Ifcntucky Agrticzzltarczl E':l7[)€7"f‘I}l(’}lf Station. 23
@1:1:1- CATTLE, srmzp AND swxum
By E. S. Goon. A
Tl1e work of tl1is Department for the ealendar year, 19].7, ‘
was carried 011 along five dilferent lines, namely; `J
(1) A eontiiination of l11VCSl·lg2ltl=)1)S pertaining to tl1e
’ discovery of a eure for infections abortioi. 111 cows.
(2) A continuation of investigatioizs relative to a pre- l
ventive or enre for infections abortion in mares. A
(3) Steer feedi11g experiinents.
(4) A eontinuatioii of l)1`OC(llllg 0X:·>€1`l11lC1l‘[S with sl1eep ·
to increase tl1e wool and mntton p1`O(lHCll0.1 of our native sheep
by the use of pure bred sires of the Ranbouillet, Hanipshire —
and Southdown breeds.
(5) Hog feeding experiinents. ‘
Very good reports were received (ll_11`l1lg tl1e year _f1’()1ll
tl1e use of albaeterin developed by tl1e Departnient for ini-
llllllllfélllg mares against infections abortion. 4
_ V ]ixperin1ents to (lCfC1‘1l1l1l(`: the residual effect of tl1e winter
feeding of eor11 silage on tl1e ability of steers to gain on pas-
tnre tl1e following Sll11lll1Cl’ were eonelnded, lllillilllg the third
consecutive test. Tl1e result of eaeh years experinient, from
an eeonoinical standpoint, was in favor of the use of (J()1`I1 sil-
ln our two years` work relative to the rapidity and econ-
omy of gains i11 the finishing of two-ycar—old steers kept closely
confined, as compared \\`llll a similar lot of steers allowed thc
erznne kind of enclosure Zllltl tl1e r1n1 of a twenty-aere pasture,
both lots getting sznne feed, the resnlt was eacl1 year in favor