U, Of K. Freshman ISAAC W. OTT Now Joe Clifton $O,.y;ng
  Nqmed On All-$f¤l‘ BR*GAD*ER GENERAL On Aircraft Carrier _
B¤Sk¢*b¤" T°°'“$ **;**2** W 0*** W**" was W"**   K  ,,;   Iz . .  — ** 1% ,.‘-’’   -~ 
  "  _.4v   kI.lO`/vn OI] the CZI.]Tl1)US [YOU]     :§"*  
In ‘*;tjg.;**2Q__, 1   `   V   I.hl‘o11gl1 1927 has been made a if; -"‘_ *   _* 
·’’f**   · -  ··‘‘ t r··, T    it=2;s;e;%é;é5é;£2§5i;1:§ . . . .   2 1-     - ·
;;,_1k ;_;__,,_, _ .1 -··’` 1 ·*°' 5***   ’*-   ** '''`' ·  *`” " ” · ’  I)l`l§¥i(IlCi` g€U€I`€il lil UIC UU1£C(l °Y *··-     ,».· .11-I-z--·
’ .... 7·1.» .·v,     *   ‘_·‘ """‘ '‘`’' "" , * . _ =§zZ:5;j;§é=;S¤-: -·’·   ‘``‘  ·f=gg _‘j1;:1;;;g§§ 1. 4,
    -,1,    ’‘    ·_ 4   Slélles A11` Corps. i   V¢·A’ .   ¤__· j     I
    " 9:* W ‘   . . . .   ‘4·=  
*   if  2% .15*- . 1    UPON leéivlllg the University 111 °‘‘· 5 :$;;£;:§:§2§1`¤f— 
    _‘.:* J .»..   :._ ;¥ »   - . .      h 1
g`   ,’’»_ ‘   igj · ·    l92/ General Ott enlisted as a      
;laugl1lC1` e   __-‘,   »°'**‘'   . · gi;  Flying Cadet aml was co111n1issi0n-  f* *  '‘·f * i 1
» 1» i     ‘:t».. 2 ....~   ·1v‘   ‘   . . ·V‘` -   if 
¤a“*l***** `   "*¤i;W ·‘  j,  · :*E§E?E$5§: ed a second l1et1te11a11t 111 June,   · I3
~ 111 '\     .’-- "j:j:§:j£i5{{. ·..-=     `-.’‘ _ . V     .·»·1 · · ·
Id W IO  1  -.5%;;.IgTzi;;2;;e;%;25;;i;sz;;;.;5.11,   ‘·_*.. $3 l£l:32, and was assigned to kelly  *%: 1  =¤: 1: *1¥‘; . .  _.,,,.   =..  st? ·¤._’ ,
W   -    *£¥5;.=* .``.’ J -2§?§?¥?’?3§P§%It¥f€2%§S.1¤2€:Y   ·.   ` `"`‘* .. .     :.»    ‘·-·:· 1 1
,1 I:t)l`l * ii i ’*’    1·1· *·   5éééiée2ss£s€s§.F5.£;f§§£?  ·· 1·‘1 2  €si;s25 i.J§J i5 1 :... 1‘*°1(I· HC has bw] On °lU*>’ '“     i
Omcyinq   ~     *2. *:****5:*;::***   ,.._   Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Ala.;    
1Iissl.11111·       -   ill Brooks Field, San Antonio,   I
lie school       4   Texas; at France Field, Canal     ··`VA·._W ::_      I
]0llege i11 _, Q ZZI    H.       M   Zone; Middleton Air Depot, M 1d-   ’·‘  , 1 %
going to **f  *   . ` __  dleton, Pa.; Dwight F ield, Dayton,  
1 i ·  » . V ·  ;;,;,;;;,;.; _ , . . =—¤.-1:-·_:;:; _.V:;:;:r=;¤:; .rs-¤;:1:2$:1=$:;:;·¢:5·‘·¤¤¤:·;¤·;,:=’r.é·‘,;: ·.—· ‘ 
a similar  yi * `* 53*   Ol110, aml in th? ElTg}l`l€(;‘l`1Ug   =..   =·      .» ¤·:   ...-.. s   =¤.   :¤.¤   -»¤-=—¤-4—: i ..
gh School Q  .I _     School, CllZll'lll[C Field, Rantot1l, JOE CLIFTON
L Q'    i       ~ -   Ill., i`l`()Ill which he was graduated I _ CII [ P
graduated I  ** `* ¤ ** ` .   in 1931. His advance was rapid .l<>i°1>I;(»l'I”“"‘I **3*** *sII)_L;*£
I*CllLllL`l§\* i?  and tl1e announce111e11t that l1e IS a *****1** l» _}·» mf ***** ** h .l_
X ‘ `  BOB BRANNUM · · · · ol` some 1Il[Cl`CSIlll*" leature stories
996 and H »  brigather general ol the :\1l` Corps _ ¤ _ _
lgill. Miss   Bob Brannum, 1°1`€Shm?¤¤ SWT 0** in overseas service was received *?**C*Y *’“Cf***S“ 0* S°;*****; **** 2*I* 2***;
111 bcretl   lientuckys basketball team this ,,],,,1,1 {wi, 1110111115 ago. C*`a** *?**`**€*‘ 0** *;*` I* mU*I)L_* I)
ml ialents .` year has 1‘ClU1`11C(l lt) llis l1011lC lll _ ____ __ Rztbaul ld1(·I, one o 11c-inlost suc-
Y; Kansas and enlisted in tl1e .·\l`lll}' L NES tcszluhl Ldllltl Iittacli oil ll? 11 11,
 ‘ - . ,- . . .   1 · UT I l·`1<¤‘1t111g Squatron ,eat er u111p—
··  altet having ieteivcd the l1()ll()1 o[ DONOVAN O O K .
