Pftft Tknt

erts, William Mintex, John C. Riley,
John E. Withrow, Robert Williams.


Mystic Thirteen Party
The Mystic Thirteen of the University of Kentucky, entertained Friday
night, with a Washington's' birthday
party. The party went to the As You
Like It Tea Room for dinner, which
was followed by a theatre party to the

Society Calendar

Saturday, March
Pi Kappa Alpha's formal dance, Phoenix Ho- Ben Ali.
The members of the active chapter
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity'! arc: Tom Ballentine Karl Rohs, Bill
Founders' Day banquet, Palm Room Embry, Sam Caldwell, Ralf Boren,
of Phoenix Hotel.
Layman Mays, Jimtnie Reed, Marian
Gorman, William Tate, Turner Gregg,
Takes Prominent Role
Wayne Faust, Jimmie Darnell.
The guests were: Misses Mary
Mr. William I. Moore, of Clay, Ky.,
a student at Purdue University, was Snell Ruby, Pearl McCormick, RoberReginia
one of the leading characters in a ta Zipper, of Louisville,
play, "The Tailor-Mad- e
Man," which Bryant, Esther Gilbert, Lucille Colewas given at Purdue recently by the man, Marie Pheiffcr, Mary Helburn
Little Theatre Players of the Univer- and Maria McElroy.
sity. The Little Theatre is one of
Omega Rho Initiation
two major dramatic organizations at
The members of Omega Rho local
Purdue, and specializes on small plays,
giving one larger production each year. sorority, held their regular initiation
Mir. Moore is a good amateur actor, meeting Friday evening, February 22,
and played the part of Dr. Sonntag at the home of Miss Mary Greaves, or
in the production.
He took part in High street. The following pledges
dramatic productions at the Univer- were initiated: Misses Mabel
Frances Brown and Myrtle
sity of Kentucky, where he was a student before going to Purdue. He is Stephens.
a senior pharmacy student at PurAlpha Sigma Phi Dance
due and a memiber of the Pi Kappa
The pledges of Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha fraternity.
fraternity entertained with a dance at
Mr. Moore is well known in Lexthe chapter house Saturday evening,
is a brother of Mr.
ington and
February 23, in honor of the active
Moore, a present senior at the
from tkte
University of Kentuoky.
other fraternities on the campus were
also guests at the affair which lasted
Sigma Nu Bowling Party
from 8 to 12.
The Kentucky Night Riders OrThe memibers of Sigma Nu fraternity entertained Friday with a de- chestra furnished the music. The
lightful luncheon and bowling party house was decorated in the fraternity
at the Phoenix hotel in celebration of colors, Cardinal and Stone, and with
replicas of the fraternity pledge pin
Washington's birthday anniversary.
Hosts were memibers of the active and pin.
The chaperones were Miss Marguerchapter and pledges: Messrs. Whitney Kemper, Howard Asher, Madesin ite McLaughlin, Mrs. O. O. Carpenter,
Cawein, Robin Dinwiddle, William Mrs. C. E. Gibson and Mr.and Mrs.
Stokes W. C. Brown.
Ellison, Robert
The guests included:
Hamilton, John Heber, Ted Johnson,
Misses Sparta Furlong, Elizabeth
Albert, Ted Creech, Robert
Creech, Arthur Lewis, Beverly Mann, Wheeler, Deedy Price, Elizabeth
Jane Hayden,
Jamie Molloy, Jack Moran, Reed Morris,
Miller, Troy Perkins, Ray Rice, John Dungan, Louise McCormick, Virginia
Turner Baker,
Marshall Paul, Katherine
Gregg, James Adkinson and' Leroy Fuller, Lillian Rasch, Ann Williams,
Essie Reams, Grace Davis, Martha
The pledges: Messrs. Sam Boden, Pate, Annelle Kelley, Estell'a Kelsal,
Harry Clay, Chauncey Forgey, Clif- Madalyne Arthur, Edna Lewis Wells,
ford Fuller, Bernard Gorman, Dan Marie Beckner, Sue Lockett Mitchell,
Haury, Nat Hall, Glen Justice, John Larlane Bronaugh, Hazel Sullivan,
Keyes, Alec Lewis, Wesleyan Galvin, Marianna Reynolds, Katheryn
Esther Gilbert, Frances Maltby,
Linwood Mansfield, Vernon Rice,
John MdCormick, Odell Willis1, Floyd Pearl McCormick, La Vergne Lester.
"Messrs. Sneed Yager, John E.
McCauley and Fountain Raymer.
Billy Upham, ardner Bayless,
The guests were: Misses Frances
Berry, Bowen
Kenny, Margaret
Davin, Beatrice Joe Roberts, Frank
Gant, Elizabeth Moorman, Norma Nelson, Ward
Ruth Gregg, Al Kirwan, Buster Carpenter,
Carter, Rachelle Shacklette,
Fuller, Polly John Shaw, Jimmy Willis, C. B. McKennedy, Katherine
Doolin, Katherine Miller, Charlene Carthy, Bill Douglas, Carroll DunDavies, Mildred1 Beam, Mary Snell gan, Jimmy McFarland, Arthur Prew-it- t,
Leroy Miles, Edward Fitch, MarRuby, Kathleen Lowry, Elizabeth
Morris, Grace Davis, Kathleen Ed- shall Barnes, Ray Sauer, George
wards, Frances Ripy, Elizabeth Wil- Buchheit, F. Wieman.
The active chapter: K. R. Smith,
liams, Pansy Gregg, Frances1 Halbert,
A. F. Bentley, Wayne Foust, P. W.
Esther Gilbert,
Nina Howard, Helen James, Rusch, U. J. Miller, Charley Wheeler,
Joan Robinson, Mary 'Cole, Helen Kenney King, E. M. Heavrin, C E.
Gibson, Ted Douglas, C. B. Sauer, Al
King, Margaret Price and Pearl
Dedie Price and Marguerite Wieman, Cecil Charles, J. B. Loftus,
C. G. Martin, J. C. Warrent,
Miller, Oscar Bishop, Lysl'e Croft.
The hosts were: Archie Carpenter,
Triangle Pledges
Lewis Clarke, Karl Daubert, Sidney
The Kentucky chapter of Triangle
Wendell Hooe, Reynold
wishes to announce the following
Ackerman, Russell Teague, "Amost
pledges: A. W. Griffith, J. J.
Wright, J. C. Wallace, Fred Goose-maof Kentucky; R. W. Hogan,
Donald Loftus, David Bishop,
of Bowling Green, Ky.; S. R. Hamby,
Jeff Edmonds, Robert Sauer, Jimmy
of Hickman, Ky.

