iw il .
A     4 Thirtieth A/}l‘}t2lGZ Report 0f the ·
‘; " I ADDITIONS TO EQUIPMENT. More than 500 volumes have `
»   been added to the library and many minor pieces of apparatus,
_   · tools and machinery have been purchased for the Departments. V
_   " An important acquisition of real estate has been made in `
; A U the purchase of the Mulligan property consisting of a substan-
· - by  tial residence and about thirteen- acres of land adjoining the
j . University campus on the east.
l I   Bulletins V _
AV ii I N0.
    _ 206. Factors and Methods in the Profitable Production of
  ‘   p Sanitary Milk. I. Practical Means of Controlling Bac-
    ._ terial Infection of Milk. II. Experimental Study of ’ ` _
V   1 V Conditions AEecting the Contamination of Milk. W.
{ V     · D. Nicholls. March, 1917.
  1. fi 207. Studies in Forage Poisoning. V. A Preliminary Report
      on An Anaerobic Bacillus of Etiologic Significance.
z--   r Robert Graham, A. L. Brueckner and R. L. Pontius.
‘j   V Jane, 1917.
»   ig 208. Studies in Forage Poisoning. VI. An Anaerobic Organ-
    ism Isolated from Ensilage of Etiologic Significance.
  _ ‘   Robert Graham,'A. L. Brueckner and R. L. Pontius.
  Vi   July, 1917.
    209. Sanitary Inspection of Slaughter-Houses. J. O. LaBacl1
  ``_`:   `»'4. VV lf] and W. H. Simmons. October, 1917.
l.     · V 210. Important Factors for Successful Farming in the Blue-
  r..V {li grass Region of Kentucky. J. H. Arnold and W, D.
`°"£_`  LI Nicholls. October, 1917.
‘   211. Inspection and Sanitation of Dairies. J. O. LaBach and
· ‘»__ il N. M. Cregor. December, 1917.
    212. American Jack Stock and Mule Production. W. S An-
    derson and J. J. Hooper, December, 1917.
 _;.;__lg  V1 213. Some Observations and Experiments on the Pea and
,;.ij’.i    Bean Weevil in Kentucky. H. Garmau. December,
..   ._V_   V 1917.
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