rx- t   . . r and Ruth McQuown, research associ-
r Dearr T. 12 Cooper ofthe College of M0m€HtS lll HlSt()I`y t ale in the Bureau of Government Re-
' Agrieuirure is appointed ro n eoni- . search in the Department of Political
t mittee of specialists to rid the coun- °   Sleienicg wirl sgiltiy incrinelrind · · · R;
· try of the Mediterranean fruit fly. He e c ar oY e» stn ent rom Mic l·
1 goes io Wgghjngtgn and Fiorion to r _· r x _ A gan, is named the editor-in-chief of
1 meet with other committee mem-   X  " __,` UKQS Lew Jgurnal for thx 9%-55
i rs... ‘ ,, .,  ·  asa · aca emlcsc oo ear... aron
zggbb I·§I{_](;·tI$SS;Ie)gI?1f£)(E1g;i;i:§J\;]€S   _ · _ ,` ·  r Brando stars in ")Gn the WdI€Ifl'0HI,’, r
tty l County, where he unearthed relies » s y r  i   ' at the Kentucky Theatre . . .Thomas i
im T and evidence of an ancient race, in- ’  "  g ,,,      D; Clark, head ofthe Department of  
’ i cluding Indian moccasins, bone arti- i t 1 r- Y Y)? _ A , i t  ttf.   t`hstorY» announces a $5,000 fellow- i
. facts, fabric arid hiieltslriri . . .U1<’s   "“ T   —r»__ .,  ‘ »==¤=t   a s ship to go to the anthor of the best in- I
> I new Botanical Gardens, on the slope   i ·r     ` { Z.  . _    ‘ _.e· it E terlarettve manuscript on the eutture
re_ between White Hall and the athletic   ‘ _ g" r _“   Q ,·‘_ _; g i   § of Kentucky. The manuecnpt also wlll
fields, nears eornpierion pinnned by       ¤;tr;;;::    ,*§?’ tn?  E be published by the Unlverslty of
on, the Lexington Garden Club and UK, § __i` , r ·    `2..;;ta<·’;    _ _;     E Kc¤ll1ckY Press.
l these nine acres contain the largest Q   ,,s»g*·ei     K T {   ~ E
§ collection of rhododendrons in the eirf sl    ‘  .  h is-`  it ’  A-_§;? ¤2  it * §
i state along with an Italian cypress ,   _   Q5  
i grown by the California department   ‘ _ree,·  ne r __V- · en  r _ ` · E: Th K B d f _
ti, t of forestry from seeds collected in 2 t I s   __ ` s ` '_   sate essaea rg C U Oat O Trustees appomts
the garden of Gethsemane . . . UK     ,_     _. i           -5 two new deans- Roger E‘_ehhorn» Pro'
ng- announces that 17 students iri the       .·,·   _   p P P .  t"’Ss°r of mechanlcat "’“g‘“"e““g· ‘? l
i College ofArts am seieriees made l ~   s   ~     nameddeanol the collegetenn-
er l an NS duhng the Spring Semester I H I r __, _,,,   t e. 2 neerlng. Stephen Langston, associate ·
, UK student Carl Laughlin saves a . 1.   fc; Srofessfoéoj methemtgtgoi ts Fameoh
is -·-· ean o x enslon an lrec or o e
r  ot;‘t‘£tg‘g;/$S"l;tée;h]§§Z:;mi) Spring Skate Mates summer programs. . . UK sophomore
rescue her after hearing her screams Patty Brodie 3 sophomore lT13j0l`ll1g lll Anne Rush Wms the *979 Women S
m T ...S[l.1Cl€Il[S can getarrierl chicken elementary education,and Betsy Kirig, ftiateemateug gorileuryameat rr
’ ' dinner for $1 at The Canary Cottage a sophomore majoring in computer sci- C Slftnnougtcc . a inmd mil; Ut C
- Q every night- ence couldn’t ass u the ood s rin O cgc 9 Busmess as Ou cd m
g r ’ , p P g P   the previous 10 years and now stands
~ weather ln 1981 to pursue one of their ar 3,018 Students _ _ _ John R_ Van
’ i   favonte hobbies- Nagell, professor of gynecologic on-
. The Judiciary Committee ofthe stri- e cology at the Chandler Medical Cen-
r_ t denr Geyernrnenr Association nn- r ter, receives a five-year grant from the
nounces parking tickets are now being given to autos that are Amencan Cancer Society to support cancer research and or‘
= parked without authorized permits . . . Leslie L. Martin takes ganlze cancer teaching programs at UK · · · UZ Williams, a
over as Deah or lvleri as the former eleari,A. D. Kirwan, as- College of Arts and Sciences sophomores becomes the only
. ‘ stimes duties as professor or history . . . Diane Hunt, a UK edu- woman in Kentucky to be awarded a hill pilot scholarship in
i cation senior, is chosen "Miss Kentucky." The Kappa Alpha the   Arr Force ROTC Program - - ·Tlre Student Center
rm,   Theta member will represent Kehtoelry m the elvliss Amerioar cafetena no longer serves dinner, says Director of Food Ser-
  Contest Hunt also was UK’S 1954 May Day Queen _ _ jpnree VICCS Allen Rleman, because of flnanclal problems and lack
r- ii UK profs are awarded Fulbright Scholarships. Edwin 12. Stein, of demand during the operating hours from 450 to 6¤3tl pm
head of the Department of Music,will study in Austria; Jasper
lle, li B. Shannon, professor of political science, will go to Norway; Compiled by Linda perry T