Ifezztueky Ag/7‘Z.Cl(ffII7`((t E.rp0ri1ne11t »qf((f?.0H. 49
officials at \V2lSlllll{J_`tOll. be inatle tl1e basis for more thorogoing
studies untler tl1e Atlanis law. Of tl1is character are so111e tests
of tl1e effect of forinalin and turpentine 011 seeds for planting; ‘
on tl1e treatmeiit; of tl1e tobacco worm witl1 arsenate of lead. iu t
tlitferent COll(lltl()11S. etc.
Our regular work witl1 nodule bacteria has been eontinuetl _
under this law with a view to learning 111fl1'C about tl1e relations
of tl1e baete1·ia \\'ltll tl1e plants 11pon which ‘[l]Q}' produce notl-
ules. and also about tl1eir relations to eacl1 other. Much of i ~
our 2ltl(}llll()ll has, of late. bee11 devoted to a study of the 111o1·-
phology of the (\1`{l'&llll$l`1l¢§. Tl1e preparation of cult11res of these p ‘
bacteria for (llSll'll)lltl()ll to fariners was O1'lfIlll?lll_\' llll(l(‘l'THl(Oll ‘ "
as a ineans of lOill‘l1ll]g‘ sonietliing of tl1e etltect of cultures o11
I l(‘Q`lllll(’S grown i11 tll(‘ tlifferent soils of Kentuelay. The tleinantl 1
for cultures l1as become so great; that it is taxing o11r facilities, . A
p and (listribution shouhl be limitetl. in tl1e future. since it. is t
assuniing a strictly utilitarian aspect. l`llUS(‘ applying havingx
solely i11 view the object of improving tl1e fertilit_v of their
, soils. ln otl1er wortls. it l1as grown beyontl tl1e experiniental
stage. as far as tl1is l)epart1ne11t is eonceriietl. lluring 1917
tl1e tleniantl for soy beau and eowpea cultures was exceptional.
as a result of the ])l‘01)ElQ`2llltl2l for increasetl footl pr0lllllll1(‘l_t \\'ltll special
l`t°l.(`l`(`ll('(' tt)   l`(‘l2lll()ll tt) ]>lillltS Ulf llltt Qltxlills Nt/tl-ft·'t{/fi. (tt.
whieh we have il llllllll><*l' in l{(‘lllllt‘l(_\'. some of which our stu