76 -‘ Circular N0. 15. f V
places, from which the pests come; and, further, to disinfect
. the animals we keep about us that are the chief means of bring-
ing them into our dwellings. Practically all that needs to be
_ done in the case of flea infestations is accomplished, when these
precautions have been taken.
In the 1’irst place, it is desirable that the floors of stables
and other outbuildings frequented by pets be made as far as
practicable iiea and rat proof. Wooden floors are to be avoided
» when possible because of the opportunity they afford for rats
A l to burrow beneath, and for fleas to find crevices in which to
f breed and from which they cannot readily be driven out, or
'L destroyed. A good concrete floor is almost a necessity as ag
means of providing cleanly quarters for animals. lt holds both
V rats and {ieas in check; it can be easily cleaned and even dis-
r infected. Old litter, the refuse of bedding, forage, feeds. and
the like. should be carefully swept up and burned or removed
to the garden or farm to serve as a fertilizer. A little carbol-
ized lime scattered about such places, in crevices of floors, etc.,
‘ will help. Coal-oil, where it can be used, is excellent. Rat
poisons and traps may be brought into service. All of these
· are well known and easily applied remedies, and if employed
, in advance of veritable irruptions of the pests will keep fleas
suppressed. ”
l Wliile there are several hundred species of fleas infesting
A different animals, those commonly found about human habita-
tions in this country belong to four species, which are:
The human flea (Pulca: irritrms), found also on the dog
p and other domestic animals, also at times on rats, and even on
the skunk.
The dog flea (Ctcnoccphalus caiiis) which infests cats,
dogs and many other animals. The commonest flea in dwell-
ings in this part of the United States. _
The cat flea (Ctenoccphalus felis) infests cats and dogs.
Frequently the common flea of dwellings, when cats are kept
constantly indoors.
The rat flea (Xcizopsylla chccpis). This is the plague-
carrying species common in India and now introduced into