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6. 52         In the event of a declaration of a state of emergency, the follow-
              ing procedures may be implemented:

                  a. No persons, other than students. faculty and
                     staff of the University with proper University
                     identification, and representatives of duly con-
                     stituted law enforcement agencies, shall be
                     permitted on the campus without appropriate
                     identification issued by the University's De-
                     partment of Safety and Security.

                 b. The President, the Vice President for Admin-
                     istration, the Vice President for Student Affairs,
                     the Dean of Students or their authorized repre-
                     sentativres may impose upon any person such
                     temporary sanctions as are considered neces-
                     sary to protect members of the University com-
                     munity or its property, or to prevent disruption
                     of the University.

                 c. The President, or, in his absence, the Vice
                     President for Administration, may impose such
                     other temporary regulations, including the sus-
                     pension of all mass meetings, and other gather-
                     ings, as may be reasonably necessary to protect
                     the safety and welfare of persons on the campus,
                     prevent damage to property, and provide for the
                     orderly and efficient operation of the University.

                 d. Take any of the actions enumerated in Section
                     6.2 above.

6. 6          No amnesty

              No person shall have authority to grant amnesty or to make any
              promises as to prosecution or non-prosecution in any court, state
              or federal, or before any board to any person charged with or sus-
              pected of violating Section 6. i of this Code.