xt7c599z0q9b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c599z0q9b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19880925 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1988-09-oct25. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1988-09-oct25. 1988 2011 true xt7c599z0q9b section xt7c599z0q9b 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky, Tuesday, October 25, 1988.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1
p.m. Lexington time on Tuesday, October 25, 1988 in the Board Room on
the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

       A.   Meeting Opened

       Mr. Robert T. McCowan, Chairman, called the meeting to order at
1:04 p.m. and pronounced the invocation.

       B.    Roll Call

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the
call of the roll: Mr. Robert T. McCowan (Chairman), Mr. Ted B. Bates,
Professor Raymond F. Betts, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Professor Mary Sue
Coleman, Professor David R. Driscoll, Jr., Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mrs.
Edythe Jones Hayes, Mr. Henry E. Hershey, Senator Walter D.
Huddleston, Dr. Nicholas J. Pisacano, Mr. James A. Rose (James), lMr.
James L. Rose (Jim), Judge Robert F. Stephens, Mr. Jerome A. Stricker,
Judge Julia K. Tackett, Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson, and Judge Henry R.
Wilhoit, Jr. Absent from the meeting were Governor Albert B. Chandler
and Mr. Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr.  The University administration was
represented by President David P. Roselle; Mr. Edward A. Carter, Vice
President for Administration; Chancellors Peter P. Bosomworth, Art
Gallaher and Charles T. Wethington; Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, Vice
President for Research and Graduate Studies; Mr. Eugene R. Williams,
Vice President for Information Systems; and fir. John C. Darsie, Legal

       C.   Minutes Approved

       On motion by Judge Stephens, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and passed,
the Minutes of the September 20, 1988 meeting and October 9, 1988
special called meeting of the Board of Trustees were approved as

       Mr. Stricker stated that he was unable to attend the special
meeting on October 9 but expressed his full support for the Resolution
passed at the meeting.

       D.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       Before beginning PR 1, President Roselle called attention to
the Special Bulletin in the Board packets, Events in the Months to
Come, from the College of Fine Arts.   He informed the members that
the bulletin will provide information about the performance side of
the institution and will be inserted in the Board packets
periodically. He reviewed briefly some of the items in PR 1, calling
particular attention to (1) the Lexington Commxinity College Dental
Laboratory Technology program cited as the best in the nation by the
National Board of Certification, an agency of the National Association
of Dental Laboratories, (2) the dedication of a new building on
September 23 at the Lexington Community College named in honor of the



late Richard P. Moloney, Sr., (3) the beginning of a cooperative
research program between the School of Pharmacy and W. R. Grace & Co.
to provide $631,000 in research support to UK over three years, (4)
Charles W. Hultman, Professor of Economics, named the first William B.
Sturgill Professor of Business and Public Policy; the endowed
professorship is funded by a $150,000 gift from CSX Corporation of
Richmond, Va., (5) the dedication of the new quarters for the
University of Kentucky Press, 663 South Limestone, November 20, 2
p.m.; special attention was called to the University Press books
displayed in the lobby, (6) the heavy involvement of Community
Colleges in fund raising efforts for new buildings; the activity is
the result of action by the 1988 General Assembly that provided for
construction funds on the condition that each college raise half the
amount for the first-year debt service, and (7) gifts of $2 million
from Mrs. John R. Davis of Lexington and $1 million from Ralph E.
Mills of Frankfort to be applied toward the building of a new Magnetic
Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy facility.