Har-lacke- r,

Wy-clif- fe

For Bnsineis
For Pleasure

Rett a New Car
Driye it YomrscK

Drive It Yourself Co.
Adjoiaiag Phoenix Hotel
Collision Insurance

Free Road Service

Fords and Standard
Gear Shift Cars
Such as Reference etc.

No Red Tape

of him:

"If Robert had a nickname

Although he
it would be 'Silence.'"
is on the active membership list, the
Alumni office seldom hears from him.
The annual also said he was a Tau
Beta Pi man, president of the Edison-Joul- e
Society, president of the Student American Association of Mechanical Engineers. He was one of
the first students to leave school in
1917 to enter the service of his country. Ever since graduating he has
been in the employ of the Carrier
Engineering Corporation, 750
Ave, Newark, N. J.



Jane Stanberry Bell is teaching
home economics at Morton Junior
High School, Lexington, Ky. Mailing address 330 Ayfcstford Place.




The ivy
won't save
any of us
ivy of tradition is a slender
A man or a team or a college
that clings to it, harking back to the
glories of yesterday, is likely to be outstripped by some young but sturdy rival.
That is a sermon we have taken home


Mc-Gur- k,

to ourselves.
The Western Electric Company is proud
fifty-foyears of history. But it is
a great deal more concerned with the next
fifty-foand that is why we have been
talking to the college men of America
month after month now for four years.
The future of this business depends not
so much on the physical equipment we
have built up as on the mental equipment which men of your generation are
building on your habits of study and
conduct, on your right choice of a profession and your proficiency in it. So we
have made suggestions for your guidance,
with the conviction that they can help you
and us.

of its


R. O. T.


of the


University entertained with a beautiful dance Thursday evening at the
Phoenix hotel. Attractive card cases
in the University
colors were the
souvenirs for the girls. A seven-piec- e
orchestra furnished music and
fruit punch was served during the evening. Scabbard and Blade, honorary
military fraternity, held pledging services at 12 o'clock for thirteen men,
and immediately afterward a buffet
lunch was served in the palm room.
Those pledged were: President F.
L. McVey, Carl Rohs, honor man;
Bob Creech, Jimmy Davidson, ColeFrench,
man Hunter, Cecil
Chenault, Charles Blocker, Joe Rob

(Continued from page 2.)

fuhlitktd in
tk inttrtst $f Eltc- trifl DtveUpment fy
n Institution tUt will
h htlptd lj tk




"I am for the University,


tive of personalities making up the
institution. It is the principle I am
for strong and not necessarily individuals. You will find me in the Department of Education, ready to help
the cause of the University at all
times." O. Ivaa Barnes, Director of
Vocational Education, Frankfort, Ky.




R. O. T. C. regiment

the summer session, 1923. Mrs. Engle,
who was Miss Kathryn Johnson, will
finish her college work and receive .her
degree in the summer session of 1924.
The mailing address is 309 Seventh

"Enclosed find check for payment
on pledge to the Greater Kentucky
'Tother day Betty Regenstein, Jim
campaign fund. Yours for a greater
University' Joseph R. Whitmer, Wilder and I were in my little car and
president, Bethel College, McKenzie, Betty said "Jimmy, you are crowding
me, you are so
Under the new regulations of W. S.
Fred Alan Engle is principal of the G. A. stealing a kiss is p(r)etty lar
high school, Corbin, Ky. He receiv ceny.



ed his B. A. degree at the close of




This company, with its laboratories, its
dist ributing organization and its great telephone factory in every respect a modern
industry and in many respects a leader
will have openings from time to time for
men who cun qualify.

Western Electric Company
Sinct 1869 makers

and distributors of electrical



Robert W. Waterfill is still living
up to what the 1920 Kcntuckiun said

Number 36 of a series
