We, the mzidersigned, duly appointed Auditors of the Cor-
poration, do hereby certify that we have examined the books
and accounts of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Sta- l
tion for the iiscal year ended June 30, 1917; that we have
found the same well kept and classified as above; that the bal-
ance brought forward from the preceding year was nothing ,
on the Hatch Fund and nothing on the Adams Fund; that
the receipts for the year from the Treasurer of the United
States were $15,000.00 under the act of Congress of March 2, ‘
1887, and $15,000.00 under the act of Congress of March 16,
1906, and the corresponding disbursements $15,000.00 and A
$15,000.00; for all of which proper vouchers are on file and "
have been by us examined and found correct, leaving balances
I ` of nothing and nothing. p
l And we f-1u·the·r certify that the expenditures have been
solely for the purposes set forth in the acts of Congress ap- I
. proved March 2, 1887, and l\Iarch 16, 1906, and in accordance
with the terms of said acts, respectively.
(Signed) F. M. MGKEE,
(Seal) P. P. Jonnsron, JR.,
Attest: Exim YL. Ginms, Custodian.
» .