      ’“"’""" W"'  
  ’°'' 1   ALUMNI NUPTIALS Miss Henryetta Hall become the church in Louisville. Mr. Trent
it   Saul Lgg i\/I()Ck’ Of Ilguis- l?l`1d€()fLl‘   Ray Graiiaiii,   FVZIS g}`3(1U2l[€(1 i1]`()l]l the U])i\·(j]~-  
. ville, and Lieutenant \iVilliaui 5-. Naval Reserve, on Saturday sity in 1941 and Mrs. Trent in I
  Mmm, Floyd, of Eminence, were K/§ii3I10;i1l, Apiill 1. at the First 1943, I
  married April 1, in St, P3|_i]’g M9 igi$I Cuuci ’mlLexington_ · _____  
  Episcopal church in Louist·illC_ UW,   Vim 13 igtacuatc ol the U MISS Soo D_ Sparks. of LCX_  
  Mrs. Floyd is a senior at the Uni- mimiiii ‘“ 194* mgton and Raleigh, N, Q, was I
ii versity and Lieutenant Floyd was _ ""i` married to Ensign \\’i1liam Madi-  
VI { gmduaicd in ]Q43_ MISS ·NiiU`}’ Louise Scearce, of son Lewis, of Faison, N, C, The I
  =* _____ Shelbyville, became the brtde of wedding took place l~`ebruary 15
  · Thc Wcdding of MISS Christme gapt. \iV1ll1am Hall Robertson, ol at St.·Peters·chapel, 1\”121]`lC·1S1Hll(1.
, Smith, Of Bamcsvihc, Ga., and Em amp Stewart, Ca., and Fmchville, Vallejo, Calif. Mrs. Lewis was
    Sign Paul“,a1mn Ledridgg of LCx_ at a church ceremony at the Emi- graduated with honor at Lthe Uni-
  I mgmn, was Solcmnimd March 31 nence Baptist church, Saturday, xetsity ol Kentucky in L)39.
` `‘'"‘  `   at the First Methodist Church, Mmdi H' The i?Hd°_ was gi‘idu` _"T`
  Redlands, Calif. Ensign Ledridge amd hom the University m 1943 The ivcdiiiiig iii Miss yiigiiiia
Y.   was gmdumod from tllc Uhivcp f—_f` I Stuart Roberson, ol Ehzaville, and .
(\t\1ii>`   shy ih iggg The wedding ol Miss Suzanne Harold X»Vorkman, of jersey City,
Gu ali I _____ Feder, of Cleveland, ()hio, and Lt. N._ ., took ilace january 30, in the
uliifiii   Miss Dorothy yychm. and pro Laurence Bloom, of Lexington, Firsi Presbiiterian `churclrat Gal-
I\€iiiiii   Iacksoh F_ Morris, U_S_A_A_F_’ was solemntzed at the Hollander veston, Texas. "lhe bride- was
tds. Iii  I- hoth of Loxiogtoh, wom manjoo Hotel in Cleveland, March 1. Lt. graduated .1rom the University of
ol iiii   April 3 at tho homo or [ho hridos Bloom was graduated lrom the Kentucky in 1939.
O1 ihc   mother. Mr. Morris is a former Uiii"€i`SiiY iii 1937- _—‘—`
hc hm   Student of the University and Mrs. —‘—-— The marriage of Second Lieu-
ic Rm"   Morris was graduated with the The wedding of Miss Mary Fran- tenant Virginia Byrnside, ¥Vac, to
ilbcwl  K  class of 1943, es Longworth, of Lexington, and -Captain Raymond Lathrem was
Remix   ————— Captain Charles C. Carpenter, also solemnized Saturday, February 5.
me im.   Miss Dorothy Bostick, o[ Car- of Lexington, took place March in the chapel at Fort Jackson,   C. ·
bil [hi   rollton, and Sgt. Arthur Brauner, 18 at the \iVest Broadway Metho- Mrs. Lathrem’s hom e was in
  of Kansas City, Mo., were married dist church, Louisville. Captain Lebanon, Ky., and shelwas gradu-
··   Hi the Virginia Avenue Methodist Carpenter was graduated from the ated from the University in 1911. »
  Churclt parsonage in Louisville, University in 1939 and Mrs. Car- Captain Lathrem, of Lexington. .
  AP1`ii 8. Mrs. Brauner was gradu- penter is a former student. was graduated in 1939. .
I Cm IZ,  illed from the University of Ken- ————— _ __T`_ Mali
il ·l,   iiicky ill June 1942 and since The wetldillg of Miss HC1Cl1 :\(1f\ l\/[ISS 1ViZll`y Gflillll L€\iiU`C111· (if WMI
micmli   §i`i1lil(TC 1\’iZll`C1l 25 11011 (TOUINY, WHS SUiFI1iiiiI€(i iii _[_ II
KY-  Qffsilltletit. at the C]-Csccm [-{il] Presbyterian Rutldles Mills Christian ti1lul‘<`11. ,I I
  KENTUCKY ALUMNUS 17 [{21 ill
  I I II
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