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  ` 12 Thirtieth Ammel Report 0f the
— j i discontinued in 1915, and a permanent one was established in
  . 1916 at Fariston, five miles below London, on the same type of
  _ Qi ·* soil. .
; i   O11e corn crop, two soy bean hay crops and one wheat crop i
l » i‘ V   have been obtained from the new field. For these four crops
  the net value of the increase over cost of fertilizers has been
i T i $16.08 for acid phosphate, $24.06 for limestone and acid phos-
i _   ~. phate and $13.82 for 2-8-2 complete fertilizer. Acid phosphate ·
  .     and the complete fertilizer were used at the rate of 400 lbs.
{ A J  per acre on the wheat and corn, and 200 lbs. per acre on one
    . soy bean hay crop, the other one following corn without addi-
  , ;§ - tional fertilizers. Limestone was used at the rate of 2 tons per
  ¤ ii . acre. Only 200 lbs. per acre of the phosphate and complete , ‘
i H `. fertilizer are charged against each crop, and only 1,000 lbs. of
j   _ limestone. The complete fertilizer is charged at only $24 per
    ° ton.
Z     The following results have been obtained on the Berea
  ~   i Experiment Field located on land belonging to Berea College,
  ..   ··¤ with which the Experiment Station eo-operates in the conduct
A ,_,· »   , of the work. This soil belongs to the Devonian Area and is
, i ·.   ~ · very acid. The results are the average of three crops of corn
  '_   . and three crops of soy bean and eowpea hay, grown in 1912-15,
Y; _·i;   before drainage was installed. The corn and soy beans or cow-
  ,__.     peas alternate in the rotation. This soil has such poor drain-
  .»,_‘   age that winter grains and red clover are generally winter-
?i¥}—   , killed. However, remarkably iine sweet clover can be grown
iii   "   i by the use of lime and phosphate, if the clover is sown in the
3 .,._.   °ii` M spring, so that it may become well established before winter.
p -si-_  Sweet clover and corn are recommended as a rotation for this
    soil, provided limestone Ftlltl phosphate are used.
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