Will be ready, in April, in a neat 32o. vol., price in cloth 50 cts.

THE MONTH OF MARY, for the Use of Ecclesiastics.
                   TRANSLATED FROM THE FrExNCH1.
              - Wp" have examined, and "1ws" cordially approve the publica-
            lion, in, an English translation, of the "M3onth, of Mary for the use
            of Ecclesiastics" and "WE" recommend it to the Cleryll and &mina-
            rians of " oun ' Archdiocepse.
            I5ALT!MOI of, FEAST   u PU" TA rt  ARTIN J. SPALDING,
 B.LTIYrF, Fr,,,  or Tt,,R PURIFICATION   
     Of TueS BLKS.SEO l IRGIN, 1865.            Archbishop of Baltimore.
  F'uov TIIF PrtgF AcE.-This little Work, in honor of the " Immaculate Queen
of the Clergy," has been alrea(ly heralded y)v, at least, six editions in French
and it is the privilege of the first English one, to have a claim to the patron-
age of a Prelate. who has been an ornament as weil as a model in the Catholie
hierarchly on this Continent.
  The saintly Pishop David, first Coadjutor to Bishop I'laget, tmlde with his
own hand. i translation of this '1 Month of Mtary," immediately after its first
publication in France.  Mi-: ianauscript, however. has remnained, till now,
unknown to the public. A lev months hefore his death, he mnade a present of
it to the Venerahle Father MclElroy, S. .J., who lately gave the precious docu-
rnent to the present Archbishop of Baltimore.
  Of late, another translation was prepared, after the last improved French
editionn: and the Editor has to return his respectful thanks to thle mlost Rev'd
Dr. Spalding, Archbishop of Baltimore, for having placed in his hands Bishop
David's manuscript, and, thus, enabled him to nmake a careful comparison of
the two translations, which has materially added to the value of the work.
  Thus recommended, lhe confidently ollers to the Ecclesin'wtie, of this country.
this first English edition of the "M1onth of _Mary, for Ihe U/c of Ecclcsza.fics,"
asking of all those who will make use of it, to pour fGr tii a daily prayer, that
the SIirit of "Jesus living in Alary " may be diffuised through all the ranks of
the Clerical Order: it is the sole object and aim of thiis little hook.

         Just Published, in smeall Pamphlet FPorm, price 15 cds.

               AT ALBA      DE TORNIES, IN     SPAIN.
        DzsCR.IBk:D B1Y TlE V ERRY RYV. CAN(ON    DALTON .
   Re-pablished with the Approbation qf the Cfost Rev. Archbishop SSpaldikw.

          Juast Published, in Ptnnphlet formi. 8( , price 50 ct.,.
ORD O      in Oratione Quadra ginta Ilorarurm, In Diocesi
  Baltirnorensi Servandus, Jussu Reverendissimi D. Archie-
  piscopi   editus.    Re-imprimatur,       MARTINUS      JOANNES,
  Archiepiscopus Baltimorensis.

     Nrrc E lition, Just Published, 32o. Paper 10 cis., Flexible el-tl 15 c/.S.
 TA     I O -1 rIONS, or. the IroIlj   Way    of the     Cr-os.
                  ILaUS1RATED WITr FINE ENGU.AV[NGS.

            gP In Press-Preparing for Early Publication:
   A  C(IURGCH     MANUAL, for the U-.se cof the FBithful.
dt Thi4 wil: be a little Miniature Prayer nBok, for the Pocket. Iri C-ntent, Arrarigemeit, Tyto-
graphical Neatne-s, &c., it w-ill be a Model.
   t     Several .New and Improved Prayer, and other Books in preparation.
   AMeaRar k Co., Printers, Publishers, Booksellera and Station-r,, 182 Baltimore st., Baltirnore.