z l
and1Augr1s§. Hand gickingtof infected NEW STRAWBERRY VARIETY
app es 0 owe y spo spraying ,, . _
l with Bordeaux may give you a cash -lENNE$$EE SUIPPF-R
saving of $100 p€l` day. W_ Dr ARMSTRONG   l
Dried Apples In commercial trials over the en- ` 5
Ingugncg your neighbor and tire state this spring the Tennessee r  r
friends to _d1‘y 8 llb€‘1`8l Supply of Shipper Strawberry has shown un-  ` 1
Summer Wmd falls They will heed usual promise. This berry developed  g .
them before another crop of fruit 1S h h _ _.   -
produced y t e Tennessee Expelimcnt Sta-   r
tion has been tested here in the state  L.
New Sprayers for four years by the Kentucky Ex-  E ,
State your needs and demand rm. periment Station at Lexington and r l
new spray equipment for producing Prmeeton. In these tests the berry { I
tl`1€ 1944 CI`Op Bl. 0l'lC€.   \Vlll give Shggvgd great ppgynlgg in Cgnlpgrl- l
ggrlglekgfgir dealer a better chance to son with such varieties as Premier, rl
' Blakemore, and Aroma. ln 1942 the  
Save Contrnnors llrst plants for commercial testing Y
Fruit baskets and other containers becaml almlable aml wclc Sl cullll .
for 1943 crops are becoming almost by W.· W. Maglll, Extension Hoiti- L.
un0btall·lgblg_ TO   Over   Situ;}- CllllLll`lSl. These l)l8Y`llS \VCl`C sent lt`!
tion, all used containers should be Lexington and were fumigated with
saved and repaired, if necessary. Methyl Bromlrle rm. Crown bowl. _
A recent survey indicates that most t_ 1 h D_ P O R. _h _ r
Kentucky growers in the shipping coll l0 y l· · · lh el Ol lle
areas have a fair stock of baskets on Elll0¤'l0l0§Y _D€l>il1`lm€¤l- TUC l>l¤lllS
hand. In other areas the require- were then distributed over the state ~
ments are uncertain. Growers who and placed with a few cooperative
sell on local or roadside markets growers who agreed to give the
probably will depend on used con- plants a fair test with good com- (
lZ3l1'l€I`S OI` Ol') l)Lly€I`S to f\1I‘I'llSll th€lI` I`[`iC[`Qi{]l Cayo and [O ygpgrt lllgly rg- ’·
‘ ownhcontainers. Paper bags suitable gulls, .
for andling local sales are avail- . . · ,- . V
able ml will be used l0 me ex- ooS;3£“aio§‘?2”§$Ero$l aL3%$G£i-°yi‘éiS
telgonsult your local bottling plants glllellrllrrlrglrldngrgirscll illlrpplllh lllllll lrllllll
for empty, heavy paper 100 lb. sugar heavier ’CrO rh, rr lhlllhd l _ mil {rf;
bags. They have no use for them. chscs rhcpr. d· 8 0m0lC' ll _“ _
- 1u1t has been laigl
You will find they make an excellent through the Season Ver bri hr md
apple package lol your local lalm attractive in color: anld hal; stbod
Sales- They are ylellly l¤¤ell» ll¤lll aaroorog uoao- ice. ln a test aan-
a bushel or more of apples, are easy mem rrom Paduc   r Ch. _ hlr
to load into a motor car and the Varlet We t th? hl b liagonll
customers likes them. A 5c bag will Blhkcgm, ll d lrollg C· Cl lag
therefore replace a basket. ·lC all lomlll plckcd ml
prncked in the same crate. In season,
,_..?.— lS variety ripens between Blake-
more and Aroma. It blooms late and
Spray Lime this year avoided a late frost that
I The hhst hydrated hmh for Spray injured Blakemole blossoms. r
lng purposos rs the forrn known os In a mulch trial at Paducah this
"chemical hydrated lime." Most of Year TChh€_$$€€ ShlDPCl` Showcd
tho so_oallod agricultural l-rydrotos average hardmess. Plots that were
and those used in making mortar and mulchhd lh D0€€l'hh€l` Plhdllccd ill
plostor sro too ooor-so to be sous? the rate ol 50 crates per acre more
lactory. These coarse limes contain than Plots that had l`l0 0V€l`·Wll`ll°l`
small ilinty particles that are very mulch-
distructive to valve seats, pressure Another new variety of the Aroma
regulators, and spray nozzles. Ex- season, Tennessee Beauty, was also
penses for repairs can be reduced commercially tested in a limited
hy using the fine chemical hydrated way and is also showing great prom-
1me. 1se.