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_   Q 28 Thirtieth Avmual Report of the
' ii that protein from animal sources is worth more than vegetable _
,   · protein, for young chicks.
* ,   if 1 IV. Beginning November 1, 1916, an egg laying contest
I V   ,,` embracing 30 pens of five pullets each, was started. This con-
‘ ‘  .   test which closed October 31, 1917, served to create a remark-
g A "| _ able interest in poultry raising thruout Kentucky. One \Vhite
, V,   Leghorn pullet, Lady \Valnut Hill, produced 9-1 eggs in 9-L
  .. A   ‘ consecutive days and 292 eggs during her pullet year. During
i _   ` _, n the 12 months of the contest she produced 289 eggs, the high-
{ t . I est individual score. She received wide publicity in the press
    of this State and thruout the United States.
      A half sister of Lady Waliiiity Hill laid 258 eggs in the
  ` Qi contest-year. The third pullet, also a Wliite Leghorn, laid 256
l   il 1 eggs; the fourth, a Single Comb Rhode lsland Red, 248; the I
2  Y fifth, a Wliite Leghorn, 245; and the sixth, a Buff Orpington,
i     laid 243 eggs. The highest pen, Wliite Leghorns. produced
      7 1,093 eggs, in the contest-year; an average of 216   per hen.
    `L ‘ The second, third and fourth pens, also White Leghorns, pro-
      '** ` g duced 1,068, 1,058 and 1,029 eggs, respectively, while the fifth
    ,   pen, Buff Orpingtons, produced 1,007.
I il‘i     During the contest-year, 27 hens produced over 200 eggs
i~ _ .   each. Eight of these were of tl1e heavier breeds and nineteen
 "  were VVhitc Leghorns. The 150 hens in the contest averaged
  ll 162 eggs each. It is claimed that the average production in
  . ° Kentucky approximates 60 eggs from each hen in the State.
    The birds were provided with open front, shed roof houses.
  i which were dry, sanitary, free from draft, and permitted an
§ .1-,_;;V   abundance of sunlight.
1   A mash consisting of a finely ground mixture of feeds was
2 ijT`iQ_  kept before the birds at all times and embraced the following
  E  materials;
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