       E.  Update on Requests for NCAA Information

       President Roselle called on John Darsie to give an update on
the requests for public release of the basketball NCAA allegations.
'Mr. Darsie stated that in declining to release the allegations,
reasons had been cited in addition to Judge Park's opinion that
release of the allegations would be an unwarranted invasion of
personal privacy. Another reason that the charges should not be
released is that at this point the charges are preliminary in nature,
which is an exception under the open records law. That is, they are
mere charges not findings. The NCAA manual provides that the NCAA may
withdraw charges prior to the formal hearing before the Infractions
Committee, and thus it is felt that the charges are definitely
preliminary.  He continued by explaining that certain matters in the
allegations fall within the definition of student records and are
prohibited from being released by both federal and state law. He also
referred to a United States District Court opinion in Oklahoma this
summer holding that Oklahoma State University was not required to
release NCAA allegations. The other thing that was done by way of
public disclosure was to release a summary to the press which gave the
substance of the allegations with personal identifiers and names
deleted. Mr. Darsie reported that several people have taken issue
with our not releasing the Official Inquiry and in order to get this
resolved in the courts on an amicable basis, the Legal Department and
the lawyers representing the Courier Journal have agreed to file a
Joint Petition for a Declaration of Rights (in laymen's terms a
"friendly suit") to ask the courts of the state to construe the open
records law to determine whether the allegations must be released or
whether they should properly be kept within our files. He indicated
that the suit is to be filed this day in Fayette Circuit Court. He
anticipated that it would be two to three months before a decision
would be made by the courts. He explained that one of the reasons to
go with a joint petition for a Declaration of Rights is to shorten the
time for making a court decision.   President Roselle then stated that
the issue is a simple one -- there is competition between the
individual's right to privacy and the public's right to know, and this
should not he adjudicated by the University.    In fact, the University
would adjudicate that question at considerable risk.    This is,
President Roselle said, an appropriate question for judges to decide.



       F.    Dr. Art Gallaher Retires as Chancellor

       President Roselle announced the retirement of Dr. Art Gallaher
as Chancellor for the Lexington Campus, effective June 30, 1989, and
stated that following a sabbatical leave, Dr. Gallaher will return to
teaching in the Department of Anthropology. He pointed out that
during Dr. Gallaher's tenure many important advances have been made
which include the implementation of selective admissions; the
matriculation of the most capable student body in the University's
history; and the initiation of a University's Study Program.
President Roselle noted that Dr. Gallaher had fostered major advances
in the strength and research productivity of the faculty and had
overseen the construction of many new and vital additions to the
campus. He informed the Board that a nation-wide search will be
conducted for Dr. Gallaher's successor.

       Dr. Gallaher expressed his good fortune in being associated
with the University and recognized his immediate staff.

       G.    Time Change for December Board Meeting

       President Roselle announced that the December 13 Board of
Trustees meeting will be at 4 p.m. with the Finance Committee meeting
at 3 p.m.  Following the Board meeting, Board members and spouses are
invited to a reception at Maxwell Place with dinner to follow at the
Faculty Club.

       H.    Introduction of Preliminary Master Campus Plan

       President Roselle presented a preliminary master campus plan by
Belcan Corporation in conjunction with the University for the
Lexington Campus and indicated that a study of other parts of the
campus will also be done. He then reviewed some suggested changes:
move the entry drive off Limestone farther down the street; make the
area in front of Funkhouser a mall with trees and pave some walks;
relocate parking areas; demolish Miller Hall (the cost to renovate is
prohibitive); and make a central green way from the Library to the
Gillis Building which would connect to other green ways. He pointed
out that the purpose of the plan is to create more green areas on
campus, and the new plan calls for some changes in the College of
Engineering area. The planning effort is due to the interest in the
University by Mr. Ralph Anderson, an alumnus.

       President Roselle reported that architects have been hired for
the Business and Economics addition, and they will consider the master
plan in their work.

       Dr. Pisacano asked that the minutes show he suggested a small
study committee be appointed to protect the beauty of the campus. N'r.
McCowan agreed that consideration be given to such a committee.



