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’f ;    St0fY by lViattl1ew T. Patton • Design by jcnnilicr 'lhylor  
      ilty years alter UK's tirst Atrican»American student was admitted, the Q
    Minority Altairs program has helped UK become a viable and l
L   appealing option tor Atrican-American students to turther their education, Q
r   Dr. Lauretta Byars, vice chancellor lor Minority Altairs, said the college experience lor the typi— r
si  cal Atrican—American student dillered lrom that ol a more traditional student, especially in a pre- l
‘ A    dominantly white setting. l
» _     During the it?9798 academic year, 6 percent al UKls undergraduate students were resident {
 T   ij   Alricen-Americans, based an tindings tram the Council on Postsecondary Education. Byars said l
      enrollment has doubled in the last lO years. r
      Byers believed the research being done by the program will help UK reach its goal al becam- t
  r   ing a top 2O research institution. l
  é   "We have evidence to show that this program is an academic success," she said. "Thraugh it,  
      we ere trying ta combat the stereotype that Alrican-Americans perlarm poorly in mathematics and t
  l L   science" 5
  i   One Minority Attairs program which showed academic success is the Freshman Summer j
      Program. The FSP began in the l970s when concerned laculty, especially those in Minority l
      Atlairs, saw the need to establish a program lor incoming Alrican-American students. Some lacul 1
_ `     ty membeés were donating their own money at the time, until grants were provided tram the state, ;
  ‘-    yForty.seven students lrom across the state participated last summer The students were divided l
  ,   into three teams. All were enrolled in UK lOl, the introductory course to UK, and in a variety al 1
 ?  AA  sg; math and science classes. `