stanley Burlew
Betty Carol Clark
Paul Oberst




                        September 18, 1973


     Enrollment at the University is 35,462 for the fall semester.

     Dr. Elbert W. Ockerman, dean of admissions and registrar, said
this figure includes 20,653 at'Lexington, 12,959 in the Community
College System, 550 in the extension class program, and 2,010 in the
evening classes.

     The dean reported the largest increase over last year in en-
rollment at Lexington was in the number of returning students, a
stabilization in enrollment which is characteristic across the
nation. He said 14,094 students this semester are classified as
returning or continuing students. Last year the figure was 13,848.
New students this fall totaled 5,803.

     A breakdown of Lexington campus enrollment by colleges: agri-
culture, 1,054; allied health, 526; architecture, 509, arts and
sciences, 6,673; business and economics, 1,993; dentistry, 229;
education, 2.079; engineering, 999; graduate school, 2,900; home
economics,.638; law, 510; Lexington Technical Institute, 710; medi-
cine, 416; nursing, 635; pharmacy, 293, and social professions, 489.

     In the Community College System: Ashland, 1,169; Elizabethtown,
837; Hazard, 219; Henderson, 586; Hopkinsville, 808; Eagle University
at Ft. Campbell, 298; Jefferson, 4,283; Jefferson's Southwest Center,
368; Lexington Technical Institute, 1,118; Madisonville, 371; Mays-
ville,378; Paducah, 1,048; Prestonsburg, 518; Somerset, 597; South-
east at Cumberland, 361.

     Because of the complexity of a system of classification 710
students enrolled in classes leading to a baccalaureate degree are
included in enrollment figures for both the Lexington Technical
Institute and the Lexington campus. The figures are not duplicated
in the total.


     The Community College System will celebrate its tenth anni-
versary next July. Dr. Stanley Wall, vice-president of the System,
calls attention to the previous decade's progress in the current
CC Newsletter, recalling the "phenomenal growth, the building of new
colleges and the development of quality programs." He cites the
community colleges for bringing opportunities for higher education
within reach of all citizens of the state, an accomplishment "un-
dreamed of not many years ago."



     The University will cooperate with The Lexington Herald-
Leader in a new Courses by Newspaper program offered by the local
newspapers beginning September 30.

     The program, funded by the National Endowment for the Humani-
ties, will provided undergraduate credit to those who successfully
complete the course, administered on campus through the Extension

     Twenty scholars will be featured in the first course, en-
titled, "America and the Future of Man."


     The University is 46th on a list of 100 U.s. universities re-
ceiving the largest amounts of federal funds for research and other

     The National Science Foundation reported that the University
was awarded more than $21 million last year. The previous year,
$18.7 million was received and the University ranked 47th.

     James McDonald, executive director of UKRF, said the $21
million represented funds allocated to the central campus, the
Medical Center, and to the individual colleges in the Community Col-
lege System.


     Dr. John A. O'Donnell, professor of sociology and administrator
of a $714,953 grant from President Nixon's Special Action Office
for Drug Abuse Prevention, says results of the one-year study possi-
bly could change both medical and public opinions regarding drug
addiction and treatment.

     The study will involve nationwide interviewing of men between
ages 19 and 29, and is aimed at a better understanding of drug
problems, patterns of use, and the people who use drugs.

     Dr. O'Donnell believes results of the study also will contri-
bute to possible changes in teaching missions by those concerned
with courses in deviance, delinquency and similar areas.




     Dr. Vincent Davis, professor and director of the Patterson
School of Diplomacy and international Commerce, has taken the
initiative in an effort to collect the largest possible set of
private papers and materials pertaining to U. S. involvement in
Southeast Asia after World War II culminating in the Vietnam War.

     Dr. Davis defines private papers and materials to mean every-
thing not in official government archives, ranging from letters a
sergeant may have mailed home to his wife from a foxhole in Vietnam
to TV tapes of documentary and news broadcasts from the ABC, CBS
and NBC networks.

     Dr. Davis originally got the idea for the project when he was
asked by the family of the late John Paul Vann,-killed in Vietnam
on June 9, 1972, to take custody of Vann's private papers. Vann,
who spoke in Lexington as the guest of Dr. Davis in January, 1972,
probably was the most legendary American to emerge from America's
Vietnam experience. The private papers and interview tape re-
cordings of New York Times reporter Neil Sheehan, who visited Dr.
Davis for a week in January, 1973, also have been promised to the
collection, and a few additional materials as well as more than
$2,000 in cash have been contributed.

     The first big step in this project was a meeting in Wing-
spread, the conference center of the Johnson Foundation, in Racine,
Wisconsin, on August 24-25.

     The Patterson School was joined by the Oral History Association
(professional society for oral historians) as co-sponsor. Dr.
Sheldon Simon, associate professor and former acting director of
the Patterson School, joined Dr. Davis in attending the Wingspread
meeting in Racine.


     More than 400 items from a private John Milton collection--
including six first editions of "Paradise Lost," one of "Paradise
Regain'd," and the first printing of a number of prose tracts by
the 17th century English poet--have been acquired by the Margaret I.
King Library.

     The collection, already housed in the library's Rare Book Room,
is open to serious Milton scholars.

     The books were bought in 1972 when Dr. Thomas Stroup of the
English department, a nationally known Milton scholar, observed that
the collection--known as the Ravenstree Milton collection--soon
would be on the market.

     The acquisition, together with the library's already signifi-
cant Milton collection, makes the current collection among the
five or six finest in the country.




     A gift to the University Library Associates will underwrite
a three-year trial project which will enable students to learn
about books by making them.