       I.   Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       With President Roselle so recommending, on motion made by Mr.
Jim Rose, seconded by Mr. Farmer and passed, the routine personnel
actions in PR 2 were approved. Following that action, President
Roselle called attention to the appointment of Douglas E. Hurley as
Director of the Computing Center. (See PR 2 at the end of the

      J.    Change in Division Structure - Owensboro Community College

      The reorganization reflects the creation of three academic
divisions: Division of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Related
Technologies; Division of Social Science, Business and Related
Technologies; and Division of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Related
Technologies. Upon the recommendation of Chancellor Wethington and
with the concurrence of President Roselle, Mr. Stricker moved that PR
4A be approved. The motion was seconded by Professor Driscoll and
carried. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

       K.    Associate Degree Program - Ashland Community College (PR

       On recommendation of President Roselle, Mrs. Hayes moved that
the Board authorize for submission to the Council on Higher Education
a new degree program, Associate Degree in Applied Science, Engineering
Technology, Electrical Option, for the Ashland Community College. The
motion was seconded by Judge Stephens and passed without dissent.
(See PR 48 at the end of the Minutes.)

       L.    Associate Degree Program - Owensboro Community College
(PR 4C)  

       President Roselle recommended that the Board approve for
submission to the Council on Higher Education a new degree program,
Associate Degree in Applied Science, Accounting Technology, for the
Owensboro Community College.  Professor Driscoll so moved. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Stricker and carried.  (See PR 4C at the end of
the Minutes.)

       M.    Change in Name of an Educational Unit (PR 5A)

       On motion by Judge Stephens, seconded by Professor Coleman and
passed, the Board approved changing the name of the Department of
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, College of
Engineering, to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
(See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

       N.    Establishment of Family Center (PR SB)

       Professor Betts moved, and Mr. Wilhoit seconded, that the Board
approve the establishment of a Family Center in the Department of
Family Studies, College of Home Economics. The motion carried without
dissent. (See PR 58 at the end of the Minutes.)



      0.   Revision of the Bylaws, University Hospital of the Albert
B. Chandler Medical Center, Inc. (PR 6A)

      On motion by Judge Tackett, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and carried,
the Board approved revisions of the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of
the University Hospital of the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center,
Inc. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

       P.   Master of Health Administration (PR 8A

       Presiaentv Roselle recommended that the Board approve for
submission to the Council on Higher Education a new master's degree
program in Health Administration.  He stated that the University of
Kentucky and University of Louisville had established a cooperative
relationship to administer jointly the MHA program. Judge Stephens so
moved. His motion was seconded by Professor Coleman and carried.
(See PR 8A at the end of the Minutes.)

       Q.   Doctor of Philosophy Degree Program in Nutritional
Science (PR 8B)

       On recommendation of President Roselle, Mr. Bates moved that
the Board approve for submission to the Council on Higher Education a
new Doctor of Philosophy degree program in Nutritional Sciences.  The
motion was seconded by Mrs. Hayes and carried.  (See PR 8B at the end
of the Minutes.)

       R.   Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University
of Kentucky for the Two Months Ended August 31, 1988 (FCR 1Y

       Mr. Albert Clay, Acting Chairman of the Finance Committee,
reported that the Committee met and reviewed the three items to be
presented for action.  He said that the consolidated financial report
for the two months ended August 31, 1988 is a routine report and is on
target. He then recommended and moved that the Board approve FCR 1.
The motion was seconded by Professor Betts and carried.  (See FCR 1 at
the end of the Minutes.)

       S.   Acceptance of the Financial Statements of the University
of Kentucky and Affiliated Corporations and Other Related
Organizations for the Year Ended June 30, 1988 (FCR 2)

       With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Clay moved:

  (1) That the Board of Trustees accept the audited financial
       statements of the University of Kentucky including the
       Management Letter and a Report on Compliance with House Bill
       622, and separate financial statements for the Housing and
       Dining System, the Tobacco and Health Research Institute, and
       the University Hospital, for the year ended June 30, 1988; and



  (2) That the Board of Trustees accept the audited financial
       statements of the affiliated corporations and other related
       organizations of the University of Kentucky including The Fund
       for Advancement of Education and Research in the University of
       Kentucky Medical Center, University of Kentucky Research
       Foundation, University of Kentucky Athletic Association,
       University of Kentucky Business Partnership Foundation, Inc.,
       University of Kentucky Mining Engineering Foundation, Inc.,
       University of Kentucky Equine Research Foundation, Inc.,
       University of Kentucky Humanities Foundation, Inc., Center on
       Aging Foundation, Inc., Health Care Collection Service, Inc.,
       University of Kentucky Alumni Association, and University of
       Kentucky Hospital Auxiliary for the year ended June 30, 1988.

