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AlZl1EII11EI"’S SOI.IQl'It  U     I   l >=   'J»  A- I ‘   I   * »  
The University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on   gy/Ai Y I ·A A     { A     - i - I A
Aging is joining a nationwide effort to identify 1,000 2Q AA A ‘   ~ A. ` _   A ‘   . .  
families with two or more siblings with late-life   ·   A A ,_ ; _ { A A. Q_ . ‘'·_ I ·_ _ Q;
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) to participate in a major re- r-, A A 4-‘` ' A   Ai A ·l _ · ` . ,
. search study, the Al2heimer’s Disease Genetics Study.   A - ’   A A   " {Ae 7 ‘A .
i The goal of the study is to Speed the search for risk-fac- ‘   I ». I- A - _AA; ‘_ . _ P
tor genes that increase the risk of developing AD later ‘   ,   j   .
i in life.       I QW-.   .. / A i A I A . ei · i
  The AD Genetics Study is sponsored by the Na-  1    AA`»,.,\\{   (  , A _ "· 7 _ ·-l“ AA A A -
l tional Institute on Aging (NIA),part of the National In- §   " i-··   j     Aix   , Ay A` A .
l stitutes of Health in the U.S. Department of Health and   >jA`_~;{‘ i:,g   ilt   r »·`·   . ~\ I6   ·* A . - A
i Human Services, and is supported by the Alzheimer’s   AQ__         2-*?»,;',°r.     el, {   ‘ .1 -.,_ A
l Association. §   j, ·· ’j A,   . _ J j ~   .‘_‘   . AA A ···_, _
A "Discovery of risk—factor genes is essential for under- °” A A A A   ` AA A ‘ ‘A A A A A A
standing the causes of late-onset AD and for develop- _
ing effective treatments and prevention strategies," said Leupold   Rggtgpmg  
Charles D. Smith, M.D., professor of neurology and di- .
rector of the Clinical Core of the UK Alzheimer’s Dis- and Black Bears In Kentucky
A xii};iifelgigegililgirii;/IeC§g;eB;?f;;I;e(§c£];i{e;Hdeveee David Maehr, associate professor in the UK College of
e tating disease understand the urgency of finding the giiclggggzgjcggiglxcfzi   gg; §l;$5;d2gSe;;;_
A Causes Of   and how lO.St0p lt' . . demic environmental scientists from throughout the
_ To be eligible to participate inthe study, families United States and Guam receiving the award.
g}eA;tdh?e/(isgsggét three members who can donate Maehr currently is working to restore elk and black
_ ifwe eibheee (beethere ee Sisters) whe developed bear populations in Kentucky. I-Iislresearch uses satel-
AD efter eee 60 end hte and radio telemetry technologies on elk, and Global
_ Aeether femily eeember ever eee 50 whe mey Positioning Systems technology, standard radio telem-
heve memeey leee OR e femily member ever eee etry, and Geographical Information Systems simula-
60 whe deee net heve eey memery leee tions in the black bear project. He also is involved in
To participate in the study families shouldA contact researching the habitat needs Of nomgame “AAldAAA€’ as
NCRAD teueffee et 8OO_526:2839 er by eemeil et well as vertebrate colonization, plant succession, and
alzstudy@iupui edu Information is also available lapdsgipegtructurc m the rcstomuon Of K°“‘“°"yAS
‘ ‘ . . . mine an s.
thmugg thelitgldyk §§gb2?;€6%Bl§y calling Sm1th’ OY Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellowships provide sci-
- Jenny OX’ ‘ " at _ ` ' entists with intensive communications and leadership
~   · » Charles D, training to help them communicate scientific informa-
Q j_.,_‘   A A A ‘_ Smith, l\/l.D., tion to non-scientific audiences, especially policy mak-
A { ,.-A ,   Q AA I g S€alBd· and ers, the media, business leaders and the public.The
V   s i   j A   JC ,A . J€""V COX· award is named for Aldo Leopold, a renowned environ-
        A — · Mi RN- mental scientist who communicated his scientific
l it e-eA—-A     ._ knowledge simply and eloquently.
»  , _. I Q-   i     For more
, A 'A · y .·-—-   -—   .e_`     information about
, ·_ - -.._ w     ` E,       research takin_g_
{ ,\     ,.g·;\~ V rjeggé,   place at UK, visit
t ..   f, L P j  -__ ‘   _ ‘‘·r- 3   www.rgs.uky.edu
_ e -'» I lz A H  A   · 3   and
; -   .     ···-  e I .   www.mc.uky.edu
5   ._ A · ii ;..—_,.,/" Compiled from news reports about research at UK.
  ‘ A KENTUCKY Aruivmi 5