     Mrs. Joseph C. Graves of Lexington has given not only the
money to finance the project, but in 1965 had given a hand press,
type, and the printing equipment of her late husband, a Lexington
businessman and founder of the Gravesend Press. His collection of
books on fine printing also has been given to the Margaret I. King

     Harold Gordon, associate director of libraries, said, "Because
of the generosity of Mrs. Graves, it now is possible to continue
Lexington's role as a leader in a very old art by developing the
talents and skills of younger people."

     The sessions, scheduledfor two each year, will provide both
a seminar on the historical significance of the written and printed
book, and a workshop on printing and binding books. There will be
a winter/spring session, Jan. 15-April 15, and a summer session,
June 15-Aug. 15, in 1974, 1975 and 1976. Mrs. Carolyn Hammer,
curator of rare books in the Department of Special Collections and
co-founder of Lexington's first privately operated hand-press in
1943, will direct the workshops.

     Lexington, which has been called the capital of private hand
presses, has more private presses per capita than any city in the


     The University will receive a $1 million grant from the Appa-
lachian Regional Commission to play a key role in a project that
will use telecasts by satellite to beam innovative ideas to teachers.

     The experiment will involve developing high quality television
courses and seminars to be broadcast by satellite to teachers in
regional education service agencies in 10 of the 13 Appalachian
states. More than 1,000 teachers representing 150 school districts
will participate in the experiment.

     The television courses will be graduate level and will focus
on the in-service needs of teachers of reading and career education.

     The program will help determine the feasibility of offering
continual telecommunications services for the region, including
college-level home study for individuals, and programs for profes-
sionals like doctors, lawyers and engineers, enabling them to keep
abreast of developments in their fields. One of the possible results
of the experiment might be a kind of "Appalachian University" via
satellite. UK was chosen to coordinate the education component of
the Appalachian Applications Technology Satellite Experiment.



- 5 -


      Researchers at the University, during July, the first month of
the fiscal year, received $7.263,483.84. Several agencies, in cross-
disciplinary allocations, will work on water pollution and related
problems, and scientists researching various tobacco and health
problems have received additional and new grants from the U. S. De-
partment of Agriculture. The Thailand project also received new


      Agricultural Engineering--J. N. Walker, Environment in Green-
house Associated With Strip Mine Benches and/or Mines, Kentucky
Surface Mining and Reclamation Association, Gro-Master Gilts, Inc.,
and Sto-Cote Products, Inc., $400 additional. Agronomy--C. E.
Bortner, Agricultural Research, U. S. Department of Agriculture,
$24,000. J. W. Herron and L. Thompson, Weed Science Research, Uni-
royal Inc., $500 additional. D. E. Peaslee, Corn Plants in Sand
Culture, Duval Sales Corporation, $200. D. E. Peaslee and C. E.
Reick, Efficiency and Transformation of Fertilizer Nitrogen in
Selectec Soils of Western Kentucky, Tennessee Valley Authority,
$11,500. J. H. Smiley, W. 0. Atkinson and A. J. Hiatt, Agronomic
Tobacco, Uniroyal, Chemical Division, $500 additional. K. L. Wells,
H. Vaught, W. C. Thompson and A. J. Hiatt, Forage Fertility, Potash
Institute of North America, $300 additional. H. R. Burton, Effect
of Chemical and Physical Modifications of Tobacco on Composition
and Biological Activity of Tobacco Smoke, USDA, $45,429. D. L.
Davis, Chemical Analyses of Tobacco, Tobacco Leaf Extracts and
Fractions Thereof, USDA, $55,390. C. H. Grunwald, Parafins, Long-
Chain Fatty Acids and Long-Chain Fatty Alcohols to Determine
Cuticular Wax (Gum) Composition of Burley Tobacco, Both Fresh and
Cured, USDA, $25,500. S. J. Sheen, Factors Regulating Quality of
Brown Pigments in Tobacco Leaves and Biological Activity of Cigar-
ette Smoke Thereof, USDA, $50,930. J. L. Sims, Effect of Molyb-
denum Fertilizer on Nitrogenous Constituents of Burley Tobacco,
USDA, $51,000. Animal Sciences--R. Hemken, Efficacy of Klenzade
ID-14 Teat Dip for Control of Mastitis, Economics Laboratory, Inc.,
$8,300. G. E. Mitchell, Development of a Model for Accessing
Bioavailability and Chemical Stability of Drugs and Nutrient Sup-
plement in Liquid Feeds, Food and Drug Administration, $60,000
additional. R. E. Tucker and G. Mitchell, Neural Consequences of
Vitamin A Deficient Pregnancy, National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development, $30,054.  Entomology--F. E. Knapp, TH 6040
For Fly Control, Thompson-Hayward Chemical Company, $500. H. G.
Raney, Insects Attacking No-Tillage Corn, Stauffer Chemical Company,
$250 additional. H. Raney, Insecticides, Shell Oil Company, $500.
H. G. Raney, Insecticidal Studies on Soybeans and Corn, FMC Corp.,
$1,000. Richard Thurston, Pests Affecting Man and Animals, ICI
America, Inc., $300. R. Thurston and G. A. Jones, PhosvelR on
Tobacco Against Insects, Velsicol Chemical Corp., $500 additional.
Program Extension--S. Phillips, Field Demonstration and Applied
Research Program on Forage Production Principally in Livingston
County, Reed Crushed Stone Company, Inc., $6,000 additional.
Thailand Project--D. C. Bohanan, Assistance in Developing an Agri-
cultural Center in Northeast Thailand, Agency for International


- 6

Development, $850,653 additional. Veterinary Science--J. T.
Bryans, Define and Characterize Classes of Immunoglobulens,
Specific for Vee Vaccine, Produced by the Equine Fetus, USDA,
$15,000. J. T. Bryans, Pharmacology of Drugs, Kentucky Division,
Horsemans Benevolent and Productive Association, Kentucky Trotting