       The motion was seconded by Judge Tackett and carried.  (See FCR
2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       T.    Agreement with Kentucky Technology, Inc. Research and
Graduate Studies (FCR 3)

       On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Professor Coleman and
carried, the Board authorized the President to enter into an agreement
with Kentucky Technology, Inc., and Dr. Dan Tai under which a quantity
of LeuKotriene B4 Antiplasma produced in the course of Dr. Tai's
research in the College of Pharmacy is to be conveyed to Kentucky
Technology, Inc., for resale to the pharmaceutical industry.  (See FCR
3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       U.    Board Meetings Off Campus

       Dr. Bates commented about the memorandum received from
President Roselle regarding the Board meeting off campus to help
celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Cooperative Extension Service.
He expressed his desire to meet off campus for the purpose of visiting
Community Colleges only.  He stated that while he appreciates the
extension service, he does not feel that the Board should travel such
a long distance. He, therefore, made a motion that the Board not
accept the invitation to meet at Jabez or Princeton on April 4, 1989.
The motion was seconded by Dr. Pisacano.

       Professor Betts commented that on special occasions the members
should give thought to the Board's function as representative of the
collective history of the institution and perhaps celebrate the
event. He stated that he did not oppose going to Jabez or Princeton.

       Mr. Clay suggested that the Dean of the College of Agriculture
be invited to have lunch with the Board in April and report on the
College's activities.

       President Roselle indicated that he would give some thought to
various ways to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Cooperative
Extension Service.

      Mr. Bates, with Dr. Pisacano's permission, then withdrew his



       V.    Format of Board Luncheon

       The luncheon format of the day included the deans, faculty and
students from various colleges, and President Roselle asked for the
Board's reaction to that format. Various members expressed their
pleasure in meeting with the groups and in learning more about the
colleges. Mr. McCowan said he thought it was something that should be
continued and commended whoever thought of it.

       W.    Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairman adjourned the meeting at 1:59 p.m.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Edythe Jones Hayes
                                       Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A, 8A, and 8B, FCR's 1, 2, and 3 which
follow are official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting.)



                                                Office of the President
                                                October 25, 1988

Members, Board of Trustees:

                           PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: (1) that approval he given to the attached
appointments actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and 12) that the report relative to appointments and/or
changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Roard of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governinq Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:  Approved           Disapproved           Other

Date: October 25, 1988




                      COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



              Owensboro Community College

              Lacefield, Arch S., Evening/Weekend Coordinator,



               Ashland Community College

               Gross, Emma Lou, Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 9/1/88 through 12/31/88.
               Thompson, Rebecca R., Instructor in the Community
                    College System, 9/1/88 through 12/31/88.

               Elizabethtown Community College

               Freeman, Jean, Instructor in the Community College
                    System (voluntary), 9/1/88 through 6/30/89.

               Hazard Community College

               Blake, Barbara, Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 9/5/88 through 6/30/89.

               Hopkinsville Community College

               Snyder, Rebecca T., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 8/1/88 through 6/30/89.

               Jefferson Community College

               Darnell, Teena, Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 8/29/88 through 12/31/88.
               Land, Carol G., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 8/22/88 through 6/30/89.

               Lexington Community College

               Gunto, Jacqueline, Instructor in the Community College
                     System, 9/16/88 through 5/31/89.
               Lasheen, Cheryl A., Instructor in the Community College
                     System (voluntary), 8/24/88 through 5/30/89.
               Valentine, Allan D., Instructor in the Community
                     College System (voluntary), 8/24/88 through



          Owensboro Community College

          Walton, Stephan, Instructor in the Community College
               System, 8/1/88 through 6/30/89.

          Somerset Community College

          Sheppard, Susan, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/88 through 5/31/89.
          Strunk, Clyde, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 9/1/88 through 5/31/89.

