Ifmzzwcky A_Q7"?i('ll[2Ll(?’(IZ E.1·p07·im0nt Station. 29
Corn meal .______________,_,,__V____,________________________ 6 lbS_
Bran .. _.._..,_,___.4__,__ ______ , _______,___________,______,___ 3 lbg_
Niddlings ............_,_.__&.4..____...AA___________`_______ 3 lbs. `
Ground oats ..._____________,_____,4__,_,________________ 3 lbg.
Heat meal .w.....,,‘...._..,_...__,__.,4_._____,__,_______ ._ 5 lbs.
(`harcoal .... . ...,_____,.4_____ _ __,4 ; ___,_V_____________>____ 1lb,
§ Total .....,.....,.4.»»...,._...._.___....._.,..._.,...__..__., 21 lbs.
; The grain niixtnre eonsisted of the following feeds;
`Wheat .....,........,...,_____.______,_..,A___,_____,_____________ 16 lbs. ‘
2 (`raeked corn ...........4,............,._l_........4... 16 lbs. L
S Oats ..... . .........................................._.___.....,...... 8 lbs.
, Total .............. . ................................. , ......... 40 lbs. I
. The grain niixtnre was fed in the litter twiee daily. one-
- third of the total ainonnt fed being given in the morning and
I two—thirds in the evening. This grain was mixed np well i11
the straw by kieking np the litter when the grain was fed. The
S inash was fed in the dry T()l'lll and kept before the birds at all
I tiines. A balance was kept between the two feeds by aiining to
1 feed twiee as inneh grain by weight as the birds eonsnnied of
H the inash. i
Tl1e great lesson to be learned from this eontest is. that if ‘
;_ We are to have more profitable poultry in Kentneky, we ninst
H tirst of all keep pnre bred stoek. Then we ninst give this stock
proper housing faeilities and feed it a well balaneed ration.