1 . »r».    i f
 in i 44 Thirticth Armzztal Report of the ‘
‘   spected by an assistant, all the nurseries in the State. Tl1e l
_ ii · number of these establislnnents has, of late, been about 40,
_   `,` ranging in size from a fourth acre to about 150 acres. Wlieii
A li ,.t tl1e law was enacted tl1e San Jose scale had just appeared
l be T o ~· , within our borders and it was feared that it would invade our
; l" - nurseries and from there be scattered quickly thruout the
i ,   »~ State, as had already been the case in adjoining states. The
  ,   ` inspections begun at that time have been continued ever since
{ { ` _' _ and have served to delay the spread of the pest and to have it
i l . V · suppressed when it appeared, altho, as it became established in
    orchards near the nurseries, the work became more and more i
      p difficult. The law enacted relates to home-grown stock only,
  if  T but with a provision for the inspection of orchards, on request I
Q j L l of owners. lf orchardists fail to give notice of suspected in-
E  Y » festation there is nothing in the law compelling them to do so,
l i   and the result has been, in some cases, that orchards adjoining
  ` .   nurseries were the source from which nurseries became i11fested.
  ‘ jp, n · At present the scale is scattered thruout the United States and
Y     "*` may be brought into a nursery from almost any source. The
_.   i S   work of the inspector is thus much more difhcult than it was
,4 N `_·‘   in 1897, and present conditions make it desirable that when the
i   i law is amended a requirement be added with reference to
  '     orchards. making it obligatory upon owners to treat their trees
    ‘ when they become a danger to otl1er premises. This will in-
  volve the employment of more assistance than l have had at
i`° ‘,t“. `jtlt _ my command. and more funds to meet the increased expenses.
  I am not satisfied, however, that this is the best time to urge
  ‘—..   an amendment of tl1G law, considering tl1e financial condition
l.·,j,¤{f‘,   of the State and the needs of the lvniversity in several other
1   g§  directions.
  There was sonic increase in the homegrown nursery stock
  ····   in 1917, owing to the difficulty of getting stock to fill orders
  from abroad and to an increased local demand for trees. The
  · following will give an idea of the stock i11 the nurseries in-
"f    · sp ceted :
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