          Southeast Community College

          Dorrough, Lynn C., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 8/22/88 through 6/30/89.
          Fortney, Homer R., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 9/21/88 through 12/17/89.


          Owensboro Community College

          Morris, Ed, Associate Professor in the Community
               College System (with tenure), Acting Chairman,
               Division of Humanities, Social Science and
               Related Technologies, 10/1/88 through 6/30/89.


          Hazard Community College

          Blake, Barbara, Instructor in the Community College
               System, joint with Southeast Community College,
               9/5/88 through 6/30/89.


          Lexington Community College

          Cloyd, Patty S., Assistant Professor in the Community
                College System (voluntary), 8/24/88 through
          Gade, Barbara J., Assistant Professor in the Community
                College System (voluntary), 8/24/88 through
          Henry, Robert G., Instructor in the Community College
                System (voluntary), 8/24/88 through 6/30/89.

          Somerset Community College

Burdine, Jana, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/88 through 5/31/89.



          Eaton, Kenny, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/88 through 5/31/89.
          Galloway, Debbie, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/88 through 5/31/89.
          Leis, Charolette, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/88 through 5/31/89.
          Ratliff, Donna, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/88 through 5/31/89.
          Wade, Tim, Instructor in the Community College System
               (voluntary), 8/1/88 through 5/31/89.
          Weaver, Bob, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/88 through 5/31/89.
          Wilson, Paul, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary) 8/1/88 through 5/31/89.
          Winchester, Lula, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/88 through 5/31/89.
          Wright, Bob E., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/88 through 5/31/89.


          Southeast Community College

          Borntrager, Milton, Associate Professor in the
               Community College System (with tenure), sabbatical
               leave at one-half salary for the 1989-90 academic



                              LEXINGTON CAMPUS



           College of Engineering

           Mahboub, Kamyar, Assistant Prcfessor, Civil Engineering, 8/16/88
              through 6/30/89.
           Stevens, James D., Associate Professor (temporary), Civil
              Engineering, 8/16/88 through 5/15/89.


           College of Business and Economics

           Calantone, Roger J., Professor (with tenure), Marketing, joint
              appointment as Professor (without tenure), Decision Science and
              Information Systems, 7/1/88 through 6/30/90.


           Vice Chancellor for Administration

           Ruschell, George J., Assistant Vice Chancellor for Administration,
              Auxiliary Services, after 36 consecutive years of service,
              under Section III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 10/31/88.


           College of Agriculture

           Reed, James E., Agricultural Technician I, Management Operations,
               after 18.5 consecutive years of service, under Section
               III.A.l(b) of AR II-1.6-1, effective 11/1/88.

           Vice Chancellor for Administration

           Bloodsaw, Ella Mae, Custodial Supervisor I, Physical Plant
               Division, after 27 consecutive years of service, under Section
               III.A.2(b) of AR II-1.6-1, effective 10/31/88.


            College of Agriculture

            Alien, Steve, Consultant (part-time), Agricultural Economics,
               10/15/88 through 1/31/89.

*Special Title Series





            College of Agriculture

            Luo, Xiwen, Visiting Professor, Agricultural Engineering, 9/1/88
               through 11/30/88.
            Manning, Christopher, Instructor (part-time), Horticulture and
               Landscape Architecture, 9/1/88 through 12/31/88.
            Witt, Craig, Instructor (part-time), Agricultural Economics,
               8/16/88 through 12/31/88.

