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e ecca an eter rites -l-hal: l—ler ·
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l HITIG S €I’1tL1C Y I"i GW Z€8lBl'1Cl
"Letters from home," are what _ ·-   V · LEXINGTON MUSICIAN
Rebecca Van Meter, University of   "   °   ENLISTS WITH WAC 5
, K€m“CkY ’?’2· now with the Ameri` i   _ ,   Miss Marcia Lampert, daughtct  
·` can Red Cross in New Zealand,   V ,j_ _  "   of Prof. and Mrs. Carl A. Lani tert  
(LTZIVCS l}1()S[, 2l(jCOl`(llIIg [0 COH1-         of k··CXlllglt)ll, llHS Cl1ll.Sl(j(l fi] gt L
munications from the former Uni-   __   =_:     ·='_   .   Slwcuil SCYVICC bfimch (ll the WAC ii
versity Student, vvhich Colne back . ~i,-      —_ 21l1tlVlS ill 1)l`CS€lll l()(T.ilf€(l ill l‘t)l`l V
m [hc Campus.   1   _   ,   Oglethorpe, (Ja. Before entering t
at   -   _     training tor the service, Miss taht. »
RCUCCCF-1, OF HBGCKYH 85 Sllc Win if·_ _`   ~·         pert was professor of public scltoot  
i known to hundreds of University ~··- » W “   ··—,     music at glam Vlrcuctmys COHCQC in `  E
students during her four years ol   ,__` _,_;     i   New Mexico. Prior to going to   Q
. college life, was social director oi i yi    *·~··>l·-J- New Mexico she held it sttitttttt ¢
the Student Union from l939   ·       position in the ]unior Htgttsettttat  
through February, 1943. In April, °‘·` .         QM "  in Lexington ` `  
T 1943 she entered the OVGYSCZIS >   _ ·       Miss Lantpert was graduated   ·=
service of the Anicrican Red Cross         from the utttt-erstty of `ttetttttt~tt   li
in the field of hospital recreation,   W     with an A.B. degree in 1920 and it ti
“"’k 3 ["“f “’“°kS, “’““" of ‘ml“‘   ‘i‘-   .   Masters in Education in tttttl. Mitt  
ing in \Vashington, 1). C., followed * _    A   Lampcrt wm bc 1. C m C m t) C I. Cd   KL
by ¤ rcrr brici t>criod of tnactical it ti.,       espeetittty tor lter tttittsttat attest.   to
experience in a hospital in this       as H CCIHSL   ku
country, and sailed in June of last ··rV» ~     __________ _Q__## at at-I
, , . K { ,z   ~ t »>» [_ ~   QW  `d'z»’?§iia;;L4;_·lf*$gt駑s3‘   .
;Qf;S;;;";;Si;‘:m;;tf“°""’* [‘“ "“ ~ s..~ s       .—,r   A .¢’l   CAPTAIN GENE MEYERS   bet
Her Hrst stitch \\’ZlS S€I`VC(l ll'} REBECCA VAN METER         ig;}
I Australia, where she remained for `Captain Gene Myers, who has   AL
·- about six vvcgkg bcfoye icccivitig call work," according to the Ken- been a member of the University   hig
her assignment to New Zealand. rocky girl- of Kentucky Military Staff for tltt   Sag
V She arrived in Ngvv Zgaland vvith Ihave l'lO[ Ylll'1 UP OI'] 2lf3.YIllllE1l` PZISK [OUT yCZl1`S ll2\S l)C€l`l ElSSlgll€ll   SOL
3 Siioicsooitci- status and vyas at- face yet, but have come in contact to the 1556tlt Service Unit at West   ats,
‘ lachgd [0 a Naval   HOSl)i[al_ Wlfh Illally K€H[LlCklHHS,,‘ B€Cl(y I`C· C1`!] RCS€1`\’C Ul1l\t’Cl`Si[>’, ClC\'€l2llltli   Of]
· The corps ot Red Cross vvorkcrs, lates. "l have not yet met a soul Ohio. i   bro
t ot which Rcbccca is ooo, Consists I have really known before but of Captain l\/Iyers was gratluzttttl   tgt
of four girls who live on the com- €0nY$€ K€nUl€ll- And I Hill SUYC was a member of the coaching stttll   Tw
, pital and iii a yC(ji·gati()i] hall MVC talk l1lOl`C [ll}ll'1 lll!.) ()Ll]C]`S. 1 of thc U]]i\'C]‘Si\l§t’_ In adtlititm ttl    
t especially designed and built for inn known l>}’ nl0$i of ill€ ]>2lilClli$ coaching the freshman sttuxtd Cilit  
i their needs. Her letters are full in `K€n[nCl<}'.l Wll€ill€l` tll€Y know tain Myers, who had as a sttttltlll  
of enthusiasm for her work and nlY nanicornot.T1iey_iust tiilll ont, ntade a natne for himself and lllt   D
appreciation of the hospitality of ‘Hcy, K€lnn€llll University as a football pl:tyt‘t‘.ll‘—l‘  do
`· the natives who open their homes ironic lncan tn€ most. [0 tllC KCH- called to R.(),'l`.C, duties as an lll filvaf
to the Americans and are anxious nl€l2nYl2llC» but Hnylllillg structor. During 1942-43 and lll·ll‘iif~img
to do everything in tlteir power to nnn`l<€a}‘ lilly fi-omell
and "far l`rom anything you could 1’ostoi·l‘ice, San Francisco, Calif. yearly dues now.  
· 14   TE
t  ent has baci-
  ` — . Amd