84 · Circular N0.15. ' · .
` Sodium tluorid dusted freely about baseboards and other
frequented places can be made to destroy numbers of the in-
sects. _ · . · i
· The Oriental Roach (Blatm 0riental·l.s).—This is a brown V
ish black roach somewhat larger than the Croton-bug, the fe-
male wingless, and the male with the wings shorter than the i
body and terminating bluntly, as if obliquely cut off, tho b l
without angles. The male measures from about 0.80 to 0.88 . ‘
i inch in length. the folded wings reaching a short distance be-
i i yond the middle of the abdomen. Females are longer. measur-
1 y , ing from 0.80 to 1 inch in length. The oval egg case is about
0.40 by 0.24 by 0.18 inch. each valve with about 16 minute mar- e V ’
. gina] prominences and 8 submarginal swellings. 1
This insect sometimes becomes more numerous in dwellings
than the (`lroton-bug and can be equally annoying to the tidy
housekeeper. lt is sometimes called the Black beetle. but it
f is not a true beetle. its relationship being with crickets and .
_ i similar insects. instead. all belonging to the order Orthoptera. l
lts manner of life so far as the household is concerned is l
_ the same as that of the Groton-bug. lt feeds upon many differ-[_
l ent foods and attacks at times the bindings of books, and various
' other substances useful to us and commonly kept about our
. dwellings. The same treatment is to be recommended as for
. the other insect. namely. poisoning. trapping, and. in extreme
cases_ fnmigating. f V
l The American Roach (Pcrtiplaneta americana).—Both the
t (`rolonlnig and the Oriental Roach have been introduced into
.\nu·rica from some other country. in all probability from some _
tropical region. since they are sensitive to extreme cold and l
suffer from it. The American species. the third of those here . A
dealt with. is a larger insect than either of the others and is V
fully winged in both sexes. lt measures from 1.32 to 1.68
inches in length to the tips of the folded wings. is dark reddish ~
A brown in color. the shield~shaped plate (prothorax) just behind
the head being bordered somewhat irregularly with yellow. V
This roach appears in our households less frequently than the
introduced species. yet may make more trouble when it gets