University of Kentucky
2006-08 Capital Request
Select Project Descriptions, continued
23. Install HVAC in Keeneland Hall
78,480 gross sq. ft.                                  Agency Bonds               $7,013,000
This project will install a center HVAC system in Keeneland Hall, which was constructed in 1954.
24. Renovate Running Track
Agency Bonds               $2,500,000
This project will renovate the running track surface and upgrade the running track bleachers.
25. Construct Hagan Baseball Stadium Clubhouse
10,000 gross sq.ft.                                  Agency Bonds               $4,000,000
The project would construct a new baseball stadium clubhouse that includes a locker/shower/player lounge, and coaches' and support staff offices. The project also includes construction of an attached, indoor fielding/hitting area. The facility would be located adjacent to the current Baseball playing field.