Winter 1967 Volurn_g)XXXXI Issue 1
The Kentucky Alumnus is published quarfgély Aby the University of Kentucky Alumni
  Association. Type A Membership in thc Association includes subscription tothe Alumnus.
Section One: The University as a Center of Change
Edt · .
I O, The University as a Center 3 Dr. A. D. Albright and Dr. Art
QUENTLN D. ALLEN of National Life Callaher, ]r.
The University Focus 5 Dr. Howard VV. Beers
_ _ upon Change
Managing Editor
JAY BRUMFIELD Section Two: Domestic Change
The University Spurs 8 Dr. Frank A. Santipolo
Alumni News Editor Development
ADA D. REFBORD The University Goes 11 Dr. G. \V. Schneider
to the People
Gmphgc Dcsjgyl Section Three: International Change
ROBERT JAMES FOOSE The University Goes 14 Dr. \Villis GriHin
to Foreign Lands
The University in 18 Dr. \V. H. ]ansen
Developing People
Questions for Alumni 22 Don \Vhitehead, ’27,
E Mrs. Eugene Hamory, '41, '
Richard E. Cooper, ’38
; Alumni on the Go 24 Robert F. Hayes, ’28,
, Clay Lancaster, ’38,
_ \V. Russell Cox, ’39 _
I Looking Back to 29 A pictorialized look at
~’ Homecoming 1966 Homecoming 1966.
S The Chair Not for Sitting 41 Teaching excellence through the
’ traditionally endowed chair.
L. Club Notes 35 Club news from Atlanta, Knoxville,
Los Angeles, Cincinnati, Louisville
0 and Washington, D.C.
0 About the Alumni 37 Ada D. Refbord
(l Edited by the Department of Public Relations and printed under its direction. Scc»
ond class postage paid at Lexington. Kentucky 40506.
A- I .