‘“‘”  1; . ‘ - · . , ‘ ‘ 1   1 l l ·r
.Rs   being ill] 1~\ll-.·\111er1ca11 on tl1e Pix ,(;,,,,,,,,,,,.,1 /,1,,,,, pug,. by 111 I_]oc CI1ltp11 toad the. Foilnllis
-   I   _ 1 _ H ·S lllc gl-S, _ _` I_ _ ant torpeto Joys t1.1t 11s 1g1 c.
E   lingum Ram C I — ·- 111 $°‘“*’*>* ‘“ .l*“‘*““`l*· T*“* *“*‘***“ ‘\*()lII(I take ll1Cll1 111, 1111111 off the
  lxetituckv 1l`CSlll]]2il] to reteiie .— — . ._ _ . _ _ _. _I II I I
*l10 1111   —\111 ‘l`l(]'li] 1101101-5 B1`3|lI]lll]] was ***21* It *5 lequcsnng (*I)I)*€)M*m* cl laps, aml bring tl1e torpedo boys
, MI MII   1. t 1 . I I I _ III_ 1011 per cent more lor maintenance back. And he did as he III.0IIIISOd_
Ull\\Cl$l_   high SCOICI 011 tl1e squat o1 c and OIIEIHIIOII, which is ;1l)011t N _ I_€ IOIII (II- [IIC dm. wid [Im,
tail for lll? i ` season aml was na111ed 011 tl1e All- _ _ 49 €“’” l · » ‘
‘ l ii" · A · V_ $32,000 annually, 0ve1 tl1e 19 -— des me II IRI) force Of 75 IO 100
~i1 HSSlqII€* Q; Southern Conlerence team. He was · V _ -I _ ·_ IIOI ·l . ·
'.     - , 44 budg€*· Ths ******6*5*) *5 ylanes tl1e fighters took tl1e tor- ~
ii; at \\€>l‘ y also chosen unanimously by vote . f I_ I _ .3 IIIIII l 1 _
IIIIII   IB HI N Y I_I_ Writers and requesting any unts O1 t 1 Pedo and bomber IIIQIIES III IO ab
Cle\€·   O U ?*O· · "SPO 5 outlav. It had in IIS budget for lack the large LII) I-lem In Simp
1   broadcasters as a n1e1nber of the I t I bimmium $400 000 for   I I I III I I an ,_
, · il Liz? t I , v 1 ‘ ~‘ **8 PHS   ’ 5011 Harboi. They IL c tit _I 1.
01#1cl11111€—   lJ43·#14 #·\lI»l\I€l]]Ol13I Audttoilulll . » , If . ,
0 · III 11 I) k b II capital outlay lor tl11s ptupose. OH IIVIIIIC Orem IIOIIIOOIO was m-
— 1 t'   is et t . _ _   , — ‘ . V_ 1
m [*I(?;l]t1.1|   ( Q Gam WC Should l€@c“° **** a***O***** of fligied, then brought the 1`?i|(l€i$ O
l.**i1·1,11-ginll  ii*Tw ;_—_—_—_—B5;-ITS m‘?“?l* _*`°C°m***€****€** by GO**€**I(** 0111 again, having sl1ot down 2·l  
me 1n In In  I, O ORMER STU \\’1ll1s lor tl1e operation aml 111a111— and I)CI_haI)S 42 CIIOIIII, I)l2mOS_ one ,
21r111c1‘ sw- bieimium a1>1>1‘<>x1111¢¤t•¤ly $56100* bII,,O,.ICS_
bc I ` I, I.,  1 §.:;¤Hl<‘ JOIN UP   I
·“‘ fgjglliliillg with 1110 11111110 of Ala- ],;11—1 0f any program of CtT<>l10m)’ II In YIYIIIICS wu me II mcmg I " III
___--- "¤-1: · . . . . I . 1 _·- \‘( · ~ r`, ‘ , 1 -
‘ . ~ ·~1’¤m€*¤- Hts duties took 111111 across \\VI]](`I] 1110 State may deem HCCCS ,_ l<. I II I _ ,
OC-pa\‘ Wl   I . II IIC; |,,-,—_ ]l ;1 ]]]Q]]]I)Cl you gtl .\ll1l11¤U>· 1
  (*Cr111Ii111u·rI on Page 2]) 5***l *1* INS *1 i * 1
*i;i-3’ 15 1~ gi 41
  1 ,
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gr il
11; has ¤¢*** ‘  *s