            College of Arts and Sciences

            Baldwin, Stan, Instructor (part-time), Mathematics, 8/16/88
               through 12/31/88.
            Barnes, John, Instructor (part-time), Mathematics, 8/16/88
               through 12/31/88.
            Burgett, James E., Instructor (part-time), German, 8/16/88 through
            Chowdhury, Shamsud Duha, Instructor (part-time), Statistics,
               8/16/88 through 12/31/88.
            Duncan, Mary R., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88 through
            Egan, Thomas P., Instructor (part-time), Sociology, 8/16/88
               through 12/31/88.
            Fazey, Mark T., Instructor (part-time), Statistics, 8/16/88 through
            Flynn, Robert E., Instructor (temporary), Russian and Eastern
               Studies, 8/16/88 through 5/15/89.
            Fox, John, Instructor (part-time), Mathematics, 8/16/88 through
            Fox, Miriam E., Instructor (part-time), French, 8/16/88 through
            Fulmer, Constance, Instructor (part-time), Mathematics, 8/16/88
               through 12/31/88.
            Gordon, JoAnn M., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88 through
            Harley, Susan B., Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 8/16/88
                through 12/31/88.
            Haseman, Gloria, Instructor (part-time), Anthropology, 8/16/88
                through 12/31/88.
            Hill, Paula, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88 through
            Jones, Jeffrey, Instructor (part-time), Mathematics, 8/16/88
                through 12/31/88.
            Jordan, Sue, Instructor (part-time), Mathematics, 8/16/88 through
             Krause, Margaret, Instructor (part-time), Chemistry, 8/16/88
                through 12/31/88.

*Special Title Series



Leupold, Jocelyne, Instructor (part-time), French, 8/16/88 through
Masterman, Susan W., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88
   through 12/31/88.
Matis, James H., Visiting Professor (part-time), Statistics,
   8/16/88 through 12/31/88.
McDougall, Sanders, Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 8/16/88
   through 5/15/89.
Miller, Mary Margaret, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88
   through 12/31/88.
Mims, Linda, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88 through
Mize, J. Arthur, Instructor (part-time), Classics, 8/16/88 through
Mynear, Daniel, Instructor (part-time), French, 8/16/88 through
Osborn, Karen L., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88 through
    12/31/ 88.
Ramsey, Tammy J., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88 through
Rommel, Lylas D., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88 through
Service, Philip M., Instructor (part-time), Biological Sciences,
   8/16/88 through 12/31/88.
Thurman, Thomas L., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88
   through 12/31/88.
Tumlin, Markel D., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88 through
White, Clyde Patrick, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88
   through 12/31/88.
Wilson, Lucinda, instructor (part-time), Russian and Eastern
   Studies, 8/16/88 through 12/31/88.
Woods, Edward H., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/88 through

College of Engineering

Wu, Jung-Shu, Instructor (temporary), Engineering Mechanics
   8/16/88 through 12/31/88.

College of Fine Arts

Bullington, Judy, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/88 through
Cunningham, Caren, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/88 through
Elliott, William, Instructor (part-time)*, Music, 9/1/88 through
Guilfoil, Joanne, Assistant Professor (temporary), Art, 8/16/88
   through 5/15/89.

*Special Title Series



       Pen, Ronald, Instructor (part-time), Music, 8/16/88 through
       Pickett, Irwin, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/88 through
       Pierce, Diana Davidson, Instructor (temporary), Music, 8/16/88
          through 5/15/89.
       Prichard, Nathan, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/88 through
       Roberts, John Michael, Instructor (temporary)*, Theatre, 8/16/88
          through 5/15/89.
       Spence, Kim, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/88 through

       College of Law

       Bentley, Perry M., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through 2/28/89.
       Connelly, Allison I, Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through
       Cox, Stanley E., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through 2/28/89.
       Crittenden, Roger L., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through
       Dawahare, Debra H., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through
       Fong, Suzanne D., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through 2/28/89.
       Garmer, William R., Associate Professor (part-time), 8/22/88
          through 12/17/88.
       Green, Ronald L., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through 2/28/89.
       House, Stella B., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through 2/28/89.
       Nash, Ann E., Instructor (part-time), 8/22/88 through 12/17/88.
       Roney, Michael B., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through 2/28/89.
       Sellers, Terry K., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through 2/28/89.
       Shepherd, Phillip J., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through
       Treadway, Robert L., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/88 through

       College of Social Work

       Clark, Gail, Assistant Professor (part-time)*, 1/1/89 through


       Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

       Hazard, Victor A., appointed Associate Dean of Students, Office