with the river. There are seven cross streets running east and
west: Bacon, Smith, Pearl, Read, Grace, Ballard and Buckner,
all of which were laid off and named at the time that the town was
laid off. Yorktown has been burned three times and very few
of the old houses remain. All that is left of the Revolutionary
breastworks are a few mounds which wtill be seen on the left-hand
side of the road as one leaves the monument. All of the forts
around Yorktown were products of the Revolution but were
reinforcedl during the War Between the States by Magruder
when -IlcClellan came up the Peninsula. Being already there,
it was easier to reinforce them than to build others. Fort Hamil-
ton, just out of the town, was named for the gallant young gen-
eral, Alexander Hamilton, who took this fort. It is in a good
state of preservation and is seen on the left in going to Teniple
Farm, on which is the AMoore House, where the Articles of Agree-
ment were drawn up.
  The old Episcopal Church, built in 1700, is constructed of
ovster shells and a formation of rock and sand stuccoed. The
original building was Cruciform, but the arms of the cross were
destroyed, and only the main part of the building is left. The

     Built 1700
