grail; 4 ORCHARD VITALITY tivetnless of frult trees and a decrease
1n_ e propor ion of nitrogen in a
Q THREATENED I`l:llX€d fertilizer decreases its effec-
9 A_ J_ QLNEY tiverless for oriharcli pulposes. Mixed
2 er 1 12ers are ene cia to the cover
  Many orchards have not received cl`0p·
{N j the usual treatment with nitrogen No gahafal }`€€Omm€1'1datiOn can
 A fertilizers this year. Since continued be made to Suit all orchard condi-
, mductjon is dg endent on a Sum- tions. The procedure to be followed
P P . .
l;  cient supply of nitrogen to the trees, W1ll dapahd Oh tb? growth and V1gO1‘
Ll growers should give the matter spe- of l.l'l€ l.1'€€S. F31lL11‘€ to fL1I`I1lSh 8
noon   cial attention at this time. Supply haaded to P1`OV1€-la adaqllata
gw   During the period when commer- growth Wlll 5hOW up in reduced
da;  ·  cial nitrogen fertilizers are short, grolps no}? yoaruino. the Years to
Deen tg some other means should be found o ow·th.€n°€¤ o ninportonoo .of
Nest   if possible. lf available, manure may ggvvbng is matter Serious attention
  be used to supply this need. It should ‘
    be recognized that the action of the Fct·ti];z€t· For 1944
€l€_   nitrogen in manure is slow and ap- _ _ _ _
mall   plication should be made in the fall , lt 15 hOp€d that tha f€ft1l1Z€1` Sltua-
and   or early winter to give the desired t1Oh maY Clear up SO that h'1O1`€ HOF-
1OW_ E. effect. Usually at least 200 pounds mal $1·1ppll€$ may be available f01'
_g in   a1`€_ hfadad to fugnish nitrogen 1934. t_t_ f f t_l_ _u b
men   equiva ent to 5 poun s of nitrate of duah 1 l€S O er 1 1Z€1‘ W1 _€
Own : soda. ma e ava1lable_ to different states in
_ V A l · accordance with the1r_ needs. In
  * mealsegllftidéllgr tirjthés ¤ii`$’$?€l 3;;*%;2§‘;‘;t“i‘;£lfrzllotainteiii
ated . supp y. _ e in of egume to be .. . . .
that { grown will _vary with the situation gorilllzokgllllslotn   thotF$`oohPro'
wigs » and experience of the grower. uc lon ollms ro lon a as mg'
jd 8 Usually one of the Clover family OI, ton will have to be_sent an estimate
Wigs a Euxtlire of clover; gives best re- O Vnnnl yealko roqolgomonts t d
j SU S. n many orc ards lespedeza €a1`€aS 1¤g€aC g1`OW€1‘ 0S€1”l
ttlodlf has proved most satisfactory. Where in a POSt Card with tha following
rl in needed, lime and phosphate should information:
V Be used to stimulate the growth of i_ An estimate of kind and
r of 9 COVE? Cmp- amount of nitrogen fertilizer
d in i An orchard that has a heavy sod needed between January 1,
; on . has Z goodd supply of nitrogen that 1944 and July 1, 1944.
{en- can e_ma e available to the trees 2_ Th b ft ees
i at gll§¤;gm;q¤.ug¤e 0§tW0thO1`O¤€l to %§“§§?&‘ii§’§dT““’“   " i
; ce in e ear y spring pro - · · ·
t on ~ ably would take the place of a mod- 3`   ggxgggllgg iilglggr Whlch
this erate application of sulfate of am- `
»rnal moma. S dth` ` f · at`o t· ·
PTO- This should be followed by re- en ls m mm I n O "
l942, seeding to a legume cover cro . Department of Horticulture
i so l p
. _ t should be pointed out that cul- University of Kentucky
  txvation_over a considerable_ period Lexington, Kentucky
.t I is undesirable because of erosion and
Q/gr; should be avoided. _
l t Qn rough land or where erosion is — Y
I? gg Serlous and the land must be culti- HINTb AND 0BSER\A`
mc}, vated, strip cultivation and cover TIONS
thlé Cl`0DDlHg should be practiced. By W_ W_ MAGILL `
e re- _ In old orchards where the shade Field Agent lll Hcrtlcultme
is heavy, legumes will not succeed
nine as well as grasses.
f1hp· The use of low-nitrogen mixed · ·
gate? feritilizeg may be recommended to Blum. Rot _u t
1 o a_ imite extent to supplement the The alert apple grower NW1 no "
h, 35 Hltrogen supply, However, in most get "too busy" to examine the QFOP
S€h· Kentucky orchards nitrogen is the at least twice each week for Bitter
only element that limits the produc- Rot appearance through late July
. SEE;. or