F.         Administrative Regulation Revision (PR 4)
President Todd said that PR 4 is a revision to the Administrative Regulations. This recommendation brings lecturers more in line with the prevailing standards within the university. He asked Interim Provost Smith to comment on the revision.
Dr. Smith explained that this is a change that requires Board action because it establishes a new academic title series of senior lecturer, and the Governing Regulations specify that this be approved by the Board of Trustees. The lecturer series, a full-time lecturer, is a solution in part to the SACS issue of excessive reliance on part-time instructors. Full-time lecturers are an important part of the faculty in the academic community, and this and other measurers, including extending full benefits to lecturers, is a way of elevating the status of that particular position. This specific action is to create a senior lecturer position and make lecturers eligible for two-year terms of appointment rather than one-year terms as now exists.
Mr. Hardymon pointed out that this recommendation was reviewed at an earlier committee meeting that morning. It was not an agenda item or a vote item at the committee meeting. Many Board members attending the meeting had quite a bit of discussion on it. He called for a motion. On motion made by Ms. Sparks, seconded by Ms. Ball and carried, PR 4 was approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)
G.        Reappointment of Board of Directors University of Kentucky Research Foundation (PR 5)
President Todd said that PR 5 is a recommendation that the Board approve the reappointments of Trustee Pamela May for a three-year term and public member Henry Jackson for a three-year term to the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation. Mr. Shoop moved approval. His motion, seconded by Ms. Haney, carried without dissent. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)
H.        Reappointment to Board of Directors of The Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Medical Center (PR 6)
President Todd said that PR 6 is the recommendation for approval of the reappointment of Carol Farmer for a two-year term to the Board of Directors of The Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in the Chandler Medical Center. Ms. Ball moved approval. Ms. Smith Edge seconded her motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)
I.         Agreement between University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services Foundation (PR 7)
President Todd asked Mr. Butler to comment on PR 7.