Ifeiztztvky Agri<·uItu·r<1l E.F])(’7"i})I€)If Station. 53
r A
, By W'. D. N1c1101.1.s. i
g ;` l .
I have thc l101101' to submit the following report of the
activitics of thc l,)©part111c11t of Farm )lilll2l{."_`(‘1l1C1]t for tho M.
(`aloudar year 1917: i
, li. ilixviasirioixwioxs IN '1`llli Bvsixuss ()1u—
lation of tlioso records show tl1<· 11l()S‘[ protital1l<· lualauvo of liyo
stock aud crop o11t0rp1·is<·s; tho lwst sizo of dairy liord; tlno
liost &lll1()llIll 2lll(l distrilwutiou of capital; tll(‘ propor tlogrco of
` (ll\`C‘l`SlJ[_\’§ tlio correct (l(‘{2_`l'(‘(‘ of iutt-usity of cultivation of vrops V
?lll(l tho fvotliiig of stock; a11d lllllll(‘l'<}llS otlu—r practiral ftl(fl'()l'S
of production C()ll('Ol'lllllQ \\`lll(‘ll dairy faruiors art- auxious to lw
C1lllg`lllCll(‘(l. ~
ll. l*`.xmr )l,\N.\(iF])IlCN'l` S'l‘l'Dll·]$ IN No12*1·u1·;uN l{1·:x·
*1‘1'c1ody of data with 1·os]><·¤,·t to tlue V
factors for thc ]>rotital>l<· orgauizatiou of li2ll'lIlS of lnilly uaturo.
lll. S*1*U1>11·;s ix mu; (‘0s’r or l)RtlI)l'(TlN(i (ll(·Y}l’$. 'l`l1is work
was douo iu cou110<·tio11 with tho l(<·u1ou (`ouuty farm sury<·y.
The figures iudicatcd tliat. \\`llll(? tho cost of ])l'()(lll(flIl{g' cc